
Pipeline for Analysis of Primary High Throughput Screens
Benjamin Chittick

This script contains functions for choosing a region of practical equivalence


#library dependencies

#' autoRope
#' From a provided maximum detectable EC50 and by assuming a one site effective 
#' concentration 50 curve this method estimates the minimum signal cutoff for an 
#' active hit at the given screening concentration.
#' @param assay.conc numeric value of assay concentration (same units as max.con)
#' @param max.conc numeric value of maximum detectable EC50 (same units as assay.conc)
#' @param modifier numeric modifier of signal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' autoRope(25, 100, 0.8)

autoRope <- function(assay.conc, max.conc, modifier=1, hillslope=1,
                     top=100, bottom=0){
  #assumes inhibition curve:
  #y = bottom + (top - bottom)/(1+10^((logIC50 - x)*hillslope))
  logIC50 <- log10(max.conc)
  x <- log10(assay.conc)
  pct.effect <- bottom + (top - bottom)/(1 + 10^((logIC50 - x)*hillslope))
  pct.effect <- pct.effect/modifier
BenjaminChittick/BenCScore documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:41 p.m.