
Defines functions auc.nonpara.mw auc.mw.boot auc.mw.jackknife mw.jackknife auc.mw.delong auc.mw.pepe auc.mw.zhou auc.mw.newcombe getAUCCImwu getS2mw getVARmw getAUCmw

Documented in auc.nonpara.mw

#get the auc through Mann-Whitney statistics
#Comparing the Areas under Two or More
#Correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves:
#A Nonparametric Approach
#Author(s): Elizabeth R. DeLong, David M. DeLong and Daniel L. Clarke-Pearson
#Source: Biometrics, Vol. 44, No. 3 (Sep., 1988), pp. 837-845

#Statist. Med. 2006; 25:559-573
#Confidence intervals for an effect size measure based on
#the Mann-Whitney statistic. Part 2: Asymptotic methods
#and evaluation
#Robert G. Newcombe

#x: the scores of subjects from class P
#y: the scores of subjects from class N
#alpha: type I error

#NOTE: the larger the score, the more likely a subject is from class P

getAUCmw <- function(x, y){
  xy <- expand.grid(x, y)
  mean(ifelse(xy[,2] < xy[,1], 1, (ifelse(xy[,2] == xy[,1], 1/2, 0))))


#get the variance V_2(\theta) from method 4 of Newcombe 2006
getVARmw  <- function(theta, m, n){
  nstar <- mstar <- (m+n)/2  - 1
  theta *
    (1-theta) *
    (1 + nstar*(1-theta)/(2-theta) + mstar*theta/(1+theta)) /


#note that here x < y
#m is the length of x and n is the length of y
getS2mw <- function(x, y, m, n){

  xi <- sort(x)
  yj <- sort(y)
  rxy <- rank(c(xi, yj))
  Ri <- rxy[1:m]
  Sj <- rxy[m+1:n]
  S102 <- 1/((m-1)*n^2) * (sum((Ri-1:m)^2) - m*(mean(Ri)-(m+1)/2)^2)
  S012 <- 1/((n-1)*m^2) * (sum((Sj-1:n)^2) - n*(mean(Sj)-(n+1)/2)^2)
  S2 <- (m*S012 + n*S102) / (m + n)


#get the CI by method 5 of Newcombe 2006
getAUCCImwu  <- function(hat.theta, zalpha, m, n){

  nstar <- mstar <- (m+n)/2  - 1

  a <- -1 - nstar - mstar
  b <- 1 + 2*mstar
  c <- 2 + nstar
  d <- 1 + 2*hat.theta
  ht2 <- hat.theta^2
  e <- 2 - 2*hat.theta - ht2
  f <- ht2 - 4*hat.theta
  g <- 2*ht2

  z2 <- zalpha^2
  mn <- m*n
  z5 <- -mn  + z2*a
  z4 <- mn*d - z2*(a-b)
  z3 <- mn*e - z2*(b-c)
  z2 <- mn*f - z2*c
  z1 <- mn*g

  roots <- polyroot(c(z1, z2, z3, z4, z5))
  real <- Re(roots[sapply(1:4, function(i) all.equal(Im(roots[i]), 0))])
  real <- real[real > 0 & real < 1]
  ci <- sort(real)
  if(length(ci) > 2)
    warning("There are three roots meet the requirement when computing
                the confidence interval.")
    if(length(real) == 1){
      if(real <= hat.theta){
        ci <- c(real, 1)
        ci <- c(0, real)
    if(length(real) == 0){
      ci <- c(0, 1)

#get the CI by method 5 of Newcombe 2006
auc.mw.newcombe <- function(x, y, alpha){

  point <- getAUCmw(x, y)
  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  zalpha <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
  ci <- getAUCCImwu(point, zalpha, ny, nx)

  c(point, ci)

auc.mw.zhou <- function(x, y, alpha){
  if(max(y) < min(x)){
    c(1, 1, 1)
    point <- getAUCmw(x, y)
    nx <- length(x)
    ny <- length(y)
    zalpha <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
    varHatTheta <- getVARmw(point,nx, ny)

    Z <- 1/2 * log((1+point)/(1-point))
    varZ <- 4 / (1-point^2)^2 * varHatTheta
    LL <- Z - zalpha*sqrt(varZ)
    UL <- Z + zalpha*sqrt(varZ)
    ci <- c((exp(2*LL) - 1)/ (exp(2*LL) + 1), (exp(2*UL) - 1)/ (exp(2*UL) + 1))


auc.mw.pepe <- function(x, y, alpha){

  if(max(y) < min(x)){
    c(1, 1, 1)
    point <- getAUCmw(x, y)
    nx <- length(x)
    ny <- length(y)
    zalpha <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)

    varHatTheta <- (nx+ny) * getS2mw(y, x, ny, nx) / (nx*ny)
    #varHatTheta <- getVARmw(point,nx, ny)
    LL <- log(point/(1-point)) - zalpha*sqrt(varHatTheta)/(point*(1-point))
    UL <- log(point/(1-point)) + zalpha*sqrt(varHatTheta)/(point*(1-point))
    ci <- c(exp(LL) / (1+exp(LL)), exp(UL) / (1+exp(UL)))


auc.mw.delong <- function(x, y, alpha){

  point <- getAUCmw(x, y)
  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  zalpha <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)

  D10 <- sapply(1:ny, function(i)
    mean(ifelse(x > y[i], 1, ifelse(x == y[i], 1/2, 0))))
  D01 <- sapply(1:nx, function(i)
    mean(ifelse(x[i] > y, 1, ifelse(x[i] == y, 1/2, 0))))
  varDhatTheta <- 1/(ny*(ny-1))*sum((D10-point)^2) +
  ci <- c(point - zalpha*sqrt(varDhatTheta),
          point + zalpha*sqrt(varDhatTheta))

  c(point, ci)

mw.jackknife <- function(x, y){
  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  n <- nx + ny

  hatThetaPartial <- rep(0, n)

  for(i in 1:nx){
    hatThetaPartial[i] <- getAUCmw(x[-i], y)
  for(i in 1:ny){
    hatThetaPartial[i+nx] <- getAUCmw(x, y[-i])



auc.mw.jackknife <- function(x, y, alpha){

  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  n <- nx + ny

  hatTheta <- getAUCmw(x, y)

  hatThetaPseudo <- rep(0, n)

  hatThetaPartial <- mw.jackknife(x, y)

  for(i in 1:n){
    hatThetaPseudo[i] <- n*hatTheta - (n-1)*hatThetaPartial[i]

  point <- mean(hatThetaPseudo)
  ST2 <- mean((hatThetaPseudo - point)^2) / (n-1)
  ST <- sqrt(ST2)
  z.alpha2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df=n-1)
  ci <- c(point - z.alpha2*ST, point + z.alpha2*ST)

  c(point, ci)

auc.mw.boot <- function(x, y, alpha, nboot=1000, method){
  if(max(y) < min(x)){
    c(1, 1, 1)
    nx <- length(x)
    ny <- length(y)

    point <- getAUCmw(x, y)
    index.x <- matrix(sample.int(nx, size = nx*nboot, replace = TRUE),
                      nboot, nx)
    index.y <- matrix(sample.int(ny, size = ny*nboot, replace = TRUE),
                      nboot, ny)
    mw.boot <- sapply(1:nboot, function(i) getAUCmw(x[index.x[i,]],
      ci <- as.vector(quantile(mw.boot, c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2), type=6))
      hatZ0 <- qnorm(mean(mw.boot < point))

      partial <- mw.jackknife(x, y)
      mpartial <- mean(partial)
      hatA <- sum((mpartial - partial)^3) /
        (6 * (sum((mpartial - partial)^2))^(3/2))

      alpha1 <- pnorm(hatZ0 + (hatZ0 + qnorm(alpha/2)) /
                        (1 - hatA*(hatZ0 + qnorm(alpha/2))))
      alpha2 <- pnorm(hatZ0 + (hatZ0 + qnorm(1-alpha/2)) /
                        (1 - hatA*(hatZ0 + qnorm(1-alpha/2))))

      ci <- as.vector(quantile(mw.boot, c(alpha1, alpha2), type=6))
    c(point, ci)

auc.nonpara.mw <- function(x, y, conf.level=0.95,
                           method=c("newcombe", "pepe", "delong", "jackknife", "bootstrapP", "bootstrapBCa"),

  alpha <- 1 - conf.level
  method <- match.arg(method)
  estimate <- switch(method,
                     newcombe=auc.mw.newcombe(x, y, alpha),
                     pepe=auc.mw.pepe(x, y, alpha),
                     delong=auc.mw.delong(x, y, alpha),
                     jackknife=auc.mw.jackknife(x, y, alpha),
                     bootstrapP=auc.mw.boot(x, y, alpha, nboot, method="P"),
                     bootstrapBCa=auc.mw.boot(x, y, alpha, nboot, method="BCa"))
BavoDC/package.val.prob.ci.2 documentation built on July 7, 2024, 9:35 a.m.