#' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' ensembl_counts_to_tpm
#' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title ensembl_counts_to_tpm
#' @description
#' Converts an Ensemble ENST counts matrix into TPM.
#' @param my_dt data.table with samples by row, first column should be the sample id with all subsequent columns headers in the Ensembl ENST format (no version).
#' @param lengths_table_path Path to table for with cdna_length and transcript_id columns.
#' @param readme_path Optional path to which the comments will be appended.
#' @param this_script_path Path to script that runs this function for documentation purposes
#' @return A vector of paths to the output file.
#' @export
ensembl_counts_to_tpm = function(
lengths_table_path = get_human_ensembl_to_hgnc_entrez_path(),
readme_path = NULL,
this_script_path = ''
# to manually inspect calculations, although this should have a unit test made for it
# setwd("/datastore/nextgenout5/share/labs/Vincent_Lab/tools/raft/projects/VL340_SITC_2020/20220701_tissue_specific_disc_val/batch/transcript_counts/merged_enst_counts")
# my_dt = data.table::fread("merged_enst_counts.tsv", select = 1:50)
# my_dt = my_dt[grepl('^Prin',my_dt$Run_ID), ]
# lengths_table_path = PostRNASeqAlign::get_human_ensembl_to_hgnc_entrez_path()
# source https://www.rna-seqblog.com/rpkm-fpkm-and-tpm-clearly-explained/
# TPM is very similar to RPKM and FPKM. The only difference is the order of operations. Here’s how you calculate TPM:
# Divide the read counts by the length of each gene in kilobases. This gives you reads per kilobase (RPK).
# Count up all the RPK values in a sample and divide this number by 1,000,000. This is your “per million” scaling factor.
# Divide the RPK values by the “per million” scaling factor. This gives you TPM.
text_output = c()
if(!is.null(readme_path) && file.exists(readme_path)) file.remove(readme_path)
a = function(...){
my_output = paste0(...)
assign('text_output', c(text_output, my_output), env = parent.frame())
write(my_output, readme_path, append = TRUE)
a("Running ensembl_counts_to_rkpm")
if(!is.null(this_script_path)) a("script: ", this_script_path)
# convert to a data table according to the names of the list
# (ie, use.names = T won't assume the genes are in the same order)
sample_key = names(my_dt)[1]
lengths_df = fread(lengths_table_path, data.table = F, select = c("transcript_id","cdna_length"))
a("Droping transcripts where cDNA length is NA")
lengths_df = lengths_df[!is.na(lengths_df$cdna_length), ]
lengths_df = lengths_df[lengths_df$cdna_length > 0, ]
a("Calculating cdna_length/1000.")
transcript_length_in_kb_lut = lengths_df$cdna_length/1000
names(transcript_length_in_kb_lut) = lengths_df$transcript_id
transcript_length_in_kb_lut %<>% .[names(.) %in% names(my_dt)]
my_dt %<>% .[,c(sample_key, names(transcript_length_in_kb_lut)), with = F]
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20596433/how-to-divide-each-row-of-a-matrix-by-elements-of-a-vector-in-r
#ptm <- proc.time()
a("Divide each gene column by its cdna_length/1000")
mat = my_dt[,2:ncol(my_dt)] %>% as.matrix
mat = t(t(mat) / transcript_length_in_kb_lut)
# manually confirmed by looking up transcript_length, dividing by 1000
# dividing my_dt column, and comparing to mat
my_dt[,2:ncol(my_dt)] = data.frame(mat)
a("Calculating sample RPK totals.")
my_dt[, `:=`(total = rowSums(.SD, na.rm=T)), .SDcols=2:ncol(my_dt), by=1:nrow(my_dt)] # 56-60 sec
per_million_scaling_factor_lut = my_dt$total/1000000
names(per_million_scaling_factor_lut) = my_dt[[1]]
# > apply(my_dt[1:10,2:26], 1, sum)
# [1] 80.68529 42.08124 188.85702 59.57138 66.66333 124.75849 200.12822 56.76575 141.43841 379.95485
# > my_dt$total[1:10]
# [1] 80.68529 42.08124 188.85702 59.57138 66.66333 124.75849 200.12822 56.76575 141.43841 379.95485
my_dt[ , total := NULL]
mat = my_dt[,2:ncol(my_dt)] %>% as.matrix
a("Divide each sample row by its sample_total/1,000,000")
mat = mat/per_million_scaling_factor_lut
#proc.time() - ptm
my_dt[,2:ncol(my_dt)] = data.frame(mat)
attributes(my_dt)$comments = c(text_output, "")
# to convince myself this worked as intended
# devtools::install_github("Benjamin-Vincent-Lab/PostRNASeqAlign", ref = "0.5.1")
# orig_dt = data.table::fread('/datastore/nextgenout5/share/labs/Vincent_Lab/tools/raft/shared/tagged_batches/Choueiri_CCR_2016/rna_quant/all_v1/rna_quant__Choueiri_CCR_2016__all__enst_counts.tsv')
# output_dt = PostRNASeqAlign::ensembl_counts_to_tpm(orig_dt)
# orig_dt = orig_dt[,names(output_dt), with = F]
# View(orig_dt[,1:10])
# View(output_dt[,1:10])
# lengths_table_path = PostRNASeqAlign::get_human_ensembl_to_hgnc_entrez_path()
# lengths_df = fread(lengths_table_path, data.table = F, select = c("transcript_id","cdna_length"))
# lengths_df = lengths_df[!is.na(lengths_df$cdna_length), ]
# lengths_df = lengths_df[lengths_df$cdna_length > 0, ]
# transcript_length_in_kb_lut = lengths_df$cdna_length/1000
# names(transcript_length_in_kb_lut) = lengths_df$transcript_id
# transcript_length_in_kb_lut = transcript_length_in_kb_lut[names(output_dt)[-1]]
# row1_counts = unlist(orig_dt[1,2:ncol(orig_dt), with =F])
# row1_rpk = row1_counts/transcript_length_in_kb_lut
# row1_summed_rpk = sum(row1_rpk)
# row1_summed_rpk_per_mil = row1_summed_rpk/1000000
# r1_tpm = row1_rpk/row1_summed_rpk_per_mil
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