#' Test if a given file is compressed by zip or tgz, gzip.
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to test
#' @return a character vector of 'zip', 'gzip' or "tgz", "bzip2", "unknown"
test_compressed <- function(filename){
if (missing(filename)) stop("filename is required")
if (!file.exists(filename)) stop("file not found:", filename)
ok <- is_zip(filename) ; if (ok) return("zip")
ok <- is_tgz(filename) ; if (ok) return("tgz")
ok <- is_gzip(filename) ; if (ok) return("gzip")
ok <- is_bzip2(filename); if (ok) return("bzip2")
#' Test if a file is tarred and gzip (.tar, .gz or tgz)
#' We guess that the first four bytes tell us enough to know what kind of zip
#' file we have. For more information see \url{http://pank.org/blog/archives/000202.html}
#' tgz's first four bytes will be 1f 8b 08 00
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to test
#' @return logical, TRUE if the input is likely gzipped
is_tgz <- function(filename) {
if (length(filename) > 1) return(sapply(filename, is_tgz))
fi <- file.info(filename)
if (fi[1,"isdir"]) return(FALSE)
con <- file(filename, open = "rb")
x = readBin(con, "raw", size = 1, n = 4, endian = "little")
identical(rawToChar(x, multiple = TRUE), c("\037", "\x8b", "\b", ""))
#' Test if a file is gzipped
#' We guess that the first two bytes tell us enough to know what kind of zip
#' file we have. For more information see \url{http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html#file-format}
#' and \url{https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952}
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to test
#' @return logical, TRUE if the input is likely gzipped
is_gzip <- function(filename){
# ID1 (IDentification 1)
# ID2 (IDentification 2)
# These have the fixed values ID1 = 31 (0x1f, \037), ID2 = 139
# (0x8b, \213), to identify the file as being in gzip format.
if (missing(filename)) stop("filename is required")
if (!file.exists(filename)) stop("file not found:", filename)
if (length(filename) > 1) return(sapply(filename, is_gzip))
fi <- file.info(filename)
if (fi[,"isdir"]) return(FALSE)
con <- file(filename, open = "rb")
x = readBin(con, "raw", size = 1, n = 2, endian = "little")
identical(rawToChar(x, multiple = TRUE), c("\037", "\x8b"))
#' Test if a file is gzipped
#' We guess that the first two bytes tell us enough to know it is bzip2
#' file we have. For more information see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bzip2#File_format}
#' and \url{https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952}
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to test
#' @return logical, TRUE if the input is likely gzipped
is_bzip2 <- function(filename){
# ID1 (IDentification 1)
# ID2 (IDentification 2)
# These have the fixed values ID1 = 31 (0x1f, \037), ID2 = 139
# (0x8b, \213), to identify the file as being in gzip format.
if (missing(filename)) stop("filename is required")
if (!file.exists(filename)) stop("file not found:", filename)
if (length(filename) > 1) return(sapply(filename, is_gzip))
fi <- file.info(filename)
if (fi[,"isdir"]) return(FALSE)
con <- file(filename, open = "rb")
x = readBin(con, "raw", size = 1, n = 2, endian = "little")
identical(rawToChar(x, multiple = TRUE), c("B", "Z"))
#' Test if a file is zipped.
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to test
#' @return logical, TRUE if the input is likely zipped
is_zip <- function(filename){
if (missing(filename)) stop("filename is required")
if (!file.exists(filename)) stop("file not found:", filename)
if (length(filename) > 1) return(sapply(filename, is_zip))
fi <- file.info(filename)
if (fi[,"isdir"]) return(FALSE)
con <- file(filename, open = "rb")
x = readBin(con, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
sprintf("0x%X", x) == "0x4034B50"
#' Unzip a zipped archive.
#' Unzipping a file can be a bit tricky if the file was zipped on a Mac OSX
#' which may include MACOSX/ and DS_STORE stuff we don't usually want.
#' This function tries to clean up the output.
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to unzip
#' @param extra extra arguments for the system's \code{unzip} command
#' @return a character vector of the uncompressed filenames including relative paths
un_zip <- function(filename, extra = "-x *MACOSX*/* *DS_Store*"){
if (length(filename) > 1) return(lapply(filename, un_zip, extra = extra))
if (!is_zip(filename)) stop("Input file must be zipped")
oldDir <- setwd(dirname(filename))
FF0 <- dir(recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
CMD <- paste("unzip -q", shQuote(filename), extra)
ok <- system(CMD, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
if (ok != 0) stop(paste("Error running:", CMD))
FF1 <- dir( recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
ix <- !(FF1 %in% FF0)
if (any(ix)) {
FF1 <- normalizePath(FF1[ix])
} else {
FF1 <- ""
#' Unpack a tarred and gzipped archive.
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to unpack
#' @param extra extra arguments for the system's \code{tar} command
#' @return a character vector of the uncompressed filenames including relative paths
un_tgz <- function(filename, extra = "-xf"){
if (length(filename) > 1) return(lapply(filename, un_tgz))
if (!is_tgz(filename)) stop("Input file must be tarred and gzipped")
oldDir <- setwd(dirname(filename))
FF0 <- dir( recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
CMD <- paste("tar", extra, filename)
ok <- system(CMD, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
if (ok != 0) stop(paste("Error running:", CMD))
FF1 <- dir( recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
ix <- !(FF1 %in% FF0)
if (any(ix)) {
FF1 <- normalizePath(FF1[ix])
} else {
FF1 <- ""
#' Unpack a tarred and bzip2-ped archive.
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to unpack
#' @param extra extra arguments for the system's \code{tar} command
#' @return a character vector of the uncompressed filenames including relative paths
un_bzip2 <- function(filename, extra = "-xf"){
if (length(filename) > 1) return(lapply(filename, un_bzip2))
if (!is_tgz(filename)) stop("Input file must be tarred and bzip2-ped")
oldDir <- setwd(dirname(filename))
FF0 <- dir( recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
CMD <- paste("tar", extra, filename)
ok <- system(CMD, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
if (ok != 0) stop(paste("Error running:", CMD))
FF1 <- dir( recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
ix <- !(FF1 %in% FF0)
if (any(ix)) {
FF1 <- normalizePath(FF1[ix])
} else {
FF1 <- ""
#' Unpack a gzipped archive.
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name of the file to unpack
#' @param out the name of the outfile to create, if NA then it is whatever gets unpacked.
#' If you specify \code{out} be sure that \code{extra} gets at least '-cd'
#' @param extra extra arguments for the system's \code{gzip} command
#' @return a character vector of the uncompressed filenames including relative paths
un_gz <- function(filename, out = NA, extra = "-d"){
if (length(filename) > 1) return(lapply(filename, un_tgz))
if (!is_gzip(filename)) stop("Input file must be gzipped")
oldDir <- setwd(dirname(filename))
FF0 <- dir( recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
CMD <- paste("gzip", extra, filename)
if (!is.na(out)) CMD <- paste(CMD, ">", out)
ok <- system(CMD, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
if (ok != 0) stop(paste("Error running:", CMD))
FF1 <- dir(recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
ix <- !(FF1 %in% FF0)
if (any(ix)) {
FF1 <- normalizePath(FF1[ix])
} else {
FF1 <- ""
#' Unpack a compressed archive: zip, gzip, and gzipped tarballs.
#' This is a loose routine to unpack and list the contents of a file, possibely
#' a compressed file. If a directory is provided then return a list of the contents, if an
#' uncompressed file (or some other thing) is provided then return just that.
#' See \code{\link{un_zip}}, \code{\link{un_gz}} and \code{\link{un_tgz}}
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified name(s) of the file to unpack
#' @param ... extra arguments for the system's decompression command (unzip, gzip -d, tar -x)
#' @return a character vector of the uncompressed filenames including relative paths
#' or a list of such if multiple filenames are provided
unpack_archive <- function(filename, ...){
if (length(filename) > 1) return(lapply(filename, unpack_archive, ...))
R <- switch(test_compressed(filename),
"zip" = un_zip(filename, ...),
"tgz" = un_tgz(filename, ...),
"gzip" = un_gz(filename, ...),
# if we were passed a directory, then we simply mine the directory for the contents
# if it isn't then we simple return the filename
if (R[1] == "unknown"){
info <- file.info(filename)
if (info[filename, "isdir"]) {
R <- normalizePath(dir(filename, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
} else {
R <- filename
#' Create a zipped or tarred and gzipped archive of a directory
#' @export
#' @family COMPRESSED
#' @param directory one or more directories to pack. NOTE they are not packed together.
#' @param fmt character, indicates output format. Currently just 'tgz' and 'zip'
#' @param outfile the full qualified name(s) of the output archive(s)
#' @return named logical indicating the outfile exists (or not!)
pack_directory <- function(directory, fmt = c('tgz', 'zip')[1],
outfile = file.path(dirname(directory),
paste0(basename(directory), c('tgz'='.tar.gz', zip='.zip')[fmt])) ){
for (i in seq_along(directory)){
if (fmt == "tgz"){
cmd <- paste("tar -zcf", shQuote(outfile[[i]]), "-C", shQuote(directory[[i]]), ".")
ok <- system(cmd)
} else if (fmt == 'zip'){
# whole lot of tricks here
# move the parent of the target directory
orig <- setwd(dirname(directory[[i]]))
# zip in that parent directory
cmd <- paste("zip -rq", shQuote(basename(outfile[[i]])), shQuote(basename(directory[[i]])))
#cat(cmd, "\n")
ok <- system(cmd)
# go back to where we started
# move the zipped file here
ok <- file.rename(file.path(dirname(directory[[i]]), basename(outfile[[i]])), outfile[[i]])
# whew!
} else {
stop(paste("format not known:", fmt))
sapply(unname(outfile), file.exists)
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