
### =========================================================================
### collect_rda_objects_to_update.R
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### This script performs STEP 3 of the "Find and update objects" procedure
### described in the README file located in the same folder.
### Before you run this script, make sure you performed STEPS 1 & 2.
### See README file for more information.
### Then to run STEP 3 in "batch" mode:
###   cd <dir/you/want/to/search>  # RDA_OBJECTS file should be here
###   R CMD BATCH collect_rda_objects_to_update.R \
###              >collect_rda_objects_to_update.log 2>&1 &
### The output of STEP 3 is a file created in the current directory and named
### RDA_OBJECTS_TO_UPDATE. It is a subset of input file RDA_OBJECTS.



if (FALSE) {
### Unfortunately, loading all the required packages in the main process will
### sometimes hit the maximal number of DLLs that can be loaded ("maximal
### number of DLLs reached..." infamous error).
.check_classes <- function(classes, package)
        library(package, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)
    sapply(classes, function(class) {
           extends(class, "SummarizedExperiment") ||
           extends(class, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")

### We check the classes in a subprocess to work around the "maximal number
### of DLLs reached..." infamous error.
.check_classes <- function(classes, package)
    classes_in1string <- paste0("\"", classes, "\"")
    classes_in1string <- paste0("c(",
                                paste(classes_in1string, collapse=", "),
    outfile <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(package, "_class_summary"))
    input <- c("suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(",
       sprintf("    library(%s)", "SummarizedExperiment"),
       sprintf("    library(%s)", package),
       sprintf("classes <- %s", classes_in1string),
               "ok <- sapply(classes, function(class) {",
               "    extends(class, \"SummarizedExperiment\") ||",
               "    extends(class, \"RangedSummarizedExperiment\")",
               "class_summary <- data.frame(class=classes, ok=unname(ok))",
       sprintf("write.table(class_summary, file=\"%s\", sep=\"\t\")", outfile)
    command <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
    args <- c("--vanilla", "--slave")
    system2(command, args=args, input=input)
    class_summary <- read.table(outfile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    stopifnot(identical(class_summary[ , "class"], classes))  # sanity check
    setNames(class_summary[ , "ok"], classes)

collectRdaObjectsToUpdate <- function(rda_objects, outfile="")
    rda_objects2 <- unique(rda_objects[ , c("objclass", "objclass_pkg")])
    objclass2 <- rda_objects2[ , "objclass"]
    objclass_pkg2 <- rda_objects2[ , "objclass_pkg"]
    idx <- which(duplicated(objclass2))
    if (length(idx) != 0L) {
        msg <- c("the following classes are defined in more than 1 package: ",
                 paste0(unique(objclass2[idx]), collapse=", "))
    pkg2class <- split(objclass2, objclass_pkg2)
    pkg2class[c(".", ".GlobalEnv")] <- NULL
    pkgs <- names(pkg2class)

    ## Install missing packages.
    installed_pkgs <- rownames(installed.packages())
    missing_pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, installed_pkgs)
    if (length(missing_pkgs) != 0L) {
        installed_pkgs <- rownames(installed.packages())
        missing_pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, installed_pkgs)
        if (length(missing_pkgs) != 0L) {
            ## Some packages could not be installed.
            pkgs <- intersect(pkgs, installed_pkgs)
            pkg2class <- pkg2class[pkgs]

    ## Check classes, one package at a time.
    class2ok <- unlist(
            function(i) {
                pkg <- pkgs[[i]]
                cat("[", i , "/", length(pkgs), "] Check classes defined ",
                    "in package ", pkg, " ... ", sep="")
                ans <- .check_classes(pkg2class[[pkg]], pkg)

    ## Write output to file.
    objclass <- rda_objects[ , "objclass"]
    ok <- class2ok[objclass]
    ok[] <- FALSE
    rda_objects_to_update <- rda_objects[ok, , drop=FALSE]
    rda_objects_to_update <-
        c(as.list(rda_objects_to_update), list(sep="\t"))
    writeLines(rda_objects_to_update, con=outfile)

rda_objects <- read.table(INFILE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(rda_objects) <- c("rda_file", "objname", "objclass", "objclass_pkg")
collectRdaObjectsToUpdate(rda_objects, outfile=OUTFILE)
Bioconductor/SummarizedExperiment documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 8:20 a.m.