
Defines functions fetch_seq_regions_from_Ensembl_FTP .fetch_attribs_from_Ensembl_FTP .external_db_names_to_ids_from_Ensembl_FTP .attrib_type_codes_to_ids_from_Ensembl_FTP .fetch_synonyms_from_Ensembl_FTP fetch_default_coord_systems_from_Ensembl_FTP get_Ensembl_FTP_core_db_url .find_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_core_dbs .list_Ensembl_FTP_core_dbs .predict_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_grch37 .warn_species_was_ignored .find_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_species_index check_species_info .make_species_info_for_grch37 .extract_species_info_from_species_index .lookup_species_in_species_index .lookup_species_in_core_dbs .stop_on_ambiguous_lookup .normalize_species fetch_species_index_from_Ensembl_FTP .load_or_fetch_species_index_from_url .fetch_species_index_from_url .get_Ensembl_FTP_species_index_url use_species_index_from_Ensembl_FTP get_current_Ensembl_release .list_Ensembl_FTP_releases get_Ensembl_FTP_gtf_url get_Ensembl_FTP_mysql_url .get_Ensembl_FTP_top_url

### =========================================================================
### Some low-level utilities to fetch data from Ensembl
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Nothing in this file is exported.

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### get_Ensembl_FTP_mysql_url() and get_Ensembl_FTP_gtf_url()

.ENSEMBL_FTP_PUB_URL <- "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/"
.ENSEMBL_FTP_PUB_GRCH37_URL <- "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/grch37/"
.ENSEMBLGENOMES_FTP_PUB_URL <- "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/"

### 'division' must be NA or one of the Ensembl Genomes divisions i.e.
### "bacteria", "fungi", "metazoa", "plants", or "protists".
.get_Ensembl_FTP_top_url <- function(division=NA, use.grch37=FALSE)
    if (!is_single_value(division))
        stop(wmsg("'division' must be a single value"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.grch37))
        stop(wmsg("'use.grch37' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    if (!is.na(division)) {
        if (!is.character(division) || division == "")
            stop(wmsg("'division' must be a single non-empty string or NA"))
        if (use.grch37)
            stop(wmsg("'division' and 'use.grch37' cannot both be specified"))
        top_url <- paste0(.ENSEMBLGENOMES_FTP_PUB_URL, division, "/")
    } else if (use.grch37) {
        top_url <- .ENSEMBL_FTP_PUB_GRCH37_URL
    } else {
        top_url <- .ENSEMBL_FTP_PUB_URL

### 'division' must be NA or one of the Ensembl Genomes divisions i.e.
### "bacteria", "fungi", "metazoa", "plants", or "protists".
get_Ensembl_FTP_mysql_url <- function(release=NA, division=NA,
    if (!is_single_value(release))
        stop(wmsg("'release' must be a single value"))
    top_url <- .get_Ensembl_FTP_top_url(division=division,
    if (!is.na(release)) {
        mysql_subdir <- paste0(.ENSEMBL_FTP_RELEASE_PREFIX, release, "/mysql")
    } else if (is.na(division) && !use.grch37) {
        mysql_subdir <- "current_mysql"
    } else {
        mysql_subdir <- "current/mysql"
    paste0(top_url, mysql_subdir, "/")

### 'division' must be NA or one of the Ensembl Genomes divisions i.e.
### "bacteria", "fungi", "metazoa", "plants", or "protists".
get_Ensembl_FTP_gtf_url <- function(release=NA, division=NA,
    if (!is_single_value(release))
        stop(wmsg("'release' must be a single value"))
    top_url <- .get_Ensembl_FTP_top_url(division=division,
    if (!is.na(release)) {
        gtf_subdir <- paste0(.ENSEMBL_FTP_RELEASE_PREFIX, release, "/gtf")
    } else if (is.na(division) && !use.grch37) {
        gtf_subdir <- "current_gtf"
    } else {
        gtf_subdir <- "current/gtf"
    paste0(top_url, gtf_subdir, "/")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### get_current_Ensembl_release()

### The keys are FTP URLs to Ensembl division top-level directories e.g.
###   "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/"
###   "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/grch37/"
###   "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/plants/"
### etc...
.Ensembl_FTP_cached_releases <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

.list_Ensembl_FTP_releases <- function(division=NA, use.grch37=FALSE,
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(as.subdirs))
        stop(wmsg("'as.subdirs' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    top_url <- .get_Ensembl_FTP_top_url(division=division,
    releases <- .Ensembl_FTP_cached_releases[[top_url]]
    if (is.null(releases)) {
        top_files <- list_ftp_dir(top_url)
        nc <- nchar(.ENSEMBL_FTP_RELEASE_PREFIX)
        prefixes <- substr(top_files, 1L, nc)
        releases <- top_files[prefixes == .ENSEMBL_FTP_RELEASE_PREFIX]
        releases <- substr(releases, nc + 1L, nchar(releases))
        releases <- sort(as.integer(releases))
        .Ensembl_FTP_cached_releases[[top_url]] <- releases
    if (as.subdirs)
        releases <- paste0(.ENSEMBL_FTP_RELEASE_PREFIX, releases)

get_current_Ensembl_release <- function(division=NA, use.grch37=FALSE)
    releases <- .list_Ensembl_FTP_releases(division=division,
    current_release <- max(as.integer(releases))
    ## The latest release is not necessarily **officially** released, in
    ## which case the corresponding FTP dir is incomplete. The following
    ## code tries to detect this situation by checking the presence of the
    ## README file.
    top_url <- .get_Ensembl_FTP_top_url(division=division,
    README_url <- paste0(top_url, .ENSEMBL_FTP_RELEASE_PREFIX,
                         current_release, "/README")
    res <- try(suppressWarnings(
        download.file(README_url, tempfile(), quiet=TRUE)
    ), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
        current_release <- current_release - 1L

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### fetch_species_index_from_Ensembl_FTP()

### The species index file can be used with Ensembl releases >= 96 and
### Ensembl Genomes releases >= 22.
use_species_index_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(release=NA, division=NA,
    if (!is_single_value(release))
        stop(wmsg("'release' must be a single value"))
    if (!is_single_value(division))
        stop(wmsg("'division' must be a single value"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.grch37))
        stop(wmsg("'use.grch37' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    if (use.grch37) {
        if (is.na(division))
        stop(wmsg("'division' and 'use.grch37' cannot both be specified"))
    if (is.na(release))
    release <- as.integer(release)
    if (is.na(division))
        return(release >= 96L)
    release >= 22L

.get_Ensembl_FTP_species_index_url <- function(release=NA, division=NA)
    if (!is_single_value(release))
        stop(wmsg("'release' must be a single value"))
    top_url <- .get_Ensembl_FTP_top_url(division=division)
    if (is.na(division)) {
        ## Available in Ensembl release 96 (March 2019) and above.
        species_file <- "species_EnsemblVertebrates.txt"
    } else {
        ## Available in Ensembl Genomes release 17 (Feb 2013) and above.
        ## However the current format is used only since release 22 (March
        ## 2014). See .load_or_fetch_species_index_from_url() below.
        species_file <- switch(division,
            stop("Invalid division: ", division, "\n  ",
                 wmsg("Must be one of NA (stands for the main Ensembl ",
                      "division), \"bacteria\", \"fungi\", \"metazoa\", ",
                      "\"plants\", or \"protists\"."))
    if (is.na(release) && !is.na(division)) {
        subdir <- "current"
    } else {
        if (is.na(release))
            release <- get_current_Ensembl_release()
        subdir <- paste0(.ENSEMBL_FTP_RELEASE_PREFIX, release)
    paste0(top_url, subdir, "/", species_file)

.fetch_species_index_from_url <- function(url)
    species_index <- fetch_table_from_url(url, header=TRUE)
    species_index_ncol <- ncol(species_index)
    if (species_index_ncol != 15L && species_index_ncol != 16L)
        stop(wmsg(url, " does not contain the expected fields"))

    ## This is the format used in Ensembl releases >= 96 and Ensembl
    ## Genomes releases >= 22.
    expected_colnames <- c(
        "name", "species", "division", "taxonomy_id",
        "assembly", "assembly_accession", "genebuild", "variation",
        "pan_compara", "peptide_compara", "genome_alignments",
        "other_alignments", "core_db", "species_id"
    ## The "microarray" field was added in Ensembl 103 and Ensembl Genomes 50.
    if (species_index_ncol == 16L)
        expected_colnames <- append(expected_colnames, "microarray", after=8L)

    ## Note that Ensembl species index files are broken: the header line
    ## specifies 14 fields separated by 13 tabs BUT each line of data
    ## contains 14 tabs! The last tab is an additional tab placed
    ## at the end of the line i.e. after the 14th value in the line.
    ## For read.table() this means that there are actually 15 values
    ## and that the last value is missing! As a consequence the colnames
    ## on the returned data frame are completely messed up!
    expected_messed_up_colnames <- c("row.names", expected_colnames)
    expected_messed_up_colnames[2L] <- "X.name"
    if (!identical(colnames(species_index), expected_messed_up_colnames))
        stop(wmsg(url, " does not contain the expected fields"))
    colnames(species_index) <- c(expected_colnames,
                                 paste0("V", species_index_ncol))

    ## The last column should be filled with NAs. Drop it.

.cached_species_index <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

.load_or_fetch_species_index_from_url <- function(url)
    species_index <- .cached_species_index[[url]]
    if (is.null(species_index)) {
        species_index <- .fetch_species_index_from_url(url)
        .cached_species_index[[url]] <- species_index

fetch_species_index_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(release=NA, division=NA)
    url <- .get_Ensembl_FTP_species_index_url(release=release,

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### .lookup_species_in_species_index()

.normalize_species <- function(species) chartr(" ", "_", tolower(species))

.stop_on_ambiguous_lookup <- function(species_index, idx, max_print,
                                      species, column, url)
    show_matching_entries <- function(species_index, idx) {
        cat("\n  Matching entries")
        truncate <- length(idx) > max_print
        if (truncate) {
            cat(" (showing the first", max_print, "only)")
            idx <- head(idx, n=max_print)
        ## We drop columns that are totally uninteresting/meaningless in
        ## the context of species lookup.
        drop_columns <- c(
            "variation", "pan_compara", "peptide_compara",
            "genome_alignments", "other_alignments", "species_id"
        m <- as.matrix(drop_cols(species_index[idx, ], drop_columns))
        if (truncate) {
            ellipsis <- "..."
            m <- rbind(m, rep.int(ellipsis, ncol(m)))
            rownames(m)[max_print + 1L] <- ellipsis
        rownames(m) <- paste0("    ", rownames(m))
        print(m, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)
    on.exit(show_matching_entries(species_index, idx))
    stop("\n  ", wmsg("Found ", length(idx), " matches (case insensitive) ",
              "for \"", species, "\" in \"", column, "\" column of ",
              "Ensembl species index file:"),
              "\n    ", url)

### Find the core DB in 'core_dbs' that matches 'species'.
.lookup_species_in_core_dbs <- function(species, core_dbs)
    trimmed_core_dbs <- sub("_core_.*$", "", core_dbs)
    ## First assume that 'species' was supplied as the name of a core DB
    ## (after removal of the _core_.* suffix) e.g. "homo_sapiens".
    idx <- grep(species, trimmed_core_dbs)
    if (length(idx) == 1L)
    ## Then assume that 'species' was supplied as the name of a BioMart
    ## dataset e.g. "hsapiens" or "hsapiens_gene_ensembl".
    abbrev_core_dbs <- sub("^(.)[^_]*_", "\\1", trimmed_core_dbs)
    if (species == "mfuro_gene_ensembl") {
        abbrev_species <- "mputorius_furo"
    } else {
        abbrev_species <- strsplit(species, "_", fixed=TRUE)[[1L]][[1L]]
    which(abbrev_species == abbrev_core_dbs)

### Find the row in 'species_index' that matches 'species'.
.lookup_species_in_species_index <- function(species, species_index, url)
    ## Exact match (case insensitive).
    search_columns <- c("name", "species", "taxonomy_id",
                        "assembly", "assembly_accession", "core_db")
    for (column in search_columns) {
        if (column %in% c("name", "taxonomy_id")) {
            target <- species
        } else {
            target <- .normalize_species(species)
        idx <- which(tolower(species_index[ , column]) %in% target)
        if (length(idx) == 1L)
        if (length(idx) > 1L)
            .stop_on_ambiguous_lookup(species_index, idx, 4L,
                                      species, column, url)

    ## Lookup 'species' in the "core_db" column.
    idx <- .lookup_species_in_core_dbs(.normalize_species(species),
                                       species_index[ , "core_db"])
    if (length(idx) == 1L)
    if (length(idx) > 1L)
        .stop_on_ambiguous_lookup(species_index, idx, 4L,
                                  species, "core_db", url)

    ## Fuzzy match (grep()-based).
    search_columns <- c("name", "species", "assembly", "core_db")
    for (column in search_columns) {
        if (column %in% "name") {
            target <- species
        } else {
            target <- .normalize_species(species)
        idx <- grep(target, species_index[ , column], ignore.case=TRUE)
        if (length(idx) == 1L)
        if (length(idx) > 1L)
            .stop_on_ambiguous_lookup(species_index, idx, 4L,
                                      species, column, url)

    ## We tried hard and failed!
    stop(wmsg("Couldn't find \"", species, "\" in ",
              "Ensembl species index file:"),
         "\n    ", url)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Low-level utilities for obtaining/making/checking "species_info" objects
### A "species_info" object is just a named list at the moment.

.extract_species_info_from_species_index <- function(species_index, idx,
    if (is.na(release)) {
        release <- get_current_Ensembl_release()
    } else {
        release <- as.integer(release)
        name=species_index[idx, "name"],
        species=species_index[idx, "species"],
        division=species_index[idx, "division"],
        taxonomy_id=species_index[idx, "taxonomy_id"],
        assembly=species_index[idx, "assembly"],
        assembly_accession=species_index[idx, "assembly_accession"],
        core_db=species_index[idx, "core_db"]

.make_species_info_for_grch37 <- function(release=NA)
    if (is.na(release)) {
        release <- get_current_Ensembl_release()
    } else {
        release <- as.integer(release)
    core_db <- paste0("homo_sapiens_core_", release, "_37")

check_species_info <- function(species_info)
    fields <- names(species_info)
    stopifnot(!is.null(fields), is_primary_key(fields),
              all(c("species", "Ensembl_release") %in% fields))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### get_Ensembl_FTP_core_db_url()

### Returns a single string with the "species_info" attribute (named list)
### on it.
.find_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_species_index <- function(species,
                                                       release=NA, division=NA)
    url <- .get_Ensembl_FTP_species_index_url(release=release,
    species_index <- .load_or_fetch_species_index_from_url(url)
    idx <- .lookup_species_in_species_index(species, species_index, url)
    species_info <- .extract_species_info_from_species_index(species_index,
                                                             idx, release)
    core_db <- species_info$core_db
    attr(core_db, "species_info") <- species_info

.warn_species_was_ignored <- function(species)
    if (missing(species))
    ok <- FALSE
    if (is_single_value(species)) {
        if (is.na(species)) {
            ok <- TRUE
        } else if (is.character(species)) {
            ok <- species == "" ||
                  grepl("human", species, ignore.case=TRUE) ||
                  grepl("homo", species, ignore.case=TRUE) ||
                  grepl("sapiens", species, ignore.case=TRUE) ||
                  grepl("GRCh37", species, ignore.case=TRUE)
    if (!ok)
        warning(wmsg("you've set 'use.grch37' to TRUE ",
                     "so 'species' was ignored"))

### Returns a single string with the "species_info" attribute (named list)
### on it.
.predict_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_grch37 <- function(release=NA)
    species_info <- .make_species_info_for_grch37(release)
    core_db <- species_info$core_db
    attr(core_db, "species_info") <- species_info

### The keys are FTP URLs to "mysql" directories e.g.
###   "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_mysql/"
###   "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-98/mysql/"
###   "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/bacteria/current/mysql/"
###   "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/plants/release-45/mysql/"
### etc...
.Ensembl_FTP_cached_core_dbs <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

.list_Ensembl_FTP_core_dbs <- function(mysql_url, release=NA)

    pattern <- "_core_"
    core_dbs <- .Ensembl_FTP_cached_core_dbs[[mysql_url]]
    if (is.null(core_dbs)) {
        subdirs <- list_ftp_dir(mysql_url, subdirs.only=TRUE)
        core_dbs <- subdirs[grep(pattern, subdirs, fixed=TRUE)]
        .Ensembl_FTP_cached_core_dbs[[mysql_url]] <- core_dbs

    if (!is.na(release))
        pattern <- paste0(pattern, release, "_")
    core_dbs[grep(pattern, core_dbs, fixed=TRUE)]

### Returns a single string with the "species_info" attribute (named list)
### on it.
.find_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_core_dbs <- function(mysql_url, species,
    core_dbs <- .list_Ensembl_FTP_core_dbs(mysql_url, release=release)
    species2 <- .normalize_species(species)
    idx <- .lookup_species_in_core_dbs(species2, core_dbs)
    if (length(idx) != 1L)
        stop(wmsg("found 0 or more than 1 subdir for \"", species,
                  "\" species at ", mysql_url))
    core_db <- core_dbs[[idx]]
    if (is.na(release)) {
        release <- get_current_Ensembl_release()
    } else {
        release <- as.integer(release)
    attr(core_db, "species_info") <- list(
        species=sub("_core_.*$", "", core_db),

### 'division' must be NA or one of the Ensembl Genomes divisions i.e.
### "bacteria", "fungi", "metazoa", "plants", or "protists".
### Return URL to Ensemble Core DB (FTP access) in a single string with
### the "species_info" attribute (named list) on it.
get_Ensembl_FTP_core_db_url <- function(species, release=NA, division=NA,
    mysql_url <- get_Ensembl_FTP_mysql_url(release=release,
    if (use.grch37) {
        ## We ignore user-supplied 'species'.
        core_db <- .predict_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_grch37(release)
    } else {
        if (!isSingleString(species) || species == "")
            stop(wmsg("'species' must be a single non-empty string"))
        use_species_index <- use_species_index_from_Ensembl_FTP(
        if (use_species_index) {
            ## The new way!
            core_db <- .find_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_species_index(
        } else {
            ## The old way. Dumb, unreliable, and slow!
            core_db <- .find_core_db_in_Ensembl_FTP_core_dbs(
                                           species, release=release)
    species_info <- attr(core_db, "species_info")
    core_db_url <- paste0(mysql_url, core_db, "/")
    attr(core_db_url, "species_info") <- species_info

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Fetch core DB data from the Ensembl FTP server

fetch_default_coord_systems_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(core_db_url)
    coord_system <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url,

    ## Drop rows that do not have the default_version attrib.
    keep_idx <- grep("default_version", coord_system[ , "attrib"], fixed=TRUE)
    ans <- S4Vectors:::extract_data_frame_rows(coord_system, keep_idx)

    ## Even though we expect that column "name" will always have unique
    ## values within the remaining rows, we want to be informed if this
    ## is not the case.
    coord_system.name <- ans[ , "name"]
    if (anyDuplicated(coord_system.name))
        warning(wmsg("column \"coord_system.name\" contains duplicates ",
                     "within the rows that have the default_version attrib"))

### Retrieves all synonyms for the supplied sequence ids.
### This is done via tables "seq_region_synonym" and "external_db".
### Return a list parallel to 'seq_region_ids' where each list element is a
### named character vector containing all the synonyms for the corresponding
### sequence id. The names on the character vector indicate the origin of
### the synonym i.e. the external DB where it's used (e.g. "INSDC",
### "RefSeq_genomic", "UCSC", "ensembl_internal_synonym", etc..)
.fetch_synonyms_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(core_db_url, seq_region_ids)

    all_synonyms <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url,
    keep_idx <- which(all_synonyms[ , "seq_region_id"] %in% seq_region_ids)
    synonyms <- S4Vectors:::extract_data_frame_rows(all_synonyms, keep_idx)

    external_dbs <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url,
    synonyms <- join_dfs(synonyms, external_dbs,
                         "external_db_id", "external_db_id",
                         keep.Rcol=TRUE)  # we'll drop it below

    f <- factor(synonyms[ , "seq_region_id"], levels=seq_region_ids)
    unlisted_ans <- setNames(synonyms[ , "synonym"], synonyms[ , "db_name"])
    split(unlisted_ans, f)

.attrib_type_codes_to_ids_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(core_db_url, codes)
    if (!is.character(codes))
        stop(wmsg("'codes' must be a character vector"))
    if (anyDuplicated(codes))
        stop(wmsg("'codes' cannot contain duplicates"))

    ## UGLY HACK (AND TIME BOMB!): Get only the first 99 rows of
    ## the 'attrib_type' table!
    ## The reason we don't read in the entire table is because some rows at
    ## the bottom of the table (rows with attrib_type_id >= 416, these rows
    ## were added in Ensembl 75) contain embedded EOL characters that break
    ## read.table(). Since in practice we only need to lookup the
    ## attrib_type_id associated with the "toplevel" and "non_ref" codes,
    ## and since these codes are generally found at the beginning of the
    ## file (AFAIK "toplevel" has always been assigned the attrib_type_id
    ## of 6 and the lines in the file seem to always be ordered by
    ## attrib_type_id), reading in the first 99 rows should be way enough
    ## to get what we need.
    ## APRIL 2022 UPDATE: It didn't take that long for the above time bomb
    ## to explode! In Ensembl release 106, the rows in 'attrib_type.txt.gz'
    ## for "celegans" are shuffled. See:
    ##   http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-106/mysql/caenorhabditis_elegans_core_106_279/
    ## This is unseen before! Unfortunately this breaks our ugly hack. The
    ## good news is that the issue that motivated our ugly hack in the first
    ## place seems to have vanished! Tested with:
    ##   for (release in c(75:88, 90:106)) {
    ##     cat(release, "\n")
    ##     core_db_url <- GenomeInfoDb:::get_Ensembl_FTP_core_db_url(
    ##                                               "hsapiens",
    ##                                               release=release)
    ##     attrib_type <- GenomeInfoDb:::fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(
    ##                                               core_db_url,
    ##                                               "attrib_type")
    ##   }
    ## Note that we skip release 89 because the dump files there are broken:
    ##   http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-89/mysql/homo_sapiens_core_89_38/
    ## e.g. many of them (including dump file for "attrib_type" table) have
    ## extension .gz.bz2 which is a mess!
    #attrib_type <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url,
    #                                                 "attrib_type", nrows=99L)
    attrib_type <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url, "attrib_type")

    m <- solid_match(codes, attrib_type[ , "code"],
                     x_what="supplied code",
                     table_what="\"attrib_type.code\" value")
    bad_idx <- which(is.na(m))
    if (length(bad_idx) != 0L) {
        in1string <- paste0(codes[bad_idx], collapse=", ")
        stop(wmsg("table \"attrib_type\" has no entry for: ", in1string))
    setNames(attrib_type[m, "attrib_type_id"], codes)

.external_db_names_to_ids_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(core_db_url, db_names)
    if (!is.character(db_names))
        stop(wmsg("'db_names' must be a character vector"))
    if (anyDuplicated(db_names))
        stop(wmsg("'db_names' cannot contain duplicates"))
    external_db <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url, "external_db")
    m <- solid_match(db_names, external_db[ , "db_name"],
                     x_what="supplied db_name",
                     table_what="\"external_db.db_name\" value")
    bad_idx <- which(is.na(m))
    if (length(bad_idx) != 0L) {
        in1string <- paste0(db_names[bad_idx], collapse=", ")
        stop(wmsg("table \"external_db\" has no entry for: ", in1string))
    setNames(external_db[m, "external_db_id"], db_names)

### Retrieves attribs "toplevel" and "non_ref" for the supplied sequence ids.
### This is done via tables "seq_region_attrib" and "attrib_type".
.fetch_attribs_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(core_db_url, seq_region_ids,
                                            toplevel=FALSE, non_ref=FALSE)
    all_attribs <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url,
    attrib_type_id <- all_attribs[ , "attrib_type_id"]
    codes <- c("toplevel", "non_ref")
    code2id <- .attrib_type_codes_to_ids_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url, codes)
    if (toplevel) {
        keep_idx <- which(attrib_type_id == code2id[["toplevel"]])
        ids <- all_attribs[keep_idx, "seq_region_id"]
        toplevel <- seq_region_ids %in% ids
    } else {
        toplevel <- NULL
    if (non_ref) {
        keep_idx <- which(attrib_type_id == code2id[["non_ref"]])
        ids <- all_attribs[keep_idx, "seq_region_id"]
        non_ref <- seq_region_ids %in% ids
    } else {
        non_ref <- NULL
    list(toplevel=toplevel, non_ref=non_ref)

### This is the workhorse behind getChromInfoFromEnsembl().
### Typical use:
###   core_db_url <- get_Ensembl_FTP_core_db_url("hsapiens")
###   fetch_seq_regions_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url)
fetch_seq_regions_from_Ensembl_FTP <- function(core_db_url,

    coord_systems <- fetch_default_coord_systems_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url)

    ## Fetch table "seq_region".
    seq_regions <- fetch_table_dump_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url, "seq_region")

    ## INNER JOIN table "seq_region" with table "coord_system".
    Rtable <- "coord_system"
    colnames(coord_systems) <- paste(Rtable, colnames(coord_systems), sep=".")
    Lcolumn <- "coord_system_id"
    Rcolumn <- paste(Rtable, Lcolumn, sep=".")
    ans <- join_dfs(seq_regions, coord_systems, Lcolumn, Rcolumn)
    seq_region_ids <- ans[ , "seq_region_id"]

    ans$synonyms <- .fetch_synonyms_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url,

    if (add.toplevel.col || add.non_ref.col) {
        cols <- .fetch_attribs_from_Ensembl_FTP(core_db_url,
        ans <- cbind(ans, S4Vectors:::delete_NULLs(cols),

Bioconductor/GenomeInfoDb documentation built on April 19, 2024, 9:28 a.m.