
Defines functions as_tracks expand_tracks expand_tracks2 is.tracks check_complete

Documented in as_tracks check_complete expand_tracks is.tracks

#' The \code{tracks} object
#' @param tr Data.frame with tracking data (from read in functions).
#' @param frame_rate Frames per second.
#' @param resolution Provide standard name for resolution (e.g. "720") or actual
#'    resolution in pixels (e.g. "1920x1080"). Stored for later use, also
#'    used as default tracking window (boundary).
#' @param meta_data Optionally supply a data.frame with meta data about the
#'   trials, such as treatments. Can include a column named \code{trial} that
#'   needs to match the trial names listed in the \code{trial} table. Otherwise
#'   this column is created, with identical ordering as the \code{trial} table
#'   assumed.
#' @param px_per_cm Length scaling factor. When left at 1, all measurements will
#'   be per pixel.
#' @param minimal When TRUE, the minimum amount of components (see list below)
#'   are including in the object. When FALSE, the group, pairs and trial
#'   components will already be generated.
#' @return A tracks object.
#' @section Object structure:
#' The tracks object is a \code{list} with the following tables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{tr}}{\code{party_df} organized by trial, animal, frame.
#'   Useful for storing individual variables such as location, speed,
#'   orientation, distance to object etc.}
#'   \item{\code{soc}}{\code{party_df} organized by trial, pair of animals,
#'   frame. Useful for storing social variables, such as distance, relative
#'   orientation etc.}
#'   \item{\code{group}}{\code{tbl_df} organized by trial, frame. Useful for
#'   storing group level variables, such as polarization, centrality, group
#'   size, mean neighbour distance etc.}
#'   \item{\code{location}}{\code{tbl_df} organized by trial, xbin, ybin.
#'   Useful for aggregate data for spatial heatmaps etc.}
#'   \item{\code{meta_data}}{\code{tbl_df} organized by trial. Contains
#'   information about the trial, such as group origin, treatment, time of
#'   testing etc.}
#'   \item{\code{animal}}{\code{tbl_df} organized by trial and animal,
#'   containing animal level measurements (nested in trial), such as average
#'   speed.}
#'   \item{\code{pair}}{\code{tbl_df} organized by trial and pair, containing
#'   pair level measurements (nested in trial), such as average distance.}
#'   \item{\code{trial}}{\code{tbl_df} organized by trial, containing trial
#'   level measurements, such as average speed.}
#'   \item{\code{params}}{A \code{list} with general experiment parameters, such
#'   as frame_rate, scale, resolution etc.}
#' }
#'  \code{tracks}, \code{meta_data}, and \code{params} are always present,
#'  others may not be. This is to preserve memory space when they are not
#'  needed. Order is not garantueed, refer by name if you need to access them.
#'  Methods for common generics may be available.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_idTracker}}, \code{\link{read_Ctrax}}
#' @export
#' @aliases tracks
as_tracks <- function(tr, frame_rate, resolution, meta_data = NULL,
                      px_per_cm = 1, minimal = TRUE) {
  # Input handling -------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.data.frame(tr))
    stop('tr has to be a data.frame.', call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(frame_rate) | length(frame_rate) > 1)
    stop('frame_rate has to be a numeric vector of length 1.', call. = FALSE)

  res <- as.character(resolution)
  Source <- attributes(tr)$source

  # Define bounds (default) #---------------------------------------------------
  if (substr(res, nchar(res), nchar(res)) == 'p') {
    res <- substr(res, 1, nchar(res) - 1)

  if (res %in% c('480', '720', '1080')) {
    ress <- list('480' = c(640, 480),
                 '720' = c(1280, 720),
                 '1080' = c(1920, 1080))
    res <- as.numeric(ress[[res]])
  } else {
    res <- as.numeric(strsplit(res, split = '[xX]')[[1]])
  bounds <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, res[2], res[1], res[2], res[1], 0), 2,
                   dimnames = list(c('x', 'y'), c('ll', 'ul', 'ur', 'lr')))

  # Check or create meta_data table --------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(meta_data)) {
    if (is.null(tr$trial)) {
      meta_data <- dplyr::data_frame(trial = factor(1))
    } else {
      meta_data <- dplyr::data_frame(trial = levels(tr$trial))
  } else {
    if (is.null(meta_data$trial)) {
      if (nrow(meta_data) != length(levels(tr$trial)))
        stop('Number of rows in meta_data is not equal to the number of
             different trials in tr.', call. = FALSE)
      meta_data$trial <- levels(tr$trial)
    } else {
      if (!setequal(levels(tr$trial), levels(tr$trial)))
        stop('The factor levels of trial in meta_data and tr do not match.',
             call. = FALSE)
      # if we arrive here we just leave meta_data as supplied.

  if (is.null(tr$trial)) {
    tr$trial <- factor(1)

  tr <- dplyr::group_by_(tr, ~trial, ~animal)

  # Build object and return ----------------------------------------------------
  tracks <- list(tr = tr,
                 meta_data = meta_data,
                 params = list(frame_rate = frame_rate,
                               resolution = res,
                               bounds = bounds,
                               px_per_cm = px_per_cm,
                               source = Source))
  tracks$params <- tracks$params[!sapply(tracks$params, is.null)]

  if (minimal) {
    attributes(tracks)$class <- 'tracks'
    expand_tracks(tracks, soc = FALSE, group = FALSE)
  } else {

#' Add missing components to a tracks object.
#' This function will add the group, pairs and trial components to a track
#' object, if they are currently not included. Note that the pairs component
#' will be increase the size by a lot, if there is more than a few animals per
#' trial.
#' Note that this function is similar to running \code{as_tracks(tracks$tr, ...)
#' }, but safer (i.e. no loss of data).
#' If group, pairs and trial are all false, it will return tracks.
#' @param tracks A tracks object.
#' @param soc If TRUE, soc will be checked for and added if missing.
#' @param group If TRUE, group will be checked for and added if missing.
#' @param trial If TRUE, trial will be checked for and added if missing.
#' @param animal If TRUE, animal will be checked for and added if missing.
#' @param pair If TRUE, pair will be checked for and added if missing.
#' @seealso \link{as_tracks}
#' @return A tracks object.
#' @export
expand_tracks <- function(tracks,
                          soc = TRUE,
                          group = TRUE,
                          trial = TRUE,
                          animal = TRUE,
                          pair = TRUE) {
  Group <- Soc <- Animal <- Trial <- Pair <- NULL
  # Build pairs object (becomes very large with many animals) ------------------
  if (soc & is.null(tracks$soc)) {
    # Might have to look for a faster way (without groups and using nesting)
    Soc <- dplyr::mutate_(tracks$tr, .dots = list(animal2 = ~animal))
    Soc <- dplyr::group_by_(Soc, ~trial)
    Soc <- tidyr::expand_(Soc, dots = list(~frame, ~animal, ~animal2))
    Soc <- dplyr::rename_(Soc, .dots = list(animal1 = ~animal))
    Soc <- dplyr::filter_(Soc, ~animal1 != animal2)
    Soc <- dplyr::group_by_(Soc, ~trial, ~animal1, ~animal2)

  # Build group object ---------------------------------------------------------
  if (group & is.null(tracks$group)) {
    Group <- dplyr::group_by_(tracks$tr, ~trial, ~frame)
    Group <- dplyr::summarize(Group)

  #Build trial object ----------------------------------------------------------
  if (trial & is.null(tracks$trial)) {
    Trial <- dplyr::group_by_(tracks$tr, ~trial)
    Trial <- dplyr::summarize(Trial)

  #Build animal object ---------------------------------------------------------
  if (animal & is.null(tracks$animal)) {
    Animal <- dplyr::group_by_(tracks$tr, ~trial, ~animal)
    Animal <- dplyr::summarize(Animal)

  #Build animal object ---------------------------------------------------------
  if (pair & !is.null(Soc) & is.null(tracks$pair)) {
    Pair <- dplyr::group_by_(Soc, ~trial, ~animal1, ~animal2)
    Pair <- dplyr::summarize(Pair)
    Pair <- dplyr::group_by_(Pair, ~trial)

  # Build object and return ----------------------------------------------------
  tracks <- c(tracks,
              list(soc = Soc),
              list(group = Group),
              list(trial = Trial),
              list(animal = Animal),
              list(pair = Pair))
  tracks <- tracks[!sapply(tracks, is.null)]
  attributes(tracks)$class <- 'tracks'


expand_tracks2 <- function(tracks, tbl) {
  if ('soc' %in% tbl) {
    tracks <- expand_tracks(tracks, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
  if ('group' %in% tbl) {
    tracks <- expand_tracks(tracks, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
  if ('trial' %in% tbl) {
    tracks <- expand_tracks(tracks, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
  if ('animal' %in% tbl) {
    tracks <- expand_tracks(tracks, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if ('pair' %in% tbl) {
    tracks <- expand_tracks(tracks, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)

#' @describeIn as_tracks Test if object is of class tracks.
#' @param x An object.
#' @export
is.tracks <- function(x) {
  methods::is(x, 'tracks')

#' Report track completeness per trial.
#' The report gives two statistics:
#' - complete: which is simply the percentage of frame by animal by trial
#'   combinations for which the vars are there.
#' - per frame: which checks for what percentage of frames all animals are
#' complete. This is useful for social parameters, for which all individuals are
#' needed.
#' If some frames were poorly tracked, the two parameters will be similar. If
#' there are large differences, then there is many frames in which a portion of
#' the individuals gets.
#' @section Note:
#' This is only useful if their are persistent id's across the video. If there
#' are any spurious detections, this will lead to very low scores.
#' @param tracks A tracks object
#' @param vars The variables in the $tr table that need to be present to count
#'   towards completeness.
#' @param lower_limit If a percentage is below this limit, the cell in the table
#'   will be marked with a *.
#' @return Prints a table, silently returns the table too.
#' @export
check_complete <- function(tracks, vars = c('X', 'Y'), lower_limit = 95) {
  tr <- tracks$tr
  tr <- do.call(dplyr::select_,
                c(list(tr), c('trial', 'frame', 'animal', vars)))
  fr <- range(tr$frame)
  fr <- range(unlist(fr))

  # We left_join a data.frame with the complete range of frames for every animal
  tr <- dplyr::do(tr,
                    data.frame(trial = .$trial[1],
                               frame = fr[1]:fr[2],
                               animal =
                                     fr[2] - fr[1] + 1)),
                    ., by = c('frame', 'animal', 'trial')))
  # Count the NA's in vars
  tr <- dplyr::group_by_(tr, ~trial)
  tab <- dplyr::do(tr,
                   complete = nrow(.[stats::complete.cases(.), vars]) / nrow(.))
  tab <- dplyr::arrange(tab, trial)
  tr <- dplyr::group_by_(tr, ~trial, ~frame)

  f <- function(dat, var) {
    dots <- stats::setNames(list(lazyeval::interp(~anyNA(v), v = as.name(var))),
    dplyr::summarize_(dat, .dots = dots)
  l <- lapply(vars, f, dat = tr)
  l <- lapply(l, dplyr::collect)
  l <- dplyr::bind_cols(l[[1]][, c('trial', 'frame')],
                        dplyr::bind_cols(lapply(l, '[', , 'na')))
  names(l) <- 1:ncol(l)
  l <- split(l, l$`1`)
  l <- lapply(l, '[', , c(-1, -2))
  l <- lapply(l, rowSums)
  l <- unlist(lapply(l, function(x) sum(x == 0) / length(x)))
  # Prepare a nice table
  tab2 <- data.frame(tab[, 1], unname(unlist(tab[, 2])), unname(l))
  names(tab2) <- c('Trial', 'Complete', 'Per frame')
  tab3 <- tab2
  tab3[, 2:3] <- round(tab3[, 2:3] * 100, 2)
  tab5 <- tab4 <- tab3
  tab4[, 2:3] <- apply(tab3[, 2:3], 2, paste0, '%')
  for (i in 2:3) tab4[, i] <- ifelse(tab3[, i] > lower_limit, tab3[, i],
                                     paste('*', tab3[, i]))
  for (i in 2:3) tab5[, i] <- ifelse(tab3[, i] > lower_limit, tab3[, i],
                                     paste(tab3[, i], '*'))
  if (requireNamespace('knitr', quietly = TRUE))
Ax3man/trackr documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:53 p.m.