
# Code to run all output modules
# If not chained, we need to apply over output modules, 
#   covariate output or model output.
# If chained, we certainly need to apply over output modules,
#   AND apply over covariate or model output.

# Options are: 
#   Output listed.
#   Model listed (therefore model will have more outputs than process)
#   Process, covariate or occurrence listed (model will have same number of
#     outputs as process and list elements need to be matched.
#  Output Chained & model listed
#  Output Chained & process, covariate or occurrence listed

# Not Chained
#   length(output) > 1 (output is a list)
#   length(output) == 1 (output isn't a list)
#     length(process) == length(model) (process, covariate or occurrence is a list)
#     length(process) != length(model) (model or nothing is a list)
# Is Chained
#   length(process) == length(model) (process, covariate or occurrence is a list)
#   length(process) != length(model) (model or nothing is a list)

DoOutputModules <- function(output.module, outputName, process.module, 
                     process.output, model.output, e) {
  DoOutputList <- function(x, model.output, process.output, e){
    output.output <- do.call(x$func, 
                             c(list(.model = model.output[[1]], 
                                    .ras = process.output[[1]]$ras),
                             x$paras), envir = e)
      attr(output.output, 'call_path') <- c(attr(model.output[[1]], 'call_path'),
                                            output = as.character(x$module))
  DoOutputPairedList <- function(x, outputName, e){
    output.output <- do.call(outputName[[1]]$func, 
                             c(list(.model = x[[1]],
                                    .ras = x[[2]]$ras),
                             envir = e)

      attr(output.output, 'call_path') <- c(attr(x[[1]], 'call_path'),
                                            output = as.character(outputName[[1]]$module))
  DoOutputModelList <- function(x, outputName, process.output, e){
    output.output <- do.call(outputName[[1]]$func, 
                             c(list(.model = x,
                                    .ras = process.output[[1]]$ras),
                             envir = e)
      attr(output.output, 'call_path') <- c(attr(x, 'call_path'),
                                            output = as.character(outputName[[1]]$module))
  # Not chained
  if(!identical(attr(output.module, 'chain'), TRUE)){
    # if output is a list
    if (length(output.module) > 1){
      # There must be only one model and process
      output.output <- lapply(outputName, FUN = DoOutputList, e = e,
                              model.output = model.output,
                              process.output = process.output)
    # Otherwise model may be parallel. If not, this will still run the 
    #   single model ok.
    } else {
      # Multiple models a result of list in Occ or Cov modules
      if (length(process.output) == length(model.output)){
        # Create a paired list of model and process output
        MP.output <- list()
        for(i in seq_along(1:length(process.output))){
          MP.output[[i]] <- list(model.output[[i]], process.output[[i]])
        output.output <- lapply(MP.output, FUN = DoOutputPairedList, 
                                e = e, outputName = outputName)
      } else { # there must be only one process output and multiple models
        output.output <- lapply(model.output,
                                FUN = DoOutputModelList,
                                e = e,
                                process.output = process.output,
                                outputName = outputName)
  # Chained
  } else {

      #   Process, covariate or occurrence listed (model will have same number of
      #     outputs as process and list elements need to be matched.
      if (length(process.output) == length(model.output)){

        # Create a paired list of model and process output
        MP.output <- list()

        for(i in 1:length(process.output)){
          MP.output[[i]] <- list(model.output[[i]], process.output[[i]])

        output.output <- lapply(MP.output, 
                           function(x) lapply(outputName, 
                               output.output <- DoOutputPairedList(x = x,
                                                                   outputName = list(y),
                                                                   e = e)

      } else { # there must be only one process output and multiple models

        output.output <- unlist(lapply(model.output, 
                           function(y) lapply(outputName, 
                               output.output <- DoOutputList(x = x,
                                                             model.output = list(y), 
                                                             process.output = process.output,
                                                             e = e)
                                ), recursive = FALSE)

# Do all model modules
# If listed model modules, we need to apply over models
#   otherwise need to apply over process output.
# We put model function names into RunModels which runs models multiple
#   times as requested by cross validation/external validation
#   and predicts all test data.

DoModelModules <- function(model.module, modelName, process.output, e){

  DoModelList <- function(x, e, process.output){
    model.output <- do.call(RunModels,
                            list(df = process.output[[1]]$df, 
                                 modelFunction = x$func, 
                                 paras = x$paras, 
                                 workEnv = e
                            envir = e)
    call_path <- c(attr(process.output[[1]], 'call_path'),
                   model = as.character(x$module))
    attr(model.output, 'call_path') <- call_path
  DoModelNotList <- function(x, e, modelName){
    model.output <- do.call(RunModels, 
                            list(df = x$df, 
                                 modelFunction = modelName[[1]]$func, 
                                 paras = modelName[[1]]$paras, 
                                 workEnv = e
                            envir = e)
    call_path <- c(attr(x, 'call_path'),
                   model = as.character(modelName[[1]]$module))
    attr(model.output, 'call_path') <- call_path
  if (length(model.module) > 1){
      model.output <- 
        lapply(modelName, FUN = DoModelList, e = e, process.output = process.output)
    } else {
      model.output <- 
        lapply(process.output, FUN = DoModelNotList, e = e, modelName = modelName)

# Do all process modules
# If process is not chained, then either apply over process (for list of 
#   process modules) or over 'data' which is list combining data from covariate
#   and occurrence modules.
# If process IS chained, then we loop through process modules putting output of
#   one as input to next.
DoProcessModules <- function(process.module, processName, data, e){
  DoProcessList <- function(x, e){
    process.output<- do.call(x$func, 
                             c(list(.data = data[[1]]), x$paras), 
                             envir = e)
    call_path <- list(occurrence = attr(data[[1]]$df, 'call_path')$occurrence,
                      covariate = attr(data[[1]]$ras, 'call_path')$covariate,
                      process = as.character(x$module))
    attr(process.output, 'call_path') <- call_path
  DoProcessNotList <- function(x, e){
    process.output <- do.call(processName[[1]]$func, 
                              c(list(.data = x), processName[[1]]$paras), 
                              envir = e)
    call_path <- list(occurrence = attr(x$df, 'call_path')$occurrence,
                  covariate = attr(x$ras, 'call_path')$covariate,
                  process = as.character(processName[[1]]$module))
    attr(process.output, 'call_path') <- call_path

  DoProcessChain <- function(x, p, e){
    process.output <- do.call(processName[[p]]$func, 
                              c(list(.data = x), processName[[p]]$paras), 
                              envir = e)
    call_path <- list(occurrence = attr(x$df, 'call_path')$occurrence,
                      covariate = attr(x$ras, 'call_path')$covariate)
    attr(process.output, 'call_path') <- call_path
  if (!identical(attr(process.module, 'chain'), TRUE)){
    if (length(processName) > 1){
      process.output <- lapply(processName, FUN = DoProcessList, e = e)
    } else {
      process.output <- lapply(data, FUN = DoProcessNotList, e = e)
  } else { 
    # If process was chained, we must loop through the process modules 
    #   applying them to the output of the previous one.
    # If covariate or occurrence was list, data will be list w/ length > 1
    #   so we assign data -> process.output then apply over that.

    # We might want to save output of each process and return all of them
    #   at the end of the workflow.
    process.output <- data
    for(p in 1:length(processName)){      
      process.output <- lapply(process.output, FUN = DoProcessChain, p = p, e = e)
    call_path_process_chain <- function(x){
      attr(x, 'call_path') <- c(attr(x, 'call_path'),
                                     process = paste('Chain(',
                                                     paste(lapply(processName, function(x) x$module),
                                                           collapse = ', '),
                                                     ')', sep = ''))
    process.output <- lapply(process.output, call_path_process_chain)
    #     # add call_path for the chain
    #     attr(process.output, 'call_path') <- list(attr(process.output, 'call_path'), 
#                                               paste('Chain(',
#                                                     paste(processName, collapse = ', '),
#                                                     ')', sep = ''))

# DoOccurrenceModule is for occurrence modules
# and is very simple. x is the name of the module
# (occurrenceName)
DoOccurrenceModule <- function(x, e){
  occurrence.output <- do.call(x$func, x$paras, envir = e)
  attr(occurrence.output, 'call_path') <- list(occurrence = as.character(x$module))

# DoCovariateModule is for covariate modules
# and is very simple. x is the name of the module
# (covariateName)
DoCovariateModule <- function(x, e){
  covariate.output <- do.call(x$func, x$paras, envir = e)
  attr(covariate.output, 'call_path') <- list(covariate = as.character(x$module))
Boodogs/zoon-clone documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:59 a.m.