#' Test if mutt is installed on the host platform
#' See \url{http://www.mutt.org/}
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @return logical, TRUE if present
has_mutt <- function() {
basename(Sys.which("mutt")) == "mutt"
#' Test if nail is installed on the host platform
#' See \url{http://nail.sourceforge.net/}
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @return logical, TRUE if present
has_nail <- function() {
basename(Sys.which("nail")) == "nail"
#' Test if mail is installed on the host platform
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @return logical, TRUE if present
has_mail <- function() {
Sys.which("mail") != ""
#' Send an email from R using the underlying mail services.
#' A simple wrapper around the platforms email engine. Currently \code{mail}, \code{mutt} and
#' \code{nail} are supported, but the host must have these installed.
#' Also supported is \code{charlie} whihc is a hardwired version of mail for use on charlie
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @param ... arguments for the mailer of choice. Currently, only mutt is supported.
#' @param what the name of the mail engine to use, currently 'nail' and 'mutt' are supported
#' @return value returned by the system-level mail program, non-zero for failure.
sendmail <- function(..., what = c('mail', 'nail', 'mutt', 'charlie')[1]){
'mail' = mailmail(...),
"mutt" = muttmail(...),
"nail" = nailmail(...),
"charlie" = charliemail(...),
#' Send a simple mail via mutt - see \url{http://www.mutt.org/}
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @param to a character vector of one or more valid email addresses
#' @param sbj a character for the subject line (required)
#' @param msg - a character vector of one or more lines for the message body (NA to skip)
#' @param attachment the fully qualified filename to attach (if any, NA to skip)
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE then echo the command
#' @return 0 for success and non-zero otherwise
muttmail <- function(to = "btupper@bigelow.org",
sbj = "muttmail",
msg = paste("at", Sys.time(), "you have mutt mail"),
attachment = NA,
verbose = TRUE){
if (!has_mutt()) stop("muttmail: mutt is not installed")
address <- paste(to,collapse = " ")
cmd <- paste("mutt", "-s", shQuote(sbj[1]))
if (!is.na(attachment)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-a", attachment, "--")
cmd <- paste(cmd, address)
hasMsg <- (length(msg) > 0) || !is.na(msg[1])
if (hasMsg) {
msgFile <- tempfile()
cat(msg, sep = "\n", file = msgFile)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "<", msgFile)
if (verbose) cat(cmd, "\n")
ok <- system(cmd)
# clean up
if (hasMsg) unlink(msgFile)
#' Send a simple mail via nail - see \url{http://linux.die.net/man/1/nail}
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @param to a character vector of one or more valid email addresses
#' @param sbj a character for the subject line (required)
#' @param msg - a character vector of one or more lines for the message body (NA to skip)
#' @param attachment the fully qualified filename to attach (if any, NA to skip)
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE then echo the command
#' @return 0 for success and non-zero otherwise
nailmail <- function(to = "btupper@bigelow.org",
sbj = "nailmail",
msg = paste("at", Sys.time(), "you have nail mail"),
attachment = NA,
verbose = TRUE){
if (!has_nail()) stop("nailmail: nail is not installed")
address <- paste(to,collapse = " ")
cmd <- paste("nail -vv", "-s", shQuote(sbj[1]))
if (!is.na(attachment)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-a", attachment)
cmd <- paste(cmd, address)
hasMsg <- (length(msg) > 0) || !is.na(msg[1])
if (hasMsg) {
msgFile <- tempfile()
cat(msg, sep = "\n", file = msgFile)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "<", msgFile)
# speak?
if (verbose) cat(cmd, "\n")
ok <- system(cmd)
# clean up
if (hasMsg) unlink(msgFile)
#' Send a simple mail via mail - see \url{http://linux.die.net/man/1/nail}
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @param to a character vector of one or more valid email addresses
#' @param sbj a character for the subject line (required)
#' @param msg - a character vector of one or more lines for the message body (NA to skip)
#' @param attachment the fully qualified filename to attach (if any, NA to skip)
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE then echo the command
#' @return 0 for success and non-zero otherwise
mailmail <- function(to = "btupper@bigelow.org",
sbj = "mailmail",
msg = paste("at", Sys.time(), "you have mail mail"),
attachment = NA,
verbose = TRUE){
mailapp <- Sys.which("mail")
if ( mailapp == "") stop("mail application not available")
# https://tecadmin.net/ways-to-send-email-from-linux-command-line/
# mail -a [attachment] -s [subject] <to> < [message]
# store the message in a temporary file
msgfile <- tempfile()
cat(msg, sep = "\n", file = msgfile)
cmd <- sprintf("-s %s %s < %s", sbj, paste(to, collapse = ","), msgfile)
if (!is.null(attachment) && !is.na(attachment)){
cmd <- sprintf("-a %s %s", attachment, cmd)
# speak?
if (verbose) cat(paste(mailapp,cmd), "\n")
ok <- system2(mailapp, args = cmd)
#' Send a simple mail via mail, but hardwired for charlie
#' @family mail
#' @export
#' @param to a character vector of one or more valid email addresses
#' @param sbj a character for the subject line (required)
#' @param msg - a character vector of one or more lines for the message body (NA to skip)
#' @param attachment the fully qualified filename to attach (if any, NA to skip)
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE then echo the command
#' @return 0 for success and non-zero otherwise
charliemail <- function(to = "btupper@bigelow.org",
sbj = "charliemail",
msg = paste("at", Sys.time(), "you have mail mail"),
attachment = NA,
verbose = TRUE){
# on charlie mail must have the path prepended
mailapp = shQuote("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64/ mail")
# https://tecadmin.net/ways-to-send-email-from-linux-command-line/
# mail -a [attachment] -s [subject] <to> < [message]
# store the message in a temporary file
msgfile <- tempfile()
cat(msg, sep = "\n", file = msgfile)
cmd <- sprintf("-s %s %s < %s", sbj, paste(to, collapse = ","), msgfile)
if (!is.null(attachment) && !is.na(attachment)){
cmd <- sprintf("-a %s %s", attachment, cmd)
# speak?
if (verbose) cat(paste(mailapp,cmd), "\n")
ok <- system2(mailapp, args = cmd)
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