
Defines functions checkR

Documented in checkR

#' Creates a list of image date folders to process.
#' This function is used internally in the jpegR function to create a list of 
#' image date folders to process. It also:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item splits an ESRI shape file into multiple shape files based on unique 
#'     entries in a field of the attribute table
#'     \item stores the split shape files in a folder named \emph{QAshapes}
#'     \item performs checks to see that leap year image folders are named 
#'     correctly
#'     \item outputs results in \strong{DateSiteList} RData file
#'     }
#' @param wkdir character string of the working directory where your original 
#' shape file is located
#' @param imdir character string of the directory where imagery is located to 
#' path/row level
#' @param shp character string of the name of the shape file (no extension)
#' @param shp.ID character string of the name of the field in the attribute
#' table of the shape file that contains the unique entries (e.g.site numbers)
#' @return creates a list of image date folders in RDA format used in the jpegR
#' function
#' @author Bart Huntley, \email{bart.huntley@@dpaw.wa.gov.au}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' checkR("../wkdir", "../imdir", "plot_locations", "Plot_ID")
#' }
#' @export
#' @import raster rgdal maptools

checkR <- function(wkdir, imdir, shp, shp.ID){
  ## Create QAshapes working folder for shapefiles #############################
  if(!file.exists("QAshapes")){ dir.create("QAshapes")}
  shpdir <- paste0(wkdir, "\\", "QAshapes")
  ## QA leap file folders for correct date #####################################
  leapR <- function(imdir){
    allfiles <- list.files(recursive = TRUE)
    result <- allfiles[grepl("*pre.ers", allfiles)]
    result <- result[!grepl("^[a-zA-Z]", result)]
    #date for folder
    fold <- substr(result, 1, 8)
    fdate <- as.character(as.Date(fold, "%Y%m%d"))
    #date for image
    ldate <- as.character(as.Date(substr(result, 21, 26), "%d%m%y"))
    #find mismatch
    bad.fold.dates <- setdiff(fdate, ldate)
    #correct the folder names and path
    corr.fold.dates <- as.Date(bad.fold.dates, "%Y-%m-%d") - 1
    corr.fold <- gsub("-", "", as.character(corr.fold.dates))
    new.name <- paste0(imdir, "\\", corr.fold)
    #old folder names and path to correct
    bad.fold <- gsub("-", "", as.character(bad.fold.dates))
    old.name <- paste0(imdir, "\\", bad.fold)
    #rename folders
    file.rename(old.name, new.name)
  ## Handle shape file to single parts (sites) #################################
  shpSplitR2 <- function(wkdir, shpdir, shp, shp.ID){
    data <-  readOGR(dsn = ".", shp)
    unique <- unique(data@data[,shp.ID])
    sites <- as.character(unique)
    for(i in 1:length(sites)){
      tmp <- data[data@data[,shp.ID] == sites[i], ]
      writeOGR(tmp, dsn=getwd(), sites[i], driver="ESRI Shapefile",
  shpSplitR2(wkdir, shpdir, shp, shp.ID)
  ## Get shp names to iterate through ##########################################
  shpfiles <- list.files(path = shpdir, pattern = "*.shp")
  shpfiles <- shpfiles[!grepl("xml", shpfiles)] #xml handler
  shpnames <- unlist(strsplit(shpfiles, split = "\\."))
  shpnames <- shpnames[c(TRUE,FALSE)] #this returns the odd indexes
  ## Build empty list as long as number of sites ###############################
  DateSiteList <- vector("list", length(shpnames))
  goodnames <- paste0("site_", shpnames, "_dates")
  names(DateSiteList) <- goodnames
  ## Get all folders with imagery ##############################################
  allfiles <- list.files(path = imdir, pattern = "*pre.ers", recursive = TRUE)
  ## Get only those that end in .pre and in date folders #######################
  ind <- grepl("^[[:digit:]]", allfiles)
  allfiles <- allfiles[ind]
  allFolds <- substr(allfiles, 1, 8)
  for(i in 1:length(shpnames)){
    DateSiteList[[i]] <- allFolds
  save(DateSiteList, file = "DateSiteList.RData")
Bartesto/BARTpkg documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:28 a.m.