#' Expands a collapsed column into multiple rows
#' Function that searches for a particular delimiter in data columns that would
#' then separate values on the left of the right into their own row for
#' increased machine readability.
#' @param data either a tg_table or sas_table dataframe
#' @param sep a delimiter to search for when expanding rows
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_rows
#' @noRd
delim_expand_rows <- function(data, sep){
if(sep == "\\(" & !("Mean (SD" %in% unique(data$Variable))){
d <- data %>% #select(starts_with("col"))
# -c(id_block:id_rn), function(col) stringr::str_detect(col, sep)
c(starts_with("col")), function(col) stringr::str_detect(col, sep)
)) %>%
mutate(Variable = ifelse(Variable == "", id_desc, Variable)) %>%
starts_with("col"), sep = sep, convert = TRUE)# convert works for sas
} else {
if(any((stringr::str_detect(tolower(unique(data$Variable)), "mean") &
stringr::str_detect(tolower(unique(data$Variable)), "sd")) |
(stringr::str_detect(tolower(unique(data$Variable)), "min") &
stringr::str_detect(tolower(unique(data$Variable)), "max")) |
any(stringr::str_detect(tolower(unique(data$Variable)), "q1")))){
d <- data %>%
filter(if_any(c(Variable, starts_with("col")),
function(col) stringr::str_detect(col, sep))) %>%
function(col) ifelse(!stringr::str_detect(col, sep),
paste(col, gsub("\\\\","", sep)), col))) %>%
tidyr::separate_rows(c(Variable, starts_with("col")), sep = sep, convert = TRUE)
} else {
d <- data %>%
filter(if_any(starts_with("col"), function(col) stringr::str_detect(col, sep))) %>%
tidyr::separate_rows(starts_with("col"), sep = sep, convert = TRUE)
d <- d %>%
group_by(id_block, id_rn) %>%
mutate(var_rn = row_number()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Variable = trimws(Variable, which = "both"))
if(sep == "\\("){
d <- d %>%
mutate(Variable = if_else(var_rn == 2 & Variable != "SD",paste(Variable, "(COL PCT)"), Variable))
#' Organize SAS or tg table into a machine readable format for comparing
#' @param data a sas or tg table
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @noRd
make_machine_readable <- function(data, keep_orig_ids = FALSE){
d <- data %>%
mutate(var_rn = 1) %>%
if_all(starts_with("col"), function(col) { #-c(id_block:Variable)
!stringr::str_detect(col, "\\(") & !stringr::str_detect(col, "\\,") & !stringr::str_detect(col, "\\|")}
) %>%
filter(!stringr::str_detect(Variable, "\\(")) %>% # Sometimes this happens if Mean exists without SD
# mutate(across(-c(id_block:Variable), as.numeric)) %>% # convert fields to numeric
mutate(across(starts_with("col"), as.numeric)) %>% # convert fields to numeric
union(#d <-
delim_expand_rows(data = data, sep = "\\|")) %>% # no | for sas table, but we'll do it anyway
union(#d <-
delim_expand_rows(data = data, sep = "\\,")) %>%
union(#d <-
delim_expand_rows( sep = "\\(", data =
data %>%
filter(Variable != "Mean (SD)") %>%
c(Variable, starts_with("col")),
function(col) gsub(")", "", col)))
) %>%
union(#d <-
delim_expand_rows( sep = "\\(", data =
data %>%
filter(Variable == "Mean (SD)") %>%
c(Variable, starts_with("col")), function(col) gsub(")", "", col)))
) %>%
arrange(id_block, id_rn, var_rn) %>%
rename(orig_id_rn = id_rn, orig_var_rn = var_rn) %>%
group_by(id_block) %>%
mutate(id_rn = row_number()) %>% # id_rn = subcat) # has a strange numbering system
ungroup() %>%
select(id_block, id_desc, id_rn, orig_id_rn, orig_var_rn, Variable,
# id_block:Variable,
# everything()
if(keep_orig_ids == FALSE){
d <- d %>% select(-orig_id_rn, -orig_var_rn)
#' Make repeated sequence id
#' Make an "ID vector" that identifies groups of repeated sequences in another vector.
#' @param x a numeric vector of repeated sequence
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' mk_rep_seq_id(rep(1:5,2))
mk_rep_seq_id <- function(x){
cumsum(ifelse(is.na(lag(x)), 1, ifelse(lag(x) > x, 1, 0)))
#' Create Comparison Table for SAS Table
#' Organize SAS table into a format for comparing with Table Generator table
#' @param sas_data the SAS table data.frame, output from stat programmer
#' @param block_names default names to check in each table that represent a
#' 'var block', case sensitive
#' @param block_ord_names default names to check in each table that represent
#' 'the order of a var block', case sensitive
#' @param stat_names default names to check in each table that represent a
#' 'stat block', case sensitive
#' @param stat_ord_names default names to check in each table that represent
#' 'the order of a stat block', case sensitive
#' @param tg_data the table generator table dataframe, output from tidyCDISC
#' @param machine_readable a logical; should the table be prepared for optimal
#' machine readability; that is, should cells with multiple values be pivoted
#' to new rows
#' @param keep_orig_ids a logical; if machine_readability is desired, do you
#' want to keep old id's that keep track of the values original position in
#' the table
#' @param rm_desc_col a logical; should the description column be removed from
#' the table (since they never match between base and compare)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom rlang sym !!
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @keywords tabGen_compare
#' @return A data frame processed for comparison purposes
#' @noRd
prep_sas_table <- function(
block_names = c("by1lbl","vis"),
block_ord_names = c("cat", "by1ord"), # not required, but helpful
stat_names = c("by2lbl","Statlbl","test"),
stat_ord_names = c("subcat", "by2ord"), # not required, but helpful
machine_readable = TRUE,
keep_orig_ids = FALSE,
rm_desc_col = FALSE){
# For SAS data: the sas programmers formatting can be pretty unpredictable So
# in order to determine which variable(s) keeps track of each block and stat,
# will search the data first for some common/typical variables existence in
# the data frame. Otherwise, look at tg_data for some help. Here we'll scan
# through our database and use the first var that exists, but since this is
# a function argument, the R programmer can overwrite these very easily by
# looking at the data frame and giving us the true variable name as a string
# if(rm_desc_col == FALSE){
blk_names <- c(block_names, block_ord_names)
blk_var <- blk_names[blk_names %in% colnames(sas_data)][1]
if(blk_var %in% block_ord_names) message(paste0("Using block_ord_names = `", blk_var, "` instead of block_names, because none exist in data"))
# If that didn't work, try to help by comparing with tg data to infer the
# blocks
# - assume stats match, create blocks based off of sequence since we know
# what to expect with each stat block output
# - assume labels match? ehhhhh could be iffy
# - assume columns w/ stats match?
if(rlang::is_empty(blk_var) | is.na(blk_var)){
blk_ord_var <- block_ord_names[block_ord_names %in% colnames(sas_data)][1]
if(rlang::is_empty(blk_ord_var) | is.na(blk_ord_var)){
# If no blk name or blk ord name, then use tg_data to loosly match and
# find the variable of interest
# blk_var <-
blk_sym <- rlang::sym(blk_var)
# }
# Block order variable
blk_ord_names <- c(block_ord_names, block_names)
blk_ord_var <- blk_ord_names[blk_ord_names %in% colnames(sas_data)][1]
if(rlang::is_empty(blk_ord_var) | is.na(blk_ord_var)){
if(rlang::is_empty(blk_var) | is.na(blk_var)){
# If no blk ord name & blk_var found, then use the same process as above to
# loosly match and find the variable of interest
# blk_ord_var <-
} else {
# If no blk ord name, but we found a blk_var above, use that for the order var
blk_ord_var <- blk_var
blk_ord_sym <- rlang::sym(blk_ord_var)
# determine which variable displays the stats within each block first see if
# we have any columns in common, if so, it may be a good idea to sort by
# those?
# ac - do something similar to blk_var here?
st_names <- c(stat_names, stat_ord_names)
stat_var <- st_names[st_names %in% colnames(sas_data)][1]
if(rlang::is_empty(stat_var) | is.na(stat_var)) stop("Include a stat_names argument, providing the column name (as a string) that keeps stat-level values")
stat_sym <- rlang::sym(stat_var)
# If missing, that's okay
st_ord_names <- c(stat_ord_names, stat_names)
stat_ord_var <- st_ord_names[st_ord_names %in% colnames(sas_data)][1]
stat_ord_sym <- rlang::sym(stat_ord_var)
# is.ordered(sas_data$by1lbl)
# class(sas_data$by1lbl)
sas_prepped0 <-
sas_data %>%
filter(!!stat_ord_sym > 0)
} else {
sas_prepped0 <- sas_data
sas_prepped <-
sas_prepped0 %>%
mutate(id_block_user = as.numeric(factor(!!blk_ord_sym, levels = unique(sas_data[[blk_ord_var]]))),
id_stat = as.numeric(factor(!!stat_ord_sym, levels = unique(sas_data[[stat_ord_var]]))),
descr = trimws(!!stat_sym, which = "both") # get rid of white spaces
sas_labelled <-
sas_prepped %>% # sometimes these rows aren't meant to exist in final table
mutate(id_block_per_stat = mk_rep_seq_id(id_stat)) %>%
rowwise() %>%
id_block = case_when(
# if user specifies their own stat var, then use it, otherwise use my estimator
length(stat_ord_names) == 1 | length(stat_names) == 1 ~ id_block_user,
all(id_block_per_stat == id_block_user) |
rlang::is_empty(stat_ord_var) | is.na(stat_ord_var) ~ id_block_user,
TRUE ~ id_block_per_stat
# id_block =
# ifelse(length(stat_ord_names) == 1 | length(stat_names) == 1 , id_block_user,
# ifelse(all(id_block_per_stat == id_block_user) |
# rlang::is_empty(stat_ord_var) | is.na(stat_ord_var)
# , id_block_user, id_block_per_stat))
) %>%
group_by(id_block) %>%
mutate(id_rn = row_number()) %>% # id_rn = !!stat_ord_sym) # has a strange numbering system
ungroup() %>%
select(id_block, id_desc = !!blk_sym, id_rn, Variable = descr, starts_with("col")) %>%
mutate(across(starts_with("col"), function(col) trimws(col, "both")))
# separate out values that have more than 1 value embedded in cell
sas_comp_ready <- make_machine_readable(
data = sas_labelled,
keep_orig_ids = keep_orig_ids
} else {
sas_comp_ready <- sas_labelled
sas_comp_ready$id_desc <- NULL
#' Create new Generic Names for Columns with numeric table data
#' @param dat a data frame
#' @noRd
temp_col_rename <- function(dat, sas_generics){
# dat <- tg00
# sas_generics <- colx # testing
if(!all(substr(sas_generics, 1, 3) == "col")) stop("generic_colnames argument must be a vector with prefix 'col'")
colx_st <- min(as.numeric(gsub("col","",sas_generics)))
var_ind <- which(names(dat) == "Variable")
tot_ind <- which(names(dat) == "Total")
orig <- names(dat)[(var_ind + 1):tot_ind]
col_nums <- seq_len(tot_ind - var_ind) - ifelse(colx_st == 1, 0, 1)
col_nums[length(col_nums)] <- 99
names(dat)[(var_ind + 1):tot_ind] <- paste0("col", col_nums)
if(length(col_nums) == length(sas_generics) + 1){
dat$col99 <- NULL
orig <- orig[orig != "Total"]
return(list(dat = dat, orig_names = orig))
#' Revert temporary column names back to the original; use with temp_col_rename
#' @param dat a data frame
#' @param orig_grp_names a character vector of original col names
#' @noRd
revert_temp_colnames <- function(dat, orig_grp_names){
var_ind <- which(names(dat) == "Variable")
if("Total" %in% names(dat)){
end_ind <- which(names(dat) == "Total")
} else {
colx <- names(dat)[stringr::str_detect(names(dat), "^col[0-9]")]
end_ind <- which(names(dat) == colx[length(colx)])
names(dat)[(var_ind + 1):end_ind] <- orig_grp_names
#' Create Comparison Table for Table Generator Table
#' Organize Table Generator table into a format for comparing to SAS table
#' @param data the tg_table dataframe, output from tidyCDISC
#' @param machine_readable a logical; should the table be prepared for optimal
#' machine readability; that is, should cells with multiple values be pivoted
#' to new rows
#' @param keep_orig_ids a logical; if machine_readability is desired, do you
#' want to keep old id's that keep track of the values original position in
#' the table
#' @param rm_desc_col a logical; should the description column be removed from
#' the table (since they never match between base and compare)
#' @param generic_colnames a logical; Should the column names of the table
#' generator output be generalized to be col0 - colX col99, where x is the
#' number of groups in the 'group by' variable and col99 is the total column
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @keywords tabGen_compare
#' @return A data frame processed for comparison purposes
#' @noRd
prep_tg_table <- function(data,
machine_readable = TRUE,
keep_orig_ids = FALSE,
rm_desc_col = FALSE,
generic_colnames = "NONE"
tg00 <- data %>%
mutate(id_block = as.numeric(factor(ID, levels = unique(data$ID)))) %>%
filter(Variable != "Missing") %>%
group_by(id_block) %>%
mutate(id_rn = row_number()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(id_block, id_desc = ID, id_rn, everything())
tg_renamed <- temp_col_rename(tg00, sas_generics = generic_colnames)
tg <- tg_renamed$dat %>%
select(id_block, id_desc, id_rn, Variable, starts_with("col"))
tg_comp_ready0 <- make_machine_readable(data = tg, keep_orig_ids = keep_orig_ids)
} else {
tg_comp_ready0 <- tg
tg_comp_ready <- tg_comp_ready0
} else {
tg_comp_ready <- revert_temp_colnames(tg_comp_ready0, tg_renamed$orig_names)
tg_comp_ready$id_desc <- NULL
#' Function to compare the SAS table to the tidyCDISC output table
#' @param sas_table SAS output
#' @param tg_table tidyCDISC output
#' @noRd
compareTables <- function(sas_table, tg_table) {
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