
Defines functions bdsky_plot

Documented in bdsky_plot

#' Plot Birth_Death Skyline Plots
#' This function plots the epidemiological parameters of a BDSKY analysis with
#' their HPD intervals.
#' Currently, specific times can only be used for samplingProportion (using the
#' parameter samplingRateChangeTimes in the xml input file for BEAST) and must
#' be provided (in the xml file) in order from the oldest to the most recent.
#' @param logs (character) The path to the log file(s) or the path to the file
#'   with ".txt" extension that stores the path to all log files to be analyzed
#'   or NULL to select (default: NULL)
#' @param burninpercent (integer) The percentage of samples that should be
#'   ignored from the log file
#' @param recent (numeric) Date of the most recent sample (for plotting from
#'   past to present)
#' @param gridSize (integer)
#' @param RepNumb (character) Name of the R0 parameter (default: "R0.s")
#' @param bUninfectiousRate (character) Name of the becomeUninfectious parameter
#'   (default: "becomeUninfectiousRate.s")
#' @param sProportion (character) Name of the samplingProportion parameter
#'   (default: "samplingProportion.s")
#' @param SamplingDates (numeric) If specific times were used to set the changes
#'   in samplingProportion (using the parameter samplingRateChangeTimes in the
#'   xml file), the dates of the changes in the rate, otherwise NULL (default)
#' @author Denise Kuehnert (denise.kuehnert@gmail.com)
#' @author Carlo Pacioni (carlo.pacioni@gmail.com)
#' @return A PDF with the plots
#' @import s20x
#' @import boa
#' @import Hmisc
#' @import miscTools
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.copy2pdf
#' @importFrom graphics abline lines plot polygon
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom utils read.table tail
#' @export

bdsky_plot <- function(logs=NULL, burninpercent=10, recent=NULL, gridSize=20,
                       SamplingDates=NULL) {

  #### Function helper ####
  # input : a matrix M and a column ascii name
  # output : the numeric index of the column
  colnameindex <- function(M, colname0) {
  # Return the extension from a file name
  getextension <- function(x) {
    substr(x, nchar(x) - 3, nchar(x))
  # Read a text file and returns the loglist
  getLogNames <- function(logs) {
    loglist <- read.table(logs, as.is=TRUE, header=FALSE)
    dir.in <- dirname(logs)
    loglist[, 1] <- paste(dir.in, loglist[, 1], sep="/")

  # Return a df with on character column of logfile names from a character vector
  dfLogNames <- function(logs) {
    loglist <- data.frame(logs)
    loglist[, 1] <- as.character(loglist[, 1])


  if(is.null(logs)) {
    message("Please, select the file that stores the path to all log files to be
            analyzed (with extension .txt) or the actual log file.")
    logs <- file.choose()

  if(length(logs) == 1) {
    if(!file.exists(logs))  stop("Something went wrong.
              Please check that logs is a character vector with either the path to
              the file with .txt extension that stores the path to all log files
              to be analyzed, the path to the log file(s) or NULL to select the
              file interactively")
    if(getextension(logs) == ".txt") loglist <- getLogNames(logs)
    if(getextension(logs) == ".log") loglist <- dfLogNames(logs)
    } else {
      loglist <- dfLogNames(logs)

  if(is.null(recent)) stop("Please provide an integer value for recent")

  burninpercent <- as.integer(burninpercent)
  gridSize <- as.integer(gridSize)
  if(is.null(SamplingDates)) SamplingDates <- recent

  for(i in 1:length(loglist[,1])){
    dir.out <- dirname(loglist[i,])

    # /* read and assign file from log list */
    assign(paste("log", i, sep=''), read.table(loglist[i,], header=T))
    attach(get(paste("log", i, sep='')))

    R0_names <- names(get(paste("log", i, sep='')))[which(
               regexpr(RepNumb, names(get(paste("log", i, sep=''))))>0)]

    delta_names <- names(get(paste("log", i, sep='')))[which(
      regexpr(bUninfectiousRate, names(get(paste("log", i, sep=''))))>0)]

    sampling_names <- names(get(paste("log", i, sep='')))[which(
      regexpr(sProportion, names(get(paste("log", i, sep=''))))>0)]

    treeheights <- get(paste("log", i, sep=''))[, match(
                   "treeheight", tolower(names(get(paste("log", i, sep='')))))]
    origins <- get(paste("log", i, sep=''))$origin

    nsamples <- length(get(R0_names[1]))
    burnin <- round(burninpercent*nsamples/100)
    width <- median(origins[burnin:nsamples])

    F_intervalNumber <- length(R0_names)
    G_intervalNumber <- length(delta_names)
    H_intervalNumber <- length(sampling_names)

    if (max(F_intervalNumber, G_intervalNumber, H_intervalNumber) > gridSize)
    {gridSize <- max(F_intervalNumber, G_intervalNumber, H_intervalNumber)}

    medians <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=1, ncol=gridSize)
    medians_G <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=1, ncol=gridSize)
    medians_H <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=1, ncol=gridSize)

    hpd_F <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=2, ncol=gridSize)
    hpd_G <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=2, ncol=gridSize)
    hpd_H <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=2, ncol=gridSize)

    F <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nsamples-burnin, ncol=gridSize) #R0
    G <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nsamples-burnin, ncol=gridSize) #becomeuninfectiousRate
    H <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nsamples-burnin, ncol=gridSize) #samplingProportion

    step <- width/(gridSize - 1)
    F_times <- seq(recent - width, recent, step)

    for(k in 1:(nsamples - burnin)){

      time <- origins[k + burnin]

      for (l in 1:length(F_times)){
        F_index <- ceiling(F_intervalNumber -
                            (recent - F_times[l])/(time/F_intervalNumber))
        G_index <- ceiling(G_intervalNumber -
                            (recent - F_times[l])/(time/G_intervalNumber))

        if(F_times[l] <= SamplingDates[1]) {
          H_index <- 1
        } else {
          sinterval <- max(which(F_times[l] > SamplingDates))
          if(SamplingDates[sinterval + 1] == recent) {
            H_index <- ceiling(H_intervalNumber -
                                 (recent - F_times[l])/(time/H_intervalNumber))
          } else {
            H_index <- sinterval + 1

        F[k,l] <- get(R0_names[max(F_index, 1)])[k + burnin]
        G[k,l] <- get(delta_names[max(G_index, 1)])[k + burnin]
        H[k,l] <- get(sampling_names[max(H_index, 1)])[k + burnin]


    for(j in 1:gridSize) {
      if (length(which(F[,j]!="NA")) > (nsamples/10)) {
        medians[1,j] <- median(F[,j],na.rm=T)
        medians_G[1,j] <- median(G[,j],na.rm=T)
        medians_H[1,j] <- median(H[,j],na.rm=T)
        hpd_F[,j] <- boa.hpd(F[which(F[,j]!="NA"),j], 0.05)[1:2]
        hpd_G[,j] <- boa.hpd(G[which(G[,j]!="NA"),j], 0.05)[1:2]
        hpd_H[,j] <- boa.hpd(H[which(H[,j]!="NA"),j], 0.05)[1:2]


    # /* plot R0 */
    plot(1, ylab=expression(R[0]), xlim=c(recent-width, recent),
         ylim=c(0,max(hpd_F[2,],na.rm=T)*1.1), xlab="Year", col='white', main='')
    minor.tick(nx=5, ny=2, tick.ratio=.2)
    polygon(c(F_times,rev(F_times)), c(hpd_F[2,], rev(hpd_F[1,])), col="grey90",
            border = NA)
    lines(c(F_times), c(medians[1,]), type='l')

    # /* plot become non-infectious rate */
    plot(1, ylab=expression(delta), xlim=c(recent-width, recent),
         ylim=c(0,max(hpd_G[2,],na.rm=T)*1.1), xlab="Year", col='white', main='')
    minor.tick(nx=5, ny=2, tick.ratio=.2)
    polygon(c(F_times,rev(F_times)), c(hpd_G[2,], rev(hpd_G[1,])), col="grey90",
            border = NA)
    lines(F_times, medians_G[1,], type='l')

    # /* plot samplingProportion */
    plot(0, ylab=expression(s), xlim=c(recent-width, recent),
         ylim=c(0,max(hpd_H[2,],na.rm=T)*1.1),  xlab="Year", col='white', main='')
    minor.tick(nx=5, ny=2, tick.ratio=.2)
    polygon(c(F_times,rev(F_times)), c(hpd_H[2,], rev(hpd_H[1,])), col="grey90",
    lines(F_times, medians_H[1,], type='l')

    # /* copy to pdf file, filename includes seed from logfile */
    seed <- unlist(strsplit(tail(unlist(strsplit(loglist[i,],'_')),1),'.log'))[1]
    dev.copy2pdf(file=paste(dir.out, paste0("bdsky_plot_", i, "_", seed, ".pdf"), sep='/'))
    detach(get(paste("log", i, sep='')))
BEAST2-Dev/rbeast2 documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:24 a.m.