#' Combine BDS Data Frames
#' @description A function to combine all BDS data frames into one large data set.
#' @param datafile list of ADaM-ish data frames
#' @param ADSL A data frame which contains the ADSL data
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
#' @return A data frame containing the BDS data bound by rows.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' datalist <- list(ADSL = tidyCDISC::adsl, ADVS = tidyCDISC::advs,
#' ADAE = tidyCDISC::adae, ADLBC = tidyCDISC::adlbc)
#' pre_adsl <- prep_adsl(datalist$ADSL, input_recipe = 'NONE')
#' prep_bds(datalist, ADSL = pre_adsl$data)
#' }
prep_bds <- function(datafile, ADSL) {
init <- sapply(datafile, function(x) "PARAMCD" %in% colnames(x) & !("CNSR" %in% colnames(x)))
BDS <- datafile[init[substr(names(init),1,4) != "ADTT"]] # remove TTE class df's because `AVISIT` col doesn't exist in that class of df
PARAMCD <- map(BDS, ~ if(!"CHG" %in% names(.)) {update_list(., CHG = NA)} else {.})
if (!is_empty(PARAMCD)) {
# Bind all the PARAMCD files
all_PARAMCD <- bind_rows(PARAMCD, .id = "data_from") %>%
select(USUBJID, AVISITN, AVISIT, dplyr::any_of(c("ATPT")), PARAMCD, PARAM, AVAL, CHG, data_from)
# Join ADSL and all_PARAMCD
combined_data <- inner_join(ADSL, all_PARAMCD, by = "USUBJID")
} else {
combined_data <- ADSL %>%
mutate(data_from = "ADSL", PARAMCD = NA, AVAL = NA, CHG = NA)
combined_data <- varN_fctr_reorder(combined_data) # add this after filter?
#' Function to clean and combine ADAE dataset with ADSL
#' @param input_recipe The shiny input that keeps track of the recipe selected
#' @noRd
numeric_stan_table <- function(input_recipe){
ifelse(is.null(input_recipe) | input_recipe == "NONE",
as.numeric(gsub(" ","",gsub(":","",stringr::word(start = 2, substr(input_recipe, 1, 9)))))
#' Function to pre-filter the ADSL depending on the stan table selected
#' @param ADSL an ADSL data.frame
#' @param input_recipe The shiny input that keeps track of the recipe selected
#' @return A `list` containing a `data.frame` object and character vector specifying the pre-filter applied.
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
#' @examples
#' data(adsl, package = "tidyCDISC")
#' # Process ADSL data for STAN table
#' prep_adsl(adsl, input_recipe = 'Table 3: Accounting of Subjects')
#' # Return ADSL data if no STAN table selected
#' prep_adsl(adsl, input_recipe = "NONE")
prep_adsl <- function(ADSL, input_recipe) { #, stan_table_num
stan_table_num <- numeric_stan_table(input_recipe)
dat <- ADSL
msg <- ""
if(!is.null(input_recipe)){ # if recipe has initialized...
if(stan_table_num %in% c(3)){
if("FASFL" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(FASFL == 'Y')
msg <- "Population Set: FASFL = 'Y'"
} else{
if("ITTFL" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(ITTFL == 'Y')
msg <- "Population Set: ITTFL = 'Y'"
} else{
msg <- "Variable 'FASFL' or 'ITTFL' doesn't exist in ADSL. STAN table not displayed because filter \"FASFL == 'Y'\" or \"ITTFL == 'Y'\"cannot be applied!"
if(stan_table_num %in% c(18:39, 41:47, 51:53)){ # 5, nate requested 5 auto-filter be removed
if("SAFFL" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(SAFFL == 'Y')
msg <- "Population Set: SAFFL = 'Y'"
} else{
msg <- "Variable 'SAFFL' doesn't exist in ADSL. STAN table not displayed because filter \"SAFFL == 'Y'\" cannot be applied!"
return(list(data = dat, message = msg))
#' Function to clean and combine ADAE dataset with ADSL
#' @param datafile list of ADaM-ish data frames
#' @param ADSL A data frame which contains the ADSL data
#' @noRd
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
#' @return A cleaned ADAE data frame
#' @details Finds the columns in the ADAE data frame, if it exists, in common with ADSL (besides USUBJID) and removes them from the ADAE so that the ADSL columns are used instead, then joins on USUBJID and re-orders the column names to match ADAE.
clean_ADAE <- function(datafile, ADSL) {
if("ADAE" %in% names(datafile)){
# find columns the ADAE & ADSL have in common (besides Usubjid), remove
# them from the ADAE, so that the ADSL cols are used instead. Then join
# on usubjid and re-order the colnames to match the adae
adae_cols <- colnames(datafile$ADAE)
common_cols <- dplyr::intersect(adae_cols, colnames(ADSL))
com_cols_excp_u <- common_cols[common_cols != "USUBJID"]
adae_adsl <- datafile$ADAE %>%
select(-one_of(com_cols_excp_u)) %>%
inner_join(ADSL, by = "USUBJID")
preferred_col_order <- c(adae_cols, dplyr::setdiff(colnames(ADSL), adae_cols))
if(all(sort(colnames(adae_adsl)) == sort(preferred_col_order))){
varN_fctr_reorder(adae_adsl[,preferred_col_order]) # add this after filter?
} else {
} else {
#' Function to pre-filter the ADAE depending on the stan table selected
#' @param datafile list of ADaM-ish dataframes
#' @param ADSL an ADSL data.frame
#' @param input_recipe The shiny input that keeps track of the recipe selected
#' @return A `list` containing a `data.frame` object and character vector specifying the pre-filter applied.
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' datalist <- list(ADSL = tidyCDISC::adsl, ADVS = tidyCDISC::advs,
#' ADAE = tidyCDISC::adae, ADLBC = tidyCDISC::adlbc)
#' pre_adsl <- prep_adsl(datalist$ADSL, input_recipe = 'NONE')
#' # Create AE data set
#' prep_adae(datalist, pre_adsl$data, input_recipe = 'NONE')
#' }
prep_adae <- function(datafile, ADSL, input_recipe) { #, stan_table_num
stan_table_num <- numeric_stan_table(input_recipe)
dat <- clean_ADAE(datafile = datafile, ADSL = ADSL)
msg <- ""
if(!is.null(input_recipe) & "ADAE" %in% names(datafile)){ # if recipe has initialized...
if(stan_table_num %in% c(25, 26)){
if("AESEV" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(AESEV == 'SEVERE')
msg <- "AESEV = 'SEVERE'"
} else {
msg <- "Variable 'AESEV' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AESEV = 'SEVERE'\" cannot be applied!"
} else if(stan_table_num == 29){
if("AREL" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(AREL == 'RELATED')
msg <- "AREL = 'RELATED'"
} else {
msg <- "Variable 'AREL' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AREL = 'RELATED'\" cannot be applied!"
} else if(stan_table_num %in% c(30, 31)){
if("AESER" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(AESER == 'Y')
msg <- "AESER = 'Y'"
} else {
msg <- "Variable 'AESER' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AESER = 'Y'\" cannot be applied!"
} else if(stan_table_num == 33){
if("AREL" %in% colnames(dat) & "AESER" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(AREL == 'RELATED' & AESER == 'Y')
msg <- "AREL = 'RELATED'<br/>AESER = 'Y'"
} else if("AREL" %in% colnames(dat) & !("AESER" %in% colnames(dat))){
dat <- dat %>% filter(AREL == 'RELATED')
msg <- "AREL = 'RELATED'<br/>Variable 'AESER' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AESER = 'Y'\" cannot be applied!"
stop("Variable 'AESER' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AESER = 'Y'\" cannot be applied!")
} else if(!("AREL" %in% colnames(dat)) & "AESER" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(AESER == 'Y')
msg <- "Variable 'AREL' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AREL = 'RELATED'\" cannot be applied!<br/>AESER = 'Y'"
stop("Variable 'AREL' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AREL = 'RELATED'\" cannot be applied!")
} else{
msg <- "Variables 'AREL' & 'AESER' do not exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filters \"AREL = 'RELATED'\" and \"AESER = 'Y'\" cannot be applied!"
} else if(stan_table_num == 34){
if("AEACN" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(AEACN == 'DRUG WITHDRAWN')
} else{
msg <- "Variable 'AEACN' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AEACN = 'DRUG WITHDRAWN'\" cannot be applied!"
} else if(stan_table_num == 36){ #AEACNOTH contains 'Withdrawal" and "Study"
if("AEACNOTH" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>%
filter(stringr::str_detect(tolower(AEACNOTH),"withdrawal") &
msg <- "AEACNOTH Contains 'withdrawal' and 'study'"
} else{
msg <- "Variable 'AEACNOTH' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AEACNOTH Contains 'withdrawal' and 'study'\" cannot be applied!"
} else if(stan_table_num == 38){
if("AEACN" %in% colnames(dat)){
} else{
msg <- "Variable 'AEACN' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"AEACN IN ('DRUG INTERRUPTED', 'DOSE REDUCED', 'DOSE INCREASED')\" cannot be applied!"
} else if(stan_table_num == 39){
if("TRTEMFL" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(TRTEMFL == 'Y')
msg <- "TRTEMFL = 'Y'"
}else {
msg <- "Variable 'TRTEMFL' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"TRTEMFL = 'Y'\" cannot be applied!"
if(stan_table_num %in% c(25:26, 29:33)){
if("TRTEMFL" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>% filter(TRTEMFL == 'Y')
msg <- paste0(msg, "<br/>TRTEMFL = 'Y'")
} else {
msg <- paste0(msg, "<br/>Variable 'TRTEMFL' doesn't exist in ADAE. STAN table not displayed because filter \"TRTEMFL = 'Y'\" cannot be applied!")
return(list(data = dat, message = msg))
#' Blood Chemistry PARAMCDs used to build STAN Table 41
#' @noRd
chem <- c(
"ALT", "AST", "ALP", "BILI", "GGT", # Liver
"BUN", "CREAT", # Renal
"SODIUM", "K", "CL", "BICARB", # Electrolytes
"GLUC", "CA", "PHOS", "ALB", "CHOL", "MG", "TRIG", "URATE" # Other
#' Hematology PARAMCDs used to build STAN Table 41
#' @noRd
hema <- c(
# white blood cells
"RBC", "HGB", "HCT", "PLAT"
#' Urinalysis PARAMCDs used to build STAN Table 41
#' @noRd
urin <- c(
#' A function that checks if certain parameters exist in any dataframe within a list of dataframes
#' @noRd
#' @param datafile list of ADaM-ish dataframes
#' @param param_vector character vector of params to search the list of dataframes for
check_params <- function(datafile, param_vector) {
# datafile <- datalist # for testing
# param_vector <- chem # for testing
param_dat <- datafile[sapply(datafile, function(x) "PARAMCD" %in% colnames(x)) & substr(names(datafile), 1, 4) == "ADLB"]
# apply following code to data that contains paramcd
param_lst <- purrr::map(names(param_dat), ~
param_dat[[.x]] %>%
filter(PARAMCD %in% param_vector) %>%
filter(!is.na(AVAL) & # only display if non-missing!
!is.na(AVISIT) &
!(AVISIT %in% c(" ", "")) &
stringr::str_detect(toupper(AVISIT),"UNSCHEDULED",negate = TRUE) #&
# stringr::str_detect(toupper(AVISIT),"EARLY TERMINATION",negate = TRUE)
) %>%
varN_fctr_reorder() %>%
mutate(PARAMCD = factor(PARAMCD, levels = param_vector)) %>%
param_vctr <- unique(param_lst[[1]]$PARAMCD) # Will this work if two ADLB's are uploaded?
visit_vctr <- unique(param_lst[[1]]$AVISIT)
dat_lgls <- purrr::map_lgl(param_lst, ~length(.x) > 0)
param_lgl <- any(dat_lgls)
dat_names <- purrr::map_chr(dat_lgls, ~names(param_dat[.x]))
} else {
param_lgl <- FALSE
dat_names <- NA_character_
param_vctr <- NA_character_
visit_vctr <- c("fake_weeky","fake_weeky2")
} else {
param_lgl <- FALSE
dat_names <- NA_character_
param_vctr <- NA_character_
visit_vctr <- c("fake_weeky","fake_weeky2")
exist = param_lgl,
dat_name = dat_names,
vctr = param_vctr,
tp = visit_vctr
#' The smallest possible data set we could filter to semi-join later
#' @param datafile list of ADaM-ish dataframes
#' @param input_filter_df The name of a dataset stored in `datafile`
#' @return A `data.frame` object based on the reduction of `datafile` from `input_filter_df`.
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' datalist <- list(ADSL = tidyCDISC::adsl, ADAE = tidyCDISC::adae,
#' ADVS = tidyCDISC::advs, ADLBC = tidyCDISC::adlbc,
#' ADTTE = tidyCDISC::adtte)
#' # Returns combined dataset
#' data_to_filter(datalist, c("ADSL", "ADAE"))
#' }
data_to_filter <- function(datafile, input_filter_df) {
select_dfs <- datafile[input_filter_df]
# Separate out non-BDS and BDS data frames. Note: join may throw some warnings
# if labels are different between two datasets, which is fine! Just Ignore
non_bds <- select_dfs[sapply(select_dfs, function(x) !("PARAMCD" %in% colnames(x)) )]
bds <- select_dfs[sapply(select_dfs, function(x) "PARAMCD" %in% colnames(x) )]
# Make CHG var doesn't exist, create the column and populate with NA
PARAMCD_dat <- purrr::map(bds, ~ if(!"CHG" %in% names(.)) {purrr::update_list(., CHG = NA)} else {.})
# Combine selected data into a 1 usable data frame
if (!rlang::is_empty(PARAMCD_dat)) {
all_PARAMCD <- bind_rows(PARAMCD_dat, .id = "data_from") %>% distinct(.keep_all = TRUE)
if (!rlang::is_empty(non_bds)){
combined_data <- inner_join(non_bds %>% purrr::reduce(inner_join), all_PARAMCD)
} else {
combined_data <-all_PARAMCD
} else {
combined_data <- non_bds %>% reduce(inner_join)
#' Function to clean and combine ADAE dataset with ADSL
#' @param x string, naming a data.frame.
#' @param ae_data data.frame, of the AE variety
#' @param bds_data data.frame, of the BDS variety
#' @return A `data.frame` object containing data of the AE variety if `x == "ADAE"` or one of the BDS variety if not.
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' datalist <- list(ADSL = tidyCDISC::adsl, ADVS = tidyCDISC::advs,
#' ADAE = tidyCDISC::adae, ADLBC = tidyCDISC::adlbc)
#' pre_adsl <- prep_adsl(datalist$ADSL, input_recipe = 'NONE')
#' pre_adae <- prep_adae(datalist, pre_adsl$data, 'NONE')
#' ae_data <- pre_adae$data
#' bds_data <- prep_bds(datalist, ADSL = pre_adsl$data)
#' all.equal(data_to_use_str("ADAE", ae_data, bds_data), ae_data)
#' all.equal(data_to_use_str("ADSL", ae_data, bds_data), bds_data)
#' }
data_to_use_str <- function(x, ae_data, bds_data) {
if (x == "ADAE") { ae_data }
else bds_data
#' Create Pretty IDs for TG Table
#' Replaces ugly ID patterns of a stat block with pretty replacements for display purposes (e.g. NON_MISSING becomes Subject Count for those with Non Missing values)
#' @param ID The ID vector of a TG table
#' @return A character vector of pretty IDs.
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
#' @examples
#' # List of patterns that can be replaced
#' patterns <- c("MEAN", "FREQ", "CHG", "Y_FREQ", "MAX_FREQ", "NON_MISSING",
#' IDs <- paste(patterns, "of VAR")
#' IDs
#' pretty_IDs(IDs)
pretty_IDs <- function(ID) {
pattern = stringr::str_c('\\b', pretty_blocks$Pattern, '\\b', sep = ''),
replacement = pretty_blocks$Replacement
) %>% purrr::transpose(),
~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, .y$pattern, .y$replacement),
.init = ID
#' Prep Block Data for TG Tables
#' @param blockData The `blockData` object from the application
#' @noRd
prep_blocks <- function(blockData) {
dput(blockData) %>%
capture.output() %>%
paste0(collapse = "") %>%
str_replace_all("\\s{2,}", " ") %>%
str_replace_all("(\\),)", "\\1\n")
#' Create Standard Footnotes for TG Table
#' Creates a footnote with a source on the left and date run on the right.
#' @param data The `gt` table object to append the footnote
#' @param source The source of the data in the table
#' @return a `gt` object
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
std_footnote <- function(data, source) {
tags$div(HTML("<b>Source:</b>", source),
shiny::tags$span(shiny::HTML("<b>Run Date:</b>", toupper(format(Sys.Date(), "%d%b%Y"))),
#' Prepare the table generator data for output
#' Prepare the data.frame so that it's ready for output via `gt` or other
#' @param tg_datalist A list containing the data frames used to create the table
#' @param blockData The data for the construction of the blocks in the table
#' @param total_df A data frame containing the totals by grouping variable
#' @param group A character denoting the grouping variable
#' @return a data.frame containing output polished for presentation in `gt`
#' @export
#' @keywords tabGen_repro
tg_gt <- function(tg_datalist, blockData, total_df, group) {
tbl_blocks <- purrr::pmap(list(
if (is.null(blockData$filter)) NA_character_ else blockData$filter),
function(x,y,z,d,f) tidyCDISC::app_methods(x,y,z,
group = group,
data = tidyCDISC::data_to_use_str(d, tg_datalist$ADAE, tg_datalist$ADSL),
totals = total_df,
filter = f)) %>%
setNames(paste(blockData$gt_group)) %>%
if (rlang::is_empty(tbl_blocks))
stop("There is no data for the selected pairs of analysis time points and visits.")
data <- tbl_blocks %>%
purrr::map(setNames, tidyCDISC::common_rownames(tg_datalist$POPDAT, group)) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = 'ID') %>%
dplyr::mutate(ID = tidyCDISC::pretty_IDs(ID))
# Add blank row after each ID group
# Change factor to character to maintain order of blocks
data_factor <- data %>%
mutate(ID = factor(ID, levels = unique(ID)))
# Add blank rows
data_with_blank_rows <- do.call(rbind, by(data, data_factor$ID, rbind, ""))
# Populate ID in blank rows
ind <- which(data_with_blank_rows$ID == "")
data_with_blank_rows$ID[ind] <- data_with_blank_rows$ID[ind - 1]
#' Table Generator Cicerone R6 Object
#' This object is used within the table generator module
#' to add help text to the various fields using
#' a help buttom
#' @importFrom cicerone Cicerone
#' @family tableGen Functions
#' @noRd
tg_guide <- cicerone::Cicerone$
"Variables from Uploaded Data",
"Variables are grouped by dataset name. From here, you can drag any variable bubble into the Variable drop zone, including PARAMCDs from BDS files"
"Statistic Blocks",
"Drag one of these blocks into the Stats drop zone to be paired with a corresponding Variable block on the left hand side.
Additional input fields may appear on some stat blocks once dragged & dropped to allow for further customization, like choosing an AVIST for the 'MEAN' block."
"Drop Zones",
"Blocks are analyzed by row, meaning the statistic block on the right will be applied to the variable block on the left."
el = "COLUMN-wrapper",
title = "Grouping Data",
description = "Break down the table's statistics into levels of the chosen grouping variable"
"Filter your Data",
"To filter, select the dataset(s) that contain the variable(s) you want to filter on.
Select the variables and the corresponding values to include (or exclude)."
"Auto-Generated Tables",
"Instead of dragging and dropping from scratch, create tables using STAN 2.0 presets. If you select NONE you can clear your workspace."
"Customize Title",
"The sky is the limit! Add a table title that suits your needs."
"Keep a copy for your records",
"Download a table in RTF, CSV, or HTML format as seen in the app."
"Produce this table outside of the app",
"Have more data coming? Don't download the table, download the R script needed to produce the table. Then there's no need to even open up the app periodically to re-create your outputs!"
#' Create a `gt` table object
#' Create a `gt` table object from the data that will then be used to generate
#' output in specific formats
#' @param data The data frame used to create the table
#' @param input_table_title The Shiny input with the table title
#' @param input_table_footnote The Shiny input with the table footnote(s)
#' @param col_names A vector of column names
#' @param col_total A vector of column totals
#' @param subtitle The table subtitle
#' @noRd
create_gt_table <- function(data, input_table_title, input_table_footnote,
col_names, col_total, subtitle) {
id <- gt::random_id()
data %>%
gt::gt(groupname_col = "ID", id = id) %>%
gt::fmt_markdown(columns = c(Variable),
rows = stringr::str_detect(Variable,' ') |
stringr::str_detect(Variable,'<b>') |
stringr::str_detect(Variable,'</b>')) %>%
gt::tab_options(table.width = gt::px(700),
table.font.names = c("Times", "Arial"),
table.additional_css = glue::glue('#{id} .gt_table {{font-family: Times, Arial;}}'),
row_group.border.top.style = "none",
row_group.border.bottom.style = "none",
table_body.hlines.style = "none",
table.border.top.style = "none",
table.border.bottom.style = "none"
) %>%
gt::cols_label(.list = col_for_list_expr(col_names, col_total)) %>%
title = gt::md(input_table_title),
subtitle = gt::md(subtitle)
) %>%
style = gt::cell_text(weight = "bold"),
locations = gt::cells_row_groups()
) %>%
style = list(
gt::cell_text(align = "right")
locations = gt::cells_stub(rows = TRUE)
gt::cols_label(Variable = "") %>%
std_footnote("tidyCDISC app") %>%
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