chunkable = function(data, n=NULL, chunksize=10) {
# don't use a cursor but define an index:
# stateless query resolution
if (is.null(n)) n= nrow(data)
inds = chunk(from=1, to=n, by=chunksize, maxindex=n)
datafun <- function(which) {
if (which < 1 | which > length(inds)) return(NULL)
if (which > length(inds)) stop("request for nonexistent chunk")
tin = function(x) as.integer(as.hi(x))
data[ tin(inds[[which]]), ]
.dfbychunk = setRefClass("dfbychunk", fields = list(chunksize="integer", nchunk="integer",
methods = list(show=function(...) cat(nrow(data), "x", ncol(data), "dfbychunk instance, chunksize", chunksize, "\n"),
getchunk = function(which) chunkable(data, chunksize=chunksize)(which),
initialize = function(..., chunksize, data) {
# do we really need this?
if (missing(chunksize)) chunksize <<- 10L
else chunksize <<- chunksize
if (!missing(data)) data <<- data
nchunk <<- as.integer(ceiling(nrow(data)/chunksize))
combi = function (x, y)
lapply(1:length(x), function(i) x[[i]] + y[[i]])
parols <- function (fmla, dfbyc, family, binit, maxit = 20, tol = 1e-06)
beta = binit
del = Inf
curit = 1
nchunk = dfbyc$nchunk
while (max(abs(del)) > tol) {
delcomp = foreach(i = 1:nchunk, .combine = combi) %dopar% {
fm = model.frame(fmla, dfbyc$getchunk(i))
xi = model.matrix(fmla, fm)
yi = model.response(fm)
resi = yi - xi%*%beta
list(xpx = t(xi)%*%xi, xpr = t(xi)%*%resi, ssr=sum(resi^2), ni=length(yi))
xpxinv = solve(delcomp[[1]])
del = xpxinv %*% delcomp[[2]]
beta = beta + del
curit = curit + 1
if (curit > maxit)
stop(paste("maxit [", maxit, "] iterations exceeded"))
ssr = delcomp[[3]]
N = delcomp[[4]]
se = sqrt(diag((ssr/(N-length(del)))*xpxinv))
list(stats=cbind(beta,se), ssr=ssr, N=N)
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