#For class = summary.manova
BSky.print.summary.manova <-function (x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
table_list =NULL
table_list_names =NULL
if (length(stats <- x$stats)) {
table_list <- BSky.print.anova(stats)
else {
cat("No error degrees of freedom\n\n")
#print(data.frame(Df = x$Df, row.names = x$row.names))
attr(x$Df, "BSkyFootnote_BSky.print.summary.manova_1") <-"No error degrees of freedom"
table_list = c(table_list, x$Df)
names(table_list) = "MANOVA summary"
BSky.print.anova <- function (x, digits = max(getOption("digits") - 2L, 3L), signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
table_list =NULL
table_list_names =NULL
if (!is.null(heading <- attr(x, "heading")))
cat(heading, sep = "\n")
nc <- dim(x)[2L]
if (is.null(cn <- colnames(x)))
stop("'anova' object must have colnames")
has.P <- grepl("^(P|Pr)\\(", cn[nc])
zap.i <- 1L:(if (has.P)
nc - 1
else nc)
i <- which(substr(cn, 2, 7) == " value")
i <- c(i, which(!is.na(match(cn, c("F", "Cp", "Chisq")))))
if (length(i))
zap.i <- zap.i[!(zap.i %in% i)]
tst.i <- i
if (length(i <- grep("Df$", cn)))
zap.i <- zap.i[!(zap.i %in% i)]
# printCoefmat(x, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
# has.Pvalue = has.P, P.values = has.P, cs.ind = NULL,
# zap.ind = zap.i, tst.ind = tst.i, na.print = "", ...)
class(x) <-"matrix"
table_list = c(table_list, list(x))
names(table_list) = "Manova summary"
#For class = "summary.aov" "listof"
BSky.summary.aov <- function (x)
table_list =NULL
table_list_names =NULL
if (!is.null(x))
for ( i in 1:noofitems)
temp = as.data.frame(x[[i]])
table_list = c(table_list, list(temp))
table_list_names = c(table_list_names, paste ("Univariate ", names(x)[i], sep=""))
names(table_list) = table_list_names
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