
Defines functions kube_run kube_install kube_wait kube_install_single_package

Documented in kube_install kube_install_single_package kube_run kube_wait

#' Install and create binaries for R packages.
#' @details The package given by `pkg` is installed in the given
#'     library path `lib_path`, and the binaries are created in the
#'     `bin_path`.
#' @param pkg character() name of R or Bioconductor package.
#' @param lib_path character() path where R package libraries are
#'     stored.
#' @param bin_path character() path where R package binaries are
#'     stored.
#' @param logs_path character() path where R package binary build logs
#'     are stored.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' kube_install_single_package(
#'     pkg = 'AnVIL',
#'     lib_path = "/host/library",
#'     bin_path = "/host/binaries"
#' )
#' }
#' @return `kube_install_single_package()` returns invisibly.
#' @importFrom BiocManager install
#' @export
kube_install_single_package <-
    function(pkg, lib_path, bin_path, logs_path)
    .libPaths(c(lib_path, .libPaths()))

    log_file <- file.path(logs_path, 'kube_install.log')
    flog.appender(appender.tee(log_file), name = 'kube_install')

    flog.info("building binary for package: %s", pkg, name = 'kube_install')
    cwd <- setwd(bin_path)

    ## The default return value for a success package building
    result <- pkg

                             INSTALL_opts = "--build",
                             update = FALSE,
                             quiet = TRUE,
                             force = TRUE,
                             ## TODO: a successful install output isn't useful
                             keep_outputs = TRUE
        error = function(e) {
            flog.error("Error: package %s failed", pkg, name = "kube_install")
            result <<- e
        warning = function(e) {
            flog.error("Error: package %s failed", pkg, name = "kube_install")
            result <<- e

#' Wait for kubernetes workers
#' @details Wait for the workers to start up. More details on redis
#'     flags here https://redis.io/commands/client-list.
#' @title Wait for worker pods to become active.
#' @param workers integer() number of workers in the kubernetes cluster.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' kube_wait(workers = 6L)
#' }
#' @importFrom redux hiredis
#' @export
kube_wait <-
    function(workers = as.integer(1))

    redis <- redux::hiredis()
    ## Wait for workers to be ready
    repeat {
        len_workers <- length(
            grep("flags=b", strsplit(redis$CLIENT_LIST(), "\n")[[1]])
        ## Break if the workers number matches.
        if (len_workers == workers)
        ## Sleep till workers come up

#' Install and create binaries for packages parallely using a
#' kubernetes cluster.
#' @description Install packages and create binaries using a
#'     BiocParallelParam for a specific bioconductor docker
#'     image. The kube_install function can be scaled to a large
#'     cluster to reduce times even further (in theory). Please note
#'     that this command will charge your google billing account,
#'     beware of the charges.
#' @param lib_path character() path where R package libraries are
#'     stored.
#' @param bin_path character() path where R package binaries are
#'     stored.
#' @param logs_path character() path where R package binary build logs
#'     are stored.
#' @param deps package dependecy graph as computed by
#'     `.pkg_dependencies()`.
#' @param BPPARAM A `BiocParallelParam` object specifying how each
#'     level of the dependency graph will be parallelized. Use
#'     `SerialParam()` for debugging; `RedisParam()` for use in
#'     kubernetes.
#' @importFrom RedisParam RedisParam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpiterate bpprogressbar SerialParam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel `bpprogressbar<-` SnowParam
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.error flog.info flog.appender
#'     appender.file appender.tee
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## First method:
#' ## Run with a pre-existing bucket with some packages.
#' ## This will update only the new packages
#' binary_repo <- "anvil-rstudio-bioconductor/0.99/3.11/"
#' deps <- pkg_dependencies(binary_repo = binary_repo)
#' kube_install(
#'     lib_path = "/host/library",
#'     bin_path = "/host/binaries",
#'     deps = deps
#' )
#' ## Second method:
#' ## Create a new google CRAN style bucket and populate with binaries.
#' gcloud_create_cran_bucket("gs://my-new-binary-bucket",
#'     "1.0", "3.11", secret = "/home/mysecret.json", public = TRUE)
#' deps_new <- pkg_dependencies(binary_repo = "my-new-binary-bucket/1.0/3.11")
#' kube_install(
#'     workers = 6L,
#'     lib_path = "/host/library",
#'     bin_path = "/host/binaries",
#'     deps = deps_new
#' )
#' }
#' @export
kube_install <-
    function(lib_path, bin_path, logs_path,
             deps, BPPARAM = NULL)

    ## Only if BPPARAM is null, use SnowParam
    if (is.null(BPPARAM)) {
        BPPARAM <- BiocParallel::SnowParam()
    ## disable the default progressbar
    progressbar_arg <- bpprogressbar(BPPARAM)
    bpprogressbar(BPPARAM) <- FALSE
    on.exit(bpprogressbar(BPPARAM) <- progressbar_arg, add = TRUE)

    ## Logging
    log_file <- file.path(logs_path, 'kube_install.log')
    flog.appender(appender.tee(log_file), name = 'kube_install')
        "%d packages to process ",
        name = "kube_install"
    error_file <- file.path(logs_path, 'kube_errors.log')
    flog.appender(appender.tee(error_file), name = 'kube_errors')

    progress_file <- file.path(logs_path, 'kube_progress.log')
    flog.appender(appender.tee(progress_file), name = 'kube_progress')

    ## Iterator function
    iter <- .dependency_graph_iterator_factory(

    result <- bpiterate(
        iter$ITER, iter$FUN,
        lib_path = lib_path,
        bin_path = bin_path,
        logs_path = logs_path,
        REDUCE = iter$REDUCE,
        init = c(), ## need to keep this as initial value for reducer
    result <- as.list(result)

    ## Logging to document how many packages failed and installed
    ## TRUE is success, FALSE is fail
    ## TODO: try to log exluded packages like canceR, and ChemmineOB
        "%d built, %d succeeded, %d failed",
        length(deps) - length(result),
        name = "kube_install"

    if (length(result)) {
            "Failed packages: %s",
            paste0(names(result), collapse = ", "),
            name = "kube_install"
    if (length(iter$this$failed)) {
        pkgs <- as.list(iter$this$failed)
        msg <- paste0(names(pkgs), 
                      " failed for the reason: ",
       flog.error(msg, name = "kube_errors") 
    tools::write_PACKAGES(bin_path, addFiles = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
    flog.info("PACKAGES files created", name = "kube_install")


#' Run builder on k8s
#' @description Run binary installation on k8s cluster
#' @param bioc_version character(), bioconductor bioc_version number, e.g 3.12
#'     or 3.13
#' @param image_name character(), name of the image for which binaries
#'     are being built
#' @param volume_mount_path character(), path to volume mount
#' @param exclude_pkgs character(), list of packages to exclude
#' @importFrom RedisParam RedisParam rpstopall
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' kube_run(bioc_version = '3.14',
#'          image_name = 'bioconductor_docker',
#'          volume_mount_path = '/host/',
#'          exclude_pkgs = c('canceR'))
#' }
#' @export
kube_run <-
    function(bioc_version, image_name,
             volume_mount_path = '/host/',
             exclude_pkgs = character())
    artifacts <- .get_artifact_paths(bioc_version, volume_mount_path)
    repos <- .repos(bioc_version,image_name, cloud_id = 'google')

    Sys.setenv(REDIS_HOST = Sys.getenv("REDIS_SERVICE_HOST"))
    Sys.setenv(REDIS_PORT = Sys.getenv("REDIS_SERVICE_PORT"))

    ## Secret key to access bucket on google
    ## PAIN point 1: Also not needed
    secret <- "/home/key.json"

    ## Step 0: Create a bucket if you need to
    ## PAIN POINT 2: Creation of new buckets
    ## Do it via github actions
    gcloud_create_cran_bucket(folder = image_name,
                              bioc_version = bioc_version,
                              secret = secret, public = TRUE)

    ## Step. 2 : Load deps and installed packages
    ## remove exclude packages
    deps <- pkg_dependencies(
                bioc_version, build = "_software",
                binary_repo = repos$binary,
                exclude = exclude_pkgs

    ## Step 3: Run kube_install so package binaries are built
    BPPARAM <- RedisParam(
        jobname = "binarybuild", is.worker = FALSE,
        progressbar = FALSE, stop.on.error = FALSE

    res <- kube_install(
                lib_path = artifacts$lib_path,
                bin_path = artifacts$bin_path,
                logs_path = artifacts$logs_path,
                deps = deps, BPPARAM = BPPARAM

    ## Stop RedisParam - This should stop all work on workers

    ##  Step 4: Sync all artifacts produced, binaries, logs
    ## PAIN POINT 3: Remove from this function - all sync goes to Github actions
        secret = secret,
        artifacts = artifacts,
        repos = repos

    ## ## Step 5: check if all workers were used
    check <- table(unlist(res))

Bioconductor/BiocKubeInstall documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 12:35 a.m.