
Defines functions lambda_indicator

Documented in lambda_indicator

#' Rescale species values for indicator using Lambda interpolation
#' @description  This function takes in the output from a sparta occupancy model
#' or a three dimensional array. The first year is set to an index value for all
#' species and the average change across years for each species is used to
#' calculate the indicator. A species only contributes to the
#' dataset in years where the standard deviation across iterations
#' meets the sd threshold. Missing years in the middle a a species dataset are
#' filled in using interpolation.
#' @param input Either a string giving the path to occupancy model output files
#' produced by sparta, or a three dimensional array [species, year, iteration].
#' @param index The index value for the first year, defaults to 100.
#' @param threshold_sd The threshold standard deviation for a species-year value
#' to be included. If the standard deviation is above this value it is removed.
#' @param threshold_Rhat The threshold Rhat value for a species-year value
#' to be included. If the Rhat is above this value it is removed. This rule will
#' only be used when \code{input} is a path to sparta output.  
#' @param threshold_yrs Numeric, the minimum number of years that a species must
#' fulfill the threshold_sd for it to be included.
#' @param upperQuantile The upper confidence interval to use (as a probability)
#' @param lowerQuantile The lower confidence interval to use (as a probability)
#' @param sample_size numeric, if not NULL then a subsample of the iterations are 
#' used, equal to the number given. This is useful when datasets are so large
#' that memory starts to become limiting.
#' @param year_range numeric vector of length 2 giving the start and end year of the 
#' data to be analysed.
#' @param region Specify the region or aggregate data for which the indicator will 
#' be produced (for example: ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND). The region name should match
#' the name used when running occDetFunc. If NULL (default) the function will be run 
#' on the full data (psi.fs).
#' @return A list with five elements: a summary (data.frame), the LogLambda values
#' (a three dimensional array, species - year - iterations), calculated after
#' removing species that fail thresholds and including interpolation, the raw
#' indicator value (a value for each iteration in each year), the average annual
#' percentage change for each species (the fist year is ignored as change is 0),
#' and a table giving the 'good' years for each species as defined by the thresholds.
#' Please note that the number of species contributing to the first year is 0 as this 
#' is fixed to the index value.
#' @importFrom car logit
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ### Running from an array ####
#' # number of species
#' nsp = 50
#' # number of years
#' nyr = 40
#' #number of iterations
#' iter = 500
#' # Build a random set of data
#' myArray <- array(data = rnorm(n = nsp*nyr*iter,
#'                               mean = 0.5,
#'                               sd = 0.1),
#'                  dim = c(nsp, nyr, iter),
#'                  dimnames = list(paste0('SP',1:nsp),
#'                                  1:nyr,
#'                                  1:iter))
#' # Ensure values are bounded by 0 and 1
#' myArray[myArray > 1] <- 1
#' myArray[myArray < 0] <- 0
#' # Run the lambda_indicator method on this data                
#' myIndicator <- lambda_indicator(myArray)
#' # Plot the indicator
#' plot_indicator(myIndicator$summary[,'indicator'],
#'                myIndicator$summary[,c('lower' ,'upper')])
#' ### Running from a directory of sparta ouput
#' # myIndicator <- lambda_indicator('myfilepath/myfolder')

lambda_indicator <-  function(input, 
                              index = 100,
                              threshold_sd = 0.2,
                              threshold_Rhat = 1.1,
                              threshold_yrs = 20,
                              upperQuantile = 0.975,
                              lowerQuantile = 0.025,
                              sample_size = NULL,
                              year_range = NULL,
                              region = NULL){
  # Load the data if path else return input if array
  Occ <- getData(input = input, sample_size = sample_size, region = region)
  # Subset to years
  if(!is.null(year_range)) Occ <- subset_years(Occ, year_range)
  # How many species?
  nsp1 <- dim(Occ)[1]
  # Remove the species that do not meet our threshold conditions
  Occ <- remove_bad_species(Occ = Occ,
                            threshold_sd = threshold_sd,
                            threshold_yrs = threshold_yrs,
                            threshold_Rhat = threshold_Rhat)
  # Save the reliable years table to return 
  good_years <- attr(Occ, 'good_years')
  # Now how many?
  nsp2 <- dim(Occ)[1]
  if(dim(Occ)[1] == 0){
    stop('No species meet the threshold criteria')
  } else if((nsp1 - nsp2) > 0){
    message(paste(nsp1 - nsp2, "Species have been removed as they don't meet your thresholds"))
  # Convert to Odds
  Occ <- car::logit(Occ, adjust = 0.001) # Is this the best option?

  # Calculate the lambda for all species-year combinations
  LogLambda <- apply(Occ, c(1,3), lambda_calc)
  LogLambda <- aperm(LogLambda, c(2,1,3))
  # replace the first zero for each species as a species cannot have a growth rate in its first year
  for (i in 1:nrow(LogLambda)){
    firstZero <- match(0, LogLambda[i,,])
    LogLambda[i, firstZero,] <- NA
  # Add back in the dimnames
  dimnames(LogLambda) <- dimnames(Occ)
  # The indicator changes each year by the mean of LogLambda
  Delta <- apply(LogLambda, c(2,3), mean, na.rm = T)
  Delta[1,] <- 0 
  # We need to cut down the data to remove years with no data
  # Create an empty Theta
  Theta <- matrix(data = NA,
                  nrow = nrow(Delta),
                  ncol = ncol(Delta),
                  dimnames = dimnames(Delta))

  # Add values  
  Theta[!is.na(rowMeans(Delta)), ] <- apply(Delta[!is.na(rowMeans(Delta)), ], 2, cumsum)
  # Create summary data to return (i.e. the indicator is simply Lambda rescaled to start at 100) 
  Lambda <- exp(Theta)
  Indicator_data <- index * Lambda
  indicator <- apply(Indicator_data, 1, mean)
  Indicator_CI <- t(apply(Indicator_data, 1, quantile,
                          probs = c(lowerQuantile, upperQuantile), 
                          na.rm = TRUE))
  colnames(Indicator_CI) <- c('lower', 'upper')
  summary_table <- as.data.frame(cbind(indicator, Indicator_CI))
  summary_table$year <- as.numeric(row.names(summary_table))
  if(any(is.na(summary_table))) warning('Data not available for all years in output due to threshold data removal')
  sp_change <- species_assessment(LogLambda,
                                  start_year = min(as.numeric(dimnames(LogLambda)[[2]])) + 1,
                                  end_year = max(as.numeric(dimnames(LogLambda)[[2]])))
  # Add the number of species contributing each year to the LogLambda summary
  LogLambdaPart <- LogLambda[,,1] # take the first matrix from the array
  LogLambdaPartTF <- (!(is.na(LogLambdaPart))) # convert to Boolean
  NperYear <- colSums(LogLambdaPartTF) # add up the number of species that contribute (TRUE)
  summary_table$Species_Number <- NperYear   
  return(list(summary = summary_table,
              LogLambda = LogLambda,
              ind_data = Indicator_data,
              species_change = sp_change,
              good_years = good_years))
BiologicalRecordsCentre/BRCindicators documentation built on April 22, 2024, 2:32 p.m.