
Defines functions checkNbBlocks select.type rgcca.analyze bootstrap_k bootstrap plotBootstrap scaling checkC1

#' @import RGCCA
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off rgb colorRamp pdf
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats cor quantile runif sd na.omit
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table packageVersion
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal
#' @importFrom optparse OptionParser make_option parse_args
#' @importFrom plotly layout ggplotly style plotly_build %>%
#' @importFrom visNetwork visNetwork visNodes visEdges
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame V<- E<-


checkNbBlocks <- function(blocks, type){

  if(tolower(type) == "pca"){
    msg <- "Only one block is"
    exit_code <- 110
    msg <- "Two blocks are"
    exit_code <- 111

  stop(paste0(length(blocks), " blocks used in the analysis. ", msg ," required for a ", type, "."), exit_code = exit_code)

#' Define the analysis parameters
#' Define the correct parameters according to the type of the analysis
#' @param A A list of matrix
#' @param opt An OptionParser object
#' @param C A matrix giving the connection between the blocks
#' @param tau A vector of float (or character for 'optimal' setting) giving the shrinkage parameter for covariance maximization
#' @param ncomp A vector of integer giving the number of component for each blocks
#' @param scheme A character giving the link function for covariance maximization
#' @param superblock A boolean giving the presence (TRUE) / absence (FALSE) of a superblock
#' @param type A character giving the type of analysis
#' @param verbose A boolean displaying the warnings
#' @param quiet A boolean hidding the warnings
#' @return blocks A list of matrix
#' @return scheme A character giving the link function for covariance maximization
#' @return tau A vector of float (or character for 'optimal' setting) giving the shrinkage parameter for covariance maximization
#' @return ncomp A vector of integer giving the number of component for each blocks
#' @return connection matrix giving the connection between the blocks
#' @return superblock A boolean giving the presence (TRUE) / absence (FALSE) of a superblock

select.type <- function(A = blocks, opt = NULL, C = 1 - diag(length(A)), tau = rep(1, length(A)),
                        ncomp = rep(1, length(A)), scheme = "centroid", superblock = TRUE,
                        type  = "rgcca", verbose = TRUE, quiet = FALSE){

    scheme = opt$scheme; C = opt$connection;  superblock = opt$superblock; type = opt$type; tau = opt$tau; ncomp = opt$ncomp
    ncomp = unlist(
        strsplit(gsub(" ", "", as.character(ncomp)), ","),
        function(x) tryCatch({
          }, warning = function(w){
            stop(unique(paste0("--ncomp is a character (", x  , ") and must be an integer.")), exit_code = 136 )
    l_tau = as.list(strsplit(gsub(" ", "", as.character(tau)), ",")[[1]])

    tau = unlist(lapply(l_tau, function(x){
      }, warning = function(w){

  J = length(A)
  MSG_SUPER = "a superbloc is used"
  MSG_TYPE = paste0("By using a ", toupper(type), ", ")
  warn.type.value = warn.type.par = warn.msg.super = character(0)
    verbose = FALSE

  ### SETTINGS ###

  warnParam = function(param, x){
    warn.type.par <<- c(warn.type.par, paste(deparse(substitute(param))))
    warn.type.value <<- c(warn.type.value, toString(x))

  setTau = function(x){
    warnParam(tau, x)

  setScheme = function(x){
    warnParam(scheme, x)

  setConnection = function(x){
    warnParam(connection, paste(deparse(substitute(x))))

  warnSuper = function(x){
    if(length(x) < (length(A))){
      warn.msg.super <<- c(warn.msg.super, deparse(substitute(x)))
      return(c(x, x[1]))

  setSuperbloc = function(verbose = TRUE){
    A <<- c(A, Superblock = list(Reduce(cbind, A)))
    superblock <<- TRUE
    C <<- NULL
    ncomp <<- warnSuper(ncomp)

  set2Block = function(type){

    if(length(A) != 2)
      checkNbBlocks(A, type)

    scheme <<- setScheme("horst")
    C <<- setConnection(1-diag(2))

  ### CHECK TYPES ###

  if(length(grep("[sr]gcca", tolower(type))) == 1){
      tau <- warnSuper(tau)
      superblock <- FALSE
    superblock <- FALSE

  if(length(grep("pls-?pm", tolower(type))) == 1){
    scheme   <- setScheme("centroid")
    tau      <- setTau(rep(0, J))
    # TODO: superblock allowed in PLS-PM, whos gonna call : Arthur

  else if (tolower(type) == "pca"){

    if(length(A) != 1)
      checkNbBlocks(A, type)

    scheme   <- setScheme("horst")
    tau      <- setTau(c(1, 1))

  # 2 Blocks cases
  else if (tolower(type) %in% c("cca", "ra", "ifa", "pls")){

    if (tolower(type) == "cca")
      tau      <- setTau(c(0, 0))

    else if (tolower(type) %in% c("ifa", "pls"))
      tau      <- setTau(c(1, 1))

    else if (tolower(type) == "ra")
      tau      <- setTau(c(1, 0))


  # Design with 1 values everywhere
  else if (tolower(type) %in% c("sumcor", "ssqcor", "sabscor", "sumcov",
                                "sumcov-1", "maxbet", "sabscov")){

    C        <- setConnection(matrix(1, J, J))

    # COR models
    if (tolower(type) %in% c("sumcor", "ssqcor", "sabscor")){

      tau      <- setTau(rep(0, J))


      "sumcor" = {
        scheme   <- setScheme("horst")},

      "ssqcor"= {
        scheme   <- setScheme("factorial")},

      "sabscor"= {
        scheme   <- setScheme("centroid")})

    # COV models
    else if (tolower(type) %in% c("sumcov", "sumcov-1", "maxbet",
                                  "ssqcov", "ssqcov-1", "maxbet-b",
                                  "sabscov", "sabscov-1")){

      tau      <- setTau(rep(1, J))

      if (tolower(type) %in% c("sumcov", "sumcov-1", "maxbet"))
        scheme   <- setScheme("horst")

      else if (tolower(type) %in% c("ssqcov", "ssqcov-1", "maxbet-b"))
        scheme   <- setScheme("factorial")

      else if (tolower(type) %in% c("sabscov", "sabscov-1"))
        scheme   <- setScheme("centroid")


   # Design with 1 values everywhere and 0 on the diagonal

  else if (tolower(type) %in% c("sumcov-2", "maxdiff", "ssqcov", "ssqcov-1",
                              "maxbet-b", "ssqcov-2", "maxdiff-b")){

    C        <- setConnection(1 - diag(J))

    if (tolower(type) %in% c("sumcov-2", "maxdiff")){
      scheme   <- setScheme("horst")
      tau      <- setTau(rep(0, J))

    else if (tolower(type) %in% c("ssqcov-2", "maxdiff-b")){
      scheme   <- setScheme("factorial")
      tau      <- setTau(rep(1, J))


  # Models with a superblock
  else if (tolower(type) %in% c("maxvar-b", "gcca", "niles", "maxvar", "hpca",
                              "maxvar-a", "cpca", "cpca-w", "mfa", "sum-pca", "mcoa",
                              "rcon-pca", "ridge-gca", "r-maxvar")){


    if (tolower(type) %in% c("maxvar-b", "gcca", "niles", "maxvar")){
      scheme   <- setScheme("factorial")
      tau      <- setTau(rep(0, J+1))

    else if (tolower(type) == "hpca"){
      scheme   <- function(x) x^4
      tau      <- setTau(c(rep(1, J), 0))

    else if (tolower(type) %in% c("maxvar-a", "cpca", "cpca-w", "mfa", "sum-pca", "mcoa")){
      scheme   <- setScheme("factorial")
      tau      <- setTau(c(rep(1, J), 0))

    #TODO: verify these three last algo parameters

    else if (tolower(type) == "rcon-pca")
      tau <- warnSuper(tau)

    else if (tolower(type) == "ridge-gca"){
      scheme   <- setScheme("factorial")
      tau      <- setTau(c(tau[1:J], 0))

    else if (tolower(type) == "r-maxvar"){
      scheme   <- setScheme("factorial")
      tau <- warnSuper(tau)


  else if(length(grep("[sr]gcca", tolower(type))) != 1){
    stop("Wrong type of analysis. Please select one among the following list: rgcca, cpca-w, gcca, hpca, maxbet-b, maxbet, maxdiff-b, maxdiff, maxvar-a, maxvar-b, maxvar, niles, r-maxvar, rcon-pca, ridge-gca, sabscor, ssqcor, ssqcor, ssqcov-1, ssqcov-2, ssqcov, sum-pca, sumcor, sumcov-1, sumcov-2, sumcov., sabscov, plspm.",
         exit_code = 112)

  ### WARNINGS ###

  n = length(warn.type.par)
  if(verbose & n > 0){

    setPlural = function(x = warn.type.par, y = warn.type.value, sep = " and "){
      warn.type.par <<- paste0(x, collapse = sep)
      warn.type.value <<- paste0(y, collapse = sep)

    if(n > 1){
      grammar = "s were respectively"
      if(n == 2)
        warn.type = c(warn.type.par[n], warn.type.value[n])
        setPlural(warn.type.par[-n], warn.type.value[-n], ", ")
        setPlural(c(warn.type.par, warn.type[1]), c(warn.type.value, warn.type[2]))
      grammar = " was"

    msg = paste0( warn.type.par, " parameter", grammar, " set to ", warn.type.value)

    if(superblock & tolower(type) != "pca" )
      msg = paste0(msg, " and ", MSG_SUPER)

    warning(paste0(MSG_TYPE, msg ,"."))

  if(verbose & superblock){
    if(n < 0)
      paste0(MSG_SUPER, MSG_SUPER)

  if( !quiet & length(warn.msg.super) > 0){

    if( length(warn.msg.super) > 1 ){
      warn.msg.super = paste(warn.msg.super, collapse = " and ")
      grammar = "were those"
      grammar = "was the one"

    # warning(paste0("By using a superblock, ", warn.msg.super,
    #                " of the superblock ", grammar," of the first block."))

  opt$blocks = A; opt$scheme = scheme;  opt$tau = tau;  opt$ncomp = ncomp;  opt$connection = C;  opt$superblock = superblock


#' Performs a r/sgcca
#' Performs a r/sgcca with predefined parameters
#' @param blocks A list of matrix
#' @param connection A matrix giving the connection between the blocks
#' @param tau A vector of float (or character for 'optimal' setting) giving the shrinkage parameter for covariance maximization
#' @param ncomp A vector of integer giving the number of component for each blocks
#' @param scheme A character giving the link function for covariance maximization
#' @param scale A boolean scaling the blocks
#' @param init A character among "svd" (Singular Value Decompostion) or "random" for alorithm initialization
#' @param bias A boolean for a biased variance estimator
#' @param type A character giving the type of analysis
#' @param verbose A boolean to display the progress of the analysis
#' @return superblock A RGCCA object

rgcca.analyze = function(blocks, connection = 1 - diag(length(A)), tau = rep(1, length(blocks)),
                         ncomp = rep(2, length(blocks)), scheme = "factorial", scale = TRUE,
                         init = "svd", bias = TRUE, type = "rgcca", verbose = TRUE){

  A = NULL

  for (i in 1:length(blocks)){
    if( ncol(blocks[[i]]) > 1000 ){
      # if( (type == "sgcca" && tau > 0.3) || type != "sgcca" )
        WARN = TRUE

  if (WARN & verbose)
    message("RGCCA in progress ...")

  if(tolower(type) =="sgcca"){
    func = sgcca
    par = "c1"
    func = rgcca
    par = "tau"

  func.complete = quote(func(A = blocks,
                             C = connection,
                             scheme = scheme,
                             ncomp = ncomp,
                             scale = scale,
                             verbose = VERBOSE,
                             init = init,
                             bias = bias))
  func.complete[[par]] = tau

  func.res = eval(as.call(func.complete))
  names(func.res$a) = names(blocks)


bootstrap_k = function(blocks, connection = 1 - diag(length(blocks)), tau = rep(1, length(blocks)),
                       ncomp = rep(2, length(blocks)), scheme = 'factorial', scale = TRUE,
                       init = "svd", bias = TRUE, type = "rgcca", verbose = FALSE){
  # Shuffle rows
  id_boot = sample(NROW(blocks[[1]]), replace = T)

  # Scale the blocks
  if( !is.null(attr(blocks, "scaled:center"))){
    # If blocks are already scaled

    if(!is.null(attr(blocks, "scaled:scale")))
      boot_blocks  = lapply(blocks, function(x) scale(x[id_boot, ],
                                                      center = attr(blocks, "scaled:center"),
                                                      scale = attr(blocks, "scaled:scale"))
                            / sqrt(ncol(x)) )
      boot_blocks  = lapply(blocks, function(x) scale(x[id_boot, ],
                                                      center = attr(blocks, "scaled:center"),
                                                      scale = F))


      boot_blocks  = lapply(blocks, function(x) scale2(x[id_boot, ], bias = bias) / sqrt(ncol(x)) )
      boot_blocks = lapply(blocks, function(x) scale2(x[id_boot, ], scale = F))

  boot_blocks = removeColumnSdNull(boot_blocks)

  # Get boostraped weights
  w = rgcca.analyze(boot_blocks, connection, tau = tau,  ncomp = ncomp, scheme = scheme,
                scale = FALSE, init = init, bias = bias, type = type, verbose = verbose)$a

  # Add removed variables
  missing_var = lapply(1:length(blocks), function(x) setdiff(colnames(blocks[[x]]), rownames(w[[x]])))
  missing_tab = lapply(1:length(missing_var),
                       function(x) matrix(0,
                                        dimnames = list(missing_var[[x]], 1:ncomp[x]))
  # bug mapply with pca
  w = lapply(1:length(w), function(x) rbind(w[[x]], missing_tab[[x]]))
  w = lapply(1:length(w), function(x) w[[x]][ colnames(blocks[[x]]), ])


# Examples
# library(RGCCA)
# data("Russett")
# blocks3 = list(agriculture = Russett[, 1:3], industry = Russett[, 4:5], politic = Russett[, 6:11] )
# bootstrap(blocks3)
bootstrap = function(blocks, n_boot = 5, connection = 1 - diag(length(blocks)), tau = rep(1, length(blocks)),
                       ncomp = rep(2, length(blocks)), scheme = 'factorial', scale = TRUE,
                       init = "svd", bias = TRUE, type = "rgcca", nb_cores = NULL){

  if(any(unlist(lapply(blocks, ncol) > 1000)))
    verbose = TRUE

  if(is.null(nb_cores) )
    nb_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1

  w1 = bootstrap_k(blocks, connection, tau, ncomp, scheme, scale, init, bias, type)

  W = parallel::mclapply(1:(n_boot-1), function(x) {

    # print(paste("Bootstrap", x))

    w = bootstrap_k(blocks, connection, tau, ncomp, scheme, scale, init, bias, type)

    # Test on the sign of the correlation
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)){
      for (j in 1:ncol(w[[k]])){
        if (cor(w1[[k]][, j], w[[k]][, j]) < 0){
          w[[k]][, j] = -1 * w[[k]][, j]


  }, mc.cores = nb_cores)

  return(c(list(w1), W))

#' list of list weights (one per bootstrap per blocks)
#' @param comp An integer giving the index of the analysis components
#' @param W A list of list weights (one per bootstrap per blocks)
#' @param n_mark An integer giving the number of top variables to select
#' @param i_block An integer giving the index of a list of blocks
plotBootstrap = function(W, comp = 1, n_mark = 100, i_block = NULL){

  J <- names(W[[1]])
  color <- X2 <- X3 <- NULL

  if ( is.null(i_block) )
    i_block = length(W[[1]])

  if(comp > min(unlist(lapply(W, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) ncol(z))))))
    stop("Selected dimension was not associated to every blocks", exit_code = 113)

  W_select = Reduce(rbind, lapply(W, function(x) x[[i_block]][, comp]) )
  stats = apply(W_select, 2,  function(x) c(mean(x), sd(x)))

  df = data.frame(cbind(stats[1, ],
              stats[1, ] - stats[2, ],
              stats[1, ] + stats[2, ]))

  if (  any(names(W[[1]]) == "Superblock") & i_block == length(J) )
    df$color = as.factor(getBlocsVariables(W[[1]]))

  df = data.frame(getRankedValues(df,  allCol = T), order = nrow(df):1)

  if(nrow(df) > n_mark)
    df = df[1:n_mark, ]

  if (  any(names(W[[1]]) == "Superblock") & i_block == length(J) ){
    color2 = factor(df$color); levels(color2) = colorGroup(color2)
    levels(df$color) = rev(levels(df$color))
    p = ggplot(df,
                   df[, 1],
                   fill = color))
    color2 ="black"
    p = ggplot(df, aes(order,
                        df[, 1],
                        fill = abs( df[, 1])  ) )

  p = plotHistogram(p, df, "Average variable weights", as.character(color2)) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = X2, ymax = X3), color ="gray40")

  if (  any(names(W[[1]]) == "Superblock") & i_block == length(J) )
    p = p + scale_fill_manual(values = colorGroup(J),
                      limits = J[-length(J)],
                      labels = rev(J[-length(J)]))


scaling = function(blocks, scale = TRUE, bias = TRUE){

    lapply(blocks, function(x)
      scale2(x, bias = bias) / sqrt(ncol(x)) )
    lapply(blocks, function(x)
      scale2(x, scale = F))

checkC1 = function(blocks, tau, type){
  # c1 : A vector of integer giving the spasity parameter for SGCCA (c1)
  # Stop the program if at least one c1 parameter is not in the required interval

  if(tolower(type) == "sgcca"){
    #the minimum value avalaible
    min_c1 = lapply(blocks, function(x) 1 / sqrt(ncol(x)))

    # Check c1 varying between 1/sqrt(pj) and 1
    out = mapply(function(x, y){
      if(x < y | x > 1)
        stop(paste0("Sparsity parameter is equals to ", x,
                    ". For SGCCA, it must be comprise between 1/sqrt(number_column) (i.e., ",
                    toString(unlist(lapply(min_c1, function(x) ceiling(x * 100) / 100)))
                    , ") and 1."),
             exit_code = 132)
    }, tau, min_c1)
BrainAndSpineInstitute/rgcca_Rpackage documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 5:56 p.m.