######## list of methods in this file; in sequence (few may not be ready and unused ) ###########
# bsky.plot
# bksy.histogram
# bsky.linegraph
### PLOT ###
bsky.plot<-function(xcolNameOrIndex, ycolNameOrIndex, dataSetNameOrIndex, width=700, height=700)
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.plot: Error in Plot : ", "DataSetName :", dataSetNameOrIndex," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(xcolNameOrIndex, ycolNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
BSkyWarnMsg = paste("bsky.plot: Warning in Plot : ", "DataSetName :", dataSetNameOrIndex," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(xcolNameOrIndex, ycolNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
BSkyStoreApplicationWarnErrMsg(BSkyWarnMsg, BSkyErrMsg)
templist <- list()
imgpath<-paste(Sys.getenv("TMP"), '\\rimage.png', sep='')
DataSetIndex = 0
if( file.exists(imgpath) )
datasetname <- dataSetNameOrIndex #BSkyValidateDataset(dataSetNameOrIndex)
#if dataset index is valid
xcolIndex<-BSkyValidateColumn(datasetname, xcolNameOrIndex)
ycolIndex<-BSkyValidateColumn(datasetname, ycolNameOrIndex)
#cat("\nX = ",xcolIndex, "\tY = ", ycolIndex,"\n")
if(xcolIndex > 0 && ycolIndex > 0)
imgpath<-paste(Sys.getenv("TMP"), '\\rimage.png', sep='')
#"png(\"" + imgpath + "\", width="+width+",height="+height+")";
png(imgpath, width = width, height=height);
xarg <- eval(parse(text=paste(datasetname,'[[',xcolIndex,']]',sep='')))
yarg <- eval(parse(text=paste(datasetname,'[[',ycolIndex,']]',sep='')))
plot(x=xarg, y=yarg, main="Plot", xlab=xcolNameOrIndex,ylab=ycolNameOrIndex)
###creating return list
# commnd <- paste("bsky.plot(xcolNameOrIndex=c('",xcolNameOrIndex,"')",", ycolNameOrIndex=c('",ycolNameOrIndex,"')",", dataSetNameOrIndex='",datasetname,"')")
# uas<-list("a","b","c","d","e","f",commnd)
# templist <- list(filen=imgpath, uasummary=uas,bb="")
#-return (templist);
#Error:colname not found
#cat("\ninValid Col\n")
#Column not found
warning("bsky.plot: Column not found..")
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.plot: Error in Plot Column not found : ", "DataSetName :", datasetname," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(xcolNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
#Error: dataSetName and colname not found
#cat("\ninValid Dataset\n")
#Dataset not found
warning("bsky.plot: Dataset not found..")
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.plot: Error in Full Plot Dataset not found : ", "DataSetName :", datasetname," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(xcolNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
warning = UAwarnHandlerFn
) # end of withCallingHandlers for catching warnings and continuing execution
error = UAerrHandlerFn,
silent =TRUE
if(BSkyLocalErrorFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# Error is already handled and logged
# Whereever the error occured execution cannot continue
# control will be passed to the error handler function
# and then the control will come out ogf the Try-Catch block
# cat("Error caught in bsky.plot \n")
#BSkyLocalErrorFlagsReset() #if needed
#cat("\nWARNING:: top level Plot function\n")
if(BSkyLocalWarningFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# All Bsky functions continue from the point where the warning occured
# so by the time controls comes here - all warnings are already handled
# and execution of the code had continued
# cat("Warning caught in bsky.plot \n")
BSkyLocalWarningFlagsReset() #if needed to continue without returning back to the top level function
#cat("Returning return structure from this top level bsky.plot function\n")
return(invisible(BSkyReturnStructure(list(extra=c(imgpath))))) #return (templist);
bsky.histogram<-function(colNameOrIndex, dataSetNameOrIndex, width=700, height=700)
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.histogram: Error in Histogram : ", "DataSetName :", dataSetNameOrIndex," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(colNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
BSkyWarnMsg = paste("bsky.histogram: Warning in Histogram : ", "DataSetName :", dataSetNameOrIndex," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(colNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
BSkyStoreApplicationWarnErrMsg(BSkyWarnMsg, BSkyErrMsg)
templist <- list()
imgpath<-paste(Sys.getenv("TMP"), '\\rimage.png', sep='')
DataSetIndex = 0
if( file.exists(imgpath) )
datasetname <- BSkyValidateDataset(dataSetNameOrIndex)
#if dataset index is valid
#cat("\nValid Dataset\n")
colIndex<-BSkyValidateColumn(datasetname, colNameOrIndex)
#Error: dataSetName and colname not found
if(colIndex > 0)
#cat("\nValid Col\n")
#imgpath<-paste(Sys.getenv("TMP"), '\\rimage.png', sep='')
png(imgpath, width=width, height=height);
xarg <- eval(parse(text=paste(datasetname,'[[',colIndex,']]',sep='')))
hist(x=xarg, breaks = 20, col="lightblue", border="red", main="Histogram ", xlab=colNameOrIndex)
###creating return list
commnd <- paste("bsky.histogram(colNameOrIndex=c('",colNameOrIndex,"')",", dataSetNameOrIndex='",datasetname,"')")
#templist <- list(filen=imgpath, uasummary=uas, uas1=uas,uas2=uas,uas3=uas,uas4=uas,bb="")
templist <- list(filen=imgpath)
#-return (templist);
#cat("\ninValid Col\n")
#Column not found
warning("bsky.histogram: Column not found..")
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.histogram: Error in Histogram Column not found : ", "Col name :", colNameOrIndex, sep="")
#cat("\ninValid Dataset\n")
#Dataset not found
warning("bsky.histogram: Dataset not found..")
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.histogram: Error in Histogram Dataset not found : ", "DataSetName :", datasetname,sep="")
warning = UAwarnHandlerFn
) # end of withCallingHandlers for catching warnings and continuing execution
error = UAerrHandlerFn,
silent =TRUE
if(BSkyLocalErrorFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# Error is already handled and logged
# Whereever the error occured execution cannot continue
# control will be passed to the error handler function
# and then the control will come out ogf the Try-Catch block
# cat("Error caught in bsky.histogram \n")
#BSkyLocalErrorFlagsReset() #if needed
#cat("\nWARNING:: top level histogram function\n")
if(BSkyLocalWarningFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# All Bsky functions continue from the point where the warning occured
# so by the time controls comes here - all warnings are already handled
# and execution of the code had continued
# cat("Warning caught in bsky.histogram \n")
BSkyLocalWarningFlagsReset() #if needed to continue without returning back to the top level function
#cat("Returning return structure from this top level histogram function\n")
return(invisible(BSkyReturnStructure(list(extra=c(imgpath))))) #return (templist);
bsky.fullhistogram<-function(colNameOrIndex, dataSetNameOrIndex, .breaks,.freq,.right,.density,.angle,.col,.border,.main,.xlab,.ylab,.axes,.plot,.labels)
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.fullhistogram: Error in Full Histogram : ", "DataSetName :", dataSetNameOrIndex," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(colNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
BSkyWarnMsg = paste("bsky.fullhistogram: Warning in Full Histogram : ", "DataSetName :", dataSetNameOrIndex," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(colNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
BSkyStoreApplicationWarnErrMsg(BSkyWarnMsg, BSkyErrMsg)
templist <- list()
imgpath<-paste(Sys.getenv("TMP"), '\\rimage.png', sep='')
DataSetIndex = 0
if( file.exists(imgpath) )
datasetname <- dataSetNameOrIndex #BSkyValidateDataset(dataSetNameOrIndex)
#if dataset index is valid
colIndex<-BSkyValidateColumn(datasetname, colNameOrIndex)
#Error: dataSetName and colname not found
if(colIndex > 0)
#cat("Found col")
#imgpath<-paste(Sys.getenv("TMP"), '\\rimage.png', sep='')
xarg <- eval(parse(text=paste(datasetname,'[[',colIndex,']]',sep='')))
##hist(x=uadatasets$lst[[DataSetIndex]][[colIndex]], breaks = 20, col="lightblue", border="red", main="Histogram ", xlab=colNameOrIndex)
#cat("device turned off")
###creating return list
commnd <- paste("bsky.fullhistogram(colNameOrIndex=c('",colNameOrIndex,"')",", dataSetNameOrIndex='",datasetname,"')")
templist <- list(filen=imgpath, uasummary=uas,bb="")
#- return (templist);
cat("\ninValid Col\n")
#Column not found
warning("bsky.fullhistogram: Column not found..")
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.fullhistogram: Error in Full Histogram Column not found : ", "DataSetName :", datasetname," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(colNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
cat("\ninValid Dataset\n")
#Dataset not found
warning("bsky.fullhistogram: Dataset not found..")
BSkyErrMsg = paste("bsky.fullhistogram: Error in Full Histogram Dataset not found : ", "DataSetName :", datasetname," ", "Variable Name List :", paste(colNameOrIndex, collapse = ","),sep="")
warning = UAwarnHandlerFn
) # end of withCallingHandlers for catching warnings and continuing execution
error = UAerrHandlerFn,
silent =TRUE
if(BSkyLocalErrorFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# Error is already handled and logged
# Whereever the error occured execution cannot continue
# control will be passed to the error handler function
# and then the control will come out ogf the Try-Catch block
# cat("Error caught in bsky.fullhistogram \n")
#BSkyLocalErrorFlagsReset() #if needed
#cat("\nWARNING:: top level full histogram function\n")
if(BSkyLocalWarningFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# All Bsky functions continue from the point where the warning occured
# so by the time controls comes here - all warnings are already handled
# and execution of the code had continued
# cat("Warning caught in bsky.fullhistogram \n")
BSkyLocalWarningFlagsReset() #if needed to continue without returning back to the top level function
#cat("Returning return structure from this top level full histogram function\n")
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