
Defines functions .hca_bind.list_hca hca_prev.list_hca hca_next.list_hca .hca_pagination.list_hca .as_list_hca

Documented in hca_next.list_hca hca_prev.list_hca

.as_list_hca <- function(x)
    list_hca <- as.list(x)
    class(list_hca) <- c("list_hca", class(list_hca))

.hca_pagination.list_hca <-

#' @rdname list_hca
#' @md
#' @title 'list' representation of HCA query results
#' @description `projects()`, `samples()`, `files()` and `bundles()`
#'     return results for the number of records indicated by the
#'     `size=` argument. Use `as = "list"` to return results as a
#'     `"list_hca"` list.
#' @description `hca_next()` returns a list containing the next 'page'
#'     of results.
#' @param x a 'list' returned by `projects()`, `samples()`, `files()`,
#'     or `bundles()`.
#' @param size the (non-negative integer) number of elements to
#'     retrieve in the page request. The default is the number of
#'     elements requested in `x`.
#' @return `hca_next()` returns a list containing the next 'page' of
#'     results.
#' @examples
#' projects <- projects(size = 5, as = "list") # projects 1-5
#' next_projects <- hca_next(projects)         # projects 6-10
#' @export
hca_next.list_hca <-
    function(x, size)
    response <- .hca_next(x, size)

#' @rdname list_hca
#' @description `hca_prev()` returns a list containing the previous
#'     'page' of results.
#' @return `hca_prev()` returns a list containing the previous 'page'
#'     of results.
#' @examples
#' hca_prev(next_projects)            # projects 1-5
#' @export
hca_prev.list_hca <-
    function(x, size)
    response <- .hca_prev(x, size)

#' @export
.hca_bind.list_hca <-
    function(x, y)
    result <- x
    result$hits <- c(x$hits, y$hits)
    attributes(result) <- attributes(y)
    result$pagination$prev <- x$pagination$prev
Bioconductor/hca documentation built on May 3, 2024, 1:49 p.m.