Man pages for BenaroyaResearch/briDiscovr
Distribution analysis across clusters of a parent population overlaid with a rare subpopulation

checkFcsFilesCheck a list of FCS files for a number of potential issues
checkForFcsByteOffsetIssueCheck for byte offset corruption in the header of an .fcs...
clusterDiscovrExperimentPerform phenograph clustering for a DISCOV-R experiment
downsampleFcsListDownsample a set of FCS files reproducibly, to make the event...
find_neighborsK Nearest Neighbour Search
getEventIntensitiesCompute and return individual event intensities from a...
getEventZScoresCompute and return individual event z-scores from a...
getFcsNEventsCheck the number of events in .fcs files
getMetaclusterOccupancyDisplay the fraction of events that are found in each...
getSampleNamesGet all sample IDs in an experiment
getSubjectClustersDisplay the per-subject number of clusters in an experiment
getSubjectCountsDisplay the per-subject event counts in an experiment
is.discovrExperimentdiscovrExperiment S3 class
jaccard_coeffCompute jaccard coefficient between nearest-neighbor sets
makeMetaclusterHeatmapsGenerate heatmaps from a metaclustered experiment
metaclusterDiscovrExperimentPerform metaclustering for a DISCOV-R experiment
print.discovrExperimentPrint method for discovrExperiment objects
recutMetaclustersRe-cut a metaclustered experiment with a different target...
RphenographRphenoGraph clustering
runUmapDiscovrExperimentCalculate UMAP coordinates for the cells from a...
setupDiscovrExperimentPrepare a dataset for DISCOV-R analysis
BenaroyaResearch/briDiscovr documentation built on June 14, 2024, 12:29 p.m.