#' Plot Individual Explorer Visits by Param
#' Gather various shiny inputs and return either a ggplot or plotly object. This
#' graph's purpose is to plot AVAL against a visit variable for any PARAMCD,
#' establishing one part of patient narrative found on the Individual Explorer
#' Tab. The graph allows many features to be toggled to enhance the data
#' presented in the plot, including plotting horizontal lines for screening &
#' baseline measurements (when available) and overlaying pertinent OCCDs events
#' (certain milestones, adverse events, and/or con meds) that have occurred
#' during the patients journey.
#' @param watermark If \code{TRUE}, then include a watermark on the output plot
#' @param graph_output A character string specifying either "plotly" or
#' "ggplot2"
#' @param bds_data A character string containg the name of the BDS Dataset
#' @param usubjid A character string containing Patient number in the form of
#' USUBJID standards
#' @param input_plot_hor A character string containing variable name to have
#' horizontal line plotted
#' @param input_visit_var A character string containing the visit variable name
#' @param input_plot_param A character string containing the PARAMCD name /
#' Value from which to plot AVAL values
#' @param input_plot_adam A character string containing the ADaM dataset name
#' @param input_overlay_events A character vector containing the names of
#' patient events to plot
#' @param vline_dat The vline data frame that contains x-intercept values for
#' the corrresponding events selected to be overlain on the plot
#' @param vv_dy_name TA character vector containing the name of the visit
#' variable(s)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line scale_x_continuous labs geom_point
#' annotate geom_vline geom_hline scale_color_manual
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly layout config add_annotations
#' @return If graph_output is \code{plotly}, then a plotly object, else if
#' \code{ggplot} then a ggplot2 object
#' @family indvExp Functions
#' @noRd
fnIndvExplVisits <- function(
watermark = FALSE,
graph_output = "plotly",
INPUT_visit_var <- sym(input_visit_var)
plot_dat <-
bds_data %>%
filter(!(is.na(!!INPUT_visit_var)) & PARAMCD == input_plot_param) # make sure AVISITN is not missing
# Find the max number of avals for any visit
most_avals_per_visit <-
plot_dat %>%
group_by(!!INPUT_visit_var) %>%
summarize(n = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
summarize(max_avals = max(n, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# initialize man_cols for manual color control
man_cols <- character(0)
# Create screening or baseline data as necessary
if("Screening" %in% input_plot_hor){
plot_scr <- plot_dat %>% subset(regexpr("SCREENING", toupper(VISIT)) > 0) %>% distinct(AVAL) %>% mutate(Visit = "Screening")
if("Baseline" %in% input_plot_hor){
plot_base <- plot_dat %>% subset(regexpr("BASELINE", toupper(AVISIT)) > 0) %>% distinct(AVAL) %>% mutate(Visit = "Baseline")
if (nrow(plot_dat) > 0) {
prm <- unique(plot_dat$PARAM)
if(input_plot_adam %in% c("ADLB","ADLBC") &
all(c("LBSTNRLO","LBSTNRHI") %in% colnames(plot_dat))){
lohi <- paste("LO:",unique(plot_dat$LBSTNRLO),"HI:",unique(plot_dat$LBSTNRHI))
lb_plot <-
ggplot2::ggplot(plot_dat, ggplot2::aes(x = !!INPUT_visit_var, y = AVAL)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(plot_dat[,input_visit_var]), max(plot_dat[,input_visit_var]), 30)) +
ggplot2::labs(x = paste0("Study Visit (",input_visit_var,")"),
y = prm,
title = paste(prm,"by Relative Study Day"),
subtitle = paste0(
ifelse(input_plot_adam %in% c("ADLB","ADLBC") &
all(c("LBSTNRLO","LBSTNRHI") %in% colnames(plot_dat)),
paste0("Note: Study's average ",input_plot_param," range shown in blue - ",lohi,"\n")
"USUBJID: ",usubjid)
# IF there are multiple AVALs for a single USUBJID, PARAMCD, and VISIT
# AND ADTM or ATPT exists... THEN plot those values on the graph as well
extra_aval_vars <- c("ATM","ATPT")
if(most_avals_per_visit > 1 & any(extra_aval_vars %in% colnames(plot_dat))){
# Grab first available variable that exists and could explain why their are extra avals
avals_by <- sym(extra_aval_vars[extra_aval_vars %in% colnames(plot_dat)][1])
# assign("avals_by", sym(extra_aval_vars[extra_aval_vars %in% colnames(plot_dat)][1]),
# envir = parent.frame())
# avals_by <- sym(extra_aval_vars[extra_aval_vars %in% colnames(plot_dat)][1])
# deliver_avals_by(x = avals_by)
if(avals_by == "ATM") {
plot_dat <- plot_dat %>% mutate(ATM = as.POSIXct(paste("1970-01-01",ATM)))
# if discrete atpt, use color aesthetic
if(avals_by == "ATPT"){
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = plot_dat, na.rm = TRUE,
ggplot2::aes(x = !!INPUT_visit_var, y = AVAL,
colour = !!avals_by, # colour aesthetic for for discrete
text = paste0(AVISIT,
"<br>",input_visit_var, ": ",!!INPUT_visit_var,
"<br>",avals_by, ": ",!!avals_by,
"<br>",input_plot_param ,": ",AVAL
# manually create colors and updates man_cols
geom_point_names <- plot_dat %>% distinct(!!avals_by) %>% pull()
num_names <- length(geom_point_names)
geom_point_cols <- my_gg_color_hue(2 + num_names)[3:(2+num_names)]
man_cols <- c(man_cols, setNames(geom_point_cols, geom_point_names))
else { # if continuous posixct object (like ATM) then use fill aesthetic for color gradient
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = plot_dat, na.rm = TRUE,
ggplot2::aes(x = !!INPUT_visit_var, y = AVAL,
fill = !!avals_by, # fill aesthetic for for continuous will make gradient legend
text = paste0(AVISIT,
"<br>",input_visit_var, ": ",!!INPUT_visit_var,
"<br>",avals_by, ": ",!!avals_by,
"<br>",input_plot_param ,": ",AVAL
} else { # no color by variable in legend or hover text
avals_by <- ""
# assign("avals_by", "", envir = parent.frame())
# with(parent.frame(), { avals_by <- "" })
# avals_by <- ""
# deliver_avals_by(x = avals_by)
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
suppressWarnings(ggplot2::geom_point(na.rm = TRUE,
ggplot2::aes(text = paste0(AVISIT,
"<br>",input_visit_var, ": ",!!INPUT_visit_var,
"<br>",input_plot_param ,": ",AVAL
if(watermark & graph_output == "ggplot"){
## custom draw method to calculate expansion factor on-the-fly
# drawDetails.watermark <- function(x, rot = 45, ...){
# cex <- convertUnit(unit(1,"npc"), "mm", val=TRUE) /
# convertUnit(unit(1,"grobwidth", textGrob(x$val)), "mm",val=TRUE)
# grid.text(x$lab, rot=rot, gp=gpar(cex = cex, col="white",
# fontface = "bold", alpha = 0.5))
# }
proof_lab = "tidyCDISC: PROOF ONLY"
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
# annotation_custom(xmin=-Inf, ymin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymax=Inf,
# grob(lab="tidyCDISC: PROOF ONLY", cl="watermark"))
# Smaller watermark
ggplot2::annotate("text", x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = proof_lab,
hjust=1.1, vjust=-3.3, col="white", fontface = "bold", alpha = 0.8,
cex = ifelse(substr(proof_lab,1,4) == 'tidyCDISC',
ifelse(avals_by == "" | rlang::is_empty(avals_by),19,14),
ifelse(avals_by == "" | rlang::is_empty(avals_by),16,12)
# plot vlines using events dataset
if(length(input_overlay_events) > 0 & input_visit_var %in% vv_dy_name){ #& any(c("ADLB","ADLBC") %in% loaded_adams()) # overlay checkbox won't appear unless this is true
if (!is.null(vline_dat)){
if(nrow(vline_dat) > 0){
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
data = vline_dat,
ggplot2::aes(xintercept = !!INPUT_visit_var,
colour = Event,
text = paste0(input_visit_var, ": ",floor(!!INPUT_visit_var),"<br>", DECODE)
), size = .35
names2 <- c("Milestones","Concomitant Meds","Adverse Events")
vline_eventtype_cols <- c("#80d1ad", "#f5ae7d", "#a8bde6") # dark version of my_cols
man_cols <- c(man_cols, setNames(vline_eventtype_cols,names2))
# If lab data, plot the normal low and high values for the drug, add a little space in the bottom margin
if(input_plot_adam %in% c("ADLB","ADLBC") &
all(c("LBSTNRLO","LBSTNRHI") %in% colnames(plot_dat))){
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept = mean(LBSTNRLO)), color = "blue") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept = mean(LBSTNRHI)), color = "blue") +
plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(b = 1.2, unit = "cm")
# Plotting hortizontal line
if("Screening" %in% input_plot_hor){
if(nrow(plot_scr) > 0){
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
ggplot2::geom_hline(plot_scr, mapping = ggplot2::aes(yintercept = AVAL, colour = Visit))
man_cols <- c(man_cols, setNames(my_gg_color_hue(2)[2],"Screening"))
if("Baseline" %in% input_plot_hor){
if(nrow(plot_base) > 0){
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
ggplot2::geom_hline(plot_base, mapping = ggplot2::aes(yintercept = AVAL, colour = Visit))
man_cols <- c(man_cols, setNames(my_gg_color_hue(2)[1],"Baseline"))
# if a lengend is needed, let's just define the line colors and types in one place
if(length(input_plot_hor) > 0 |
(most_avals_per_visit > 1 & any(extra_aval_vars %in% colnames(plot_dat)))|
(length(input_overlay_events) > 0 & input_visit_var %in% vv_dy_name)){
lb_plot <- lb_plot +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values= man_cols)
# End: ggplot2 object
# Create PLOTLY object from ggplot object
if(graph_output == "plotly"){
ly <- plotly::ggplotly(lb_plot, tooltip = "text") %>%
plotly::layout(title = list(text =
paste0(prm," by Study Visit<sup>",
"<br>USUBJID: ",usubjid
))) %>%
plotly::config(displaylogo = FALSE,
modeBarButtonsToRemove= c('sendDataToCloud', 'hoverCompareCartesian','hoverClosestCartesian','autoScale2d'
,'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'toggleSpikelines'
# , 'toImage', 'resetScale2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d','zoom2d', 'pan2d'
# instead, request was made to add caption to bottom of graph
if(input_plot_adam %in% c("ADLB","ADLBC") &
all(c("LBSTNRLO","LBSTNRHI") %in% colnames(plot_dat))){
ly <- ly %>%
plotly::add_annotations(x = ggplot2::ggplot_build(lb_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range[1],
y = -.15, # 15% below graph
yref = "paper",
text = paste0("<br>Note: Study's average ",input_plot_param," range shown in ",'<em style="color:blue">',"blue",'</em> ',lohi),
xanchor = 'left',
showarrow = FALSE)
# if watermark is desired, it can be added here
ly <- ly %>%
plotly::layout(annotations =
list(text="tidyCDISC: PROOF ONLY",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
opacity = 0.1,
showarrow = FALSE,
font=list(size = 40),
return(if(graph_output == "ggplot") lb_plot else ly)
} # if (nrow(plot_dat) > 0)
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