
Defines functions assemble_package get_package_version_listed_in_description matches_loaded_version get_loaded_package_version package_is_loaded remove_package_from_all_libraries detach_package detach_all_but_basic_packages

Documented in assemble_package detach_all_but_basic_packages detach_package get_loaded_package_version get_package_version_listed_in_description matches_loaded_version package_is_loaded remove_package_from_all_libraries

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# detach_all_but_basic_packages
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Detaches all packages 
#' @return No return value.  
#' @section Side effects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Detaches all packages
#' @export
detach_all_but_basic_packages = function(){
  # clear everything http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7505547/detach-all-packages-while-working-in-r
  basic.packages <- c("package:stats","package:graphics","package:grDevices","package:utils","package:datasets","package:methods","package:base")
  last.list = "dummy_init_text"
  package.list <- search()[ifelse(unlist(gregexpr("package:",search()))==1,TRUE,FALSE)]
  package.list <- setdiff(package.list,basic.packages)
  while(!identical(last.list, package.list) & length(package.list) > 0){
    last.list = package.list
    for (package in package.list) suppressWarnings(detach(package, character.only=TRUE, unload = T))
    package.list <- search()[ifelse(unlist(gregexpr("package:",search()))==1,TRUE,FALSE)]
    package.list <- setdiff(package.list,basic.packages)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# detach_package
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Unloads packages 
#' @param package_name name of the package to detach as string
#' @return No return value.  
#' @section Side effects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Unloads the named package  
#' @export
detach_package = function(package_name){
  search_item = paste0("package:", package_name)
  while(search_item %in% search())
  {detach(search_item, unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)}

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# remove_package_from_all_libraries
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Searches all libraries in .libPaths() and deletes the named package in all of them
#' @param package_name name of the package to detach as string
#' @return No return value.  
#' @section Side effects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item deletes the named package in all libraries
#' @export
remove_package_from_all_libraries = function(package_name){
  for(lib_path in .libPaths()){
    if(package_name %in% list.dirs(lib_path, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)){
      inert_err_msg = utils::capture.output(utils::remove.packages(package_name, lib_path))

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# package_is_loaded
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Tells if package_name is currently loaded
#' @param package_name string name of the package
#' @return T/F on if the named packate is in \code{utils::sessionInfo()$otherPkgs}
#' @export
package_is_loaded = function(package_name){
  loaded_packages = utils::sessionInfo()
  running_packages =  names(loaded_packages$otherPkgs)
  return(package_name %in% running_packages)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# get_loaded_package_version
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Tells which version of the named package is loaded.
#' @param package_name string name of the package
#' @return T/F on if the named package is in utils::sessionInfo()$otherPkgs
#' @export
get_loaded_package_version = function(package_name){
  my_return = NA
    loaded_packages = utils::sessionInfo()
    running_package =  loaded_packages$otherPkgs[[package_name]]
    my_return = running_package$Version

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# matches_loaded_version
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Tells if my_version matches the version returned from \code{get_loaded_package_version}
#' @param my_version version to test if it matches the one loaded in the session 
#' @param package_name string name of the package to check
#' @return T/F on if the named package is in \code{utils::sessionInfo()}
#' @export
matches_loaded_version = function(
  my_return = FALSE
  loaded_version = get_loaded_package_version(package_name = package_name)
    my_return = loaded_version == my_version

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# get_package_version_listed_in_description
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Gets the package version listed in the package description file
#' @param my_dir directory path to the library package
#' @return Version of the package found in the DESCRIPTION file
#' @export
get_package_version_listed_in_description = function(my_dir){
  description_file_path = file.path(my_dir, "DESCRIPTION")
  my_version = NA
    description_lines = readLines(description_file_path)# open connection
    version_line = NULL
    for(line_index in 1:length(description_lines)){
      this_line = description_lines[line_index]
      if(grepl("^Version:", this_line)){
        version_line = line_index
        version_string = this_line
      } else {
        version_string = NULL
    my_version = gsub("Version: ", "", version_string)


# In R:
# assemble_package(package_name = "binfotron", my_version = "0.0-01",
#   my_dir = "/datastore/alldata/shiny-server/rstudio-common/dbortone/packages/binfotron", 
#   should_build = TRUE) # since this package is on gitlab I can't do git install try install_gitlab(ref="tag"), can I do a certain version
# assemble_package(package_name = "housekeeping", my_version = "0.0-11",
#                  my_dir = "/datastore/alldata/shiny-server/rstudio-common/dbortone/packages/housekeeping")
# In terminal:
#   cd /datastore/alldata/shiny-server/rstudio-common/dbortone/packages/binfotron
# cd /datastore/alldata/shiny-server/rstudio-common/dbortone/packages/housekeeping
# my_comment="Added tar package."
# git commit -am "$my_comment"; git push origin master
# git tag -a 0.0-10 -m "$my_comment"; git push -u origin --tags

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# assemble_package
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Takes a local package and assembles it
#' @param package_name string name of the package
#' @param my_version string version the package should be named
#' @param my_dir directory path to the package
#' @param should_build flag to indicate whether a tar.gz should be built or not
#' @return No return value
#' @section Side effects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Modifies the version listed in the DESCRIPTION file  
#'   \item Deletes the tar file from any older packages
#'   \item Runs roxygen on the package
#'   \item Builds the package
#'   \item Tries to load the package.  If it doesn't work, the DESCRIPTION file
#'   version name is set back to what is was.
#' @export
assemble_package = function(
  should_build = FALSE
  # need to update version on description file  
  description_file_path = file.path(my_dir, "DESCRIPTION")
  description_lines = readLines(description_file_path)# open connection
  version_line = NULL
  for(line_index in 1:length(description_lines)){
    this_line = description_lines[line_index]
    if(grepl("^Version:", this_line)){
      version_line = line_index
      old_version_string = this_line
    } else {
      old_version_string = NULL
  if(version_line %>% is.null){
    warning("Could not update DESCRIPTION file version.\n")
  } else {
    description_lines[version_line] = paste0("Version: ", my_version)
    writeLines(description_lines, con = description_file_path, sep = "\n", useBytes = TRUE)
  # remove old zipped package so it isn't built into the the new one
  if (should_build){
    old_packages = list.files(my_dir, pattern = ".tar.gz$", full.names = T)
    if(length(old_packages) > 0){
      message("Removing older compressed packages:")
      for(old_package in old_packages) message(paste0("* ", old_package))

  if (should_build){
    build_location = devtools::build(my_dir, path = my_dir)
    successful_install = tryCatch({
      utils::install.packages(build_location, repos = NULL, type="source")
    }, warning = function(w) {
    }, error = function(e) {
      cat(paste0(package_name, " version ", my_version, " was loaded successfully. Must restart RStudio Session for updates in documentation to go into effect.")) # see https://github.com/hadley/devtools/issues/419
    } else {
      warning(paste0("Could not install package ", package_name, " v", my_version ,". Older package, ", old_version_string,", is still installed."))
      # need to replace the old Version in the description file since we failed to modify it.
        description_lines[version_line] = old_version_string
        writeLines(description_lines, con = description_file_path, sep = "\n", useBytes = TRUE)
Benjamin-Vincent-Lab/housekeeping documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 2:13 a.m.