
#'How to cite Zoon Modules in publications
#' @param ModuleName string giving the name of the module
#' @return A \code{zoonCitation} object - A list of elements
#' that make up the citation
#' @name ZoonCitation
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.zoonCitation}}
#' @importFrom RCurl url.exists
#' @export

ZoonCitation <- function(ModuleName){
  # Build the URL
  ModuleRepo <- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zoonproject/modules'
  ModuleURL <- paste0(ModuleRepo, '/master/R/', ModuleName, '.R')
  # Check the URL exists
  if(!RCurl::url.exists(ModuleURL)) stop('URL for module does not exist: ', ModuleURL)
  # Parse the roxygen blocks
  ModBlocks <- ZoonModuleParse(ModuleURL)
  # Get the features needed for the citation
  version <- ModBlocks[grepl('section', names(ModBlocks))][grepl('^Version: ', ModBlocks[grepl('section', names(ModBlocks))])]
  title <- ModBlocks$title
  name <- ModBlocks$name
  authors <- gsub(', \\\\email\\{.+\\}', '', ModBlocks$author)
  date_section <- ModBlocks[grepl('section', names(ModBlocks))][grepl('^Date submitted', ModBlocks[grepl('section', names(ModBlocks))])]
  date_submitted <- as.Date(gsub('^Date submitted: ', '', date_section))
  note <- paste('Zoon module', tolower(version)) 
  url <- ModuleURL
  email_index <- gregexpr('\\\\email\\{.+\\}', ModBlocks$author)[[1]]
  email <- substr(ModBlocks$author, (email_index[1] + 7), email_index[1] + (attr(email_index, 'match.length') - 2))
  citation <- list(title = title,
                   name = name,
                   authors = authors,
                   date_submitted = date_submitted,
                   note = note,
                   email = email,
                   url = url)
  class(citation) <- 'zoonCitation'
Boodogs/zoon-clone documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:59 a.m.