
#' @title \strong{addTagCountsToTSR}
#' @description \code{addTagCountsToTSR} adds a matrix of tag counts to a set
#' of identified TSRs
#' @param experimentName a S4 object of class \emph{tssObject} containing
#' information in slot \emph{@tssTagData}
#' @param tsrSetType specifies the set to be written to file.
#' Options are "replicates" or "merged". (character)
#' @param tsrSet number of the dataset to be processed, where 1 corresponds
#' to the first slot, and so on. (numeric)
#' @param tagCountThreshold number of tags required at a given TSS position in
#' order to be included in the overall count for a TSR (numeric)
#' @param writeTable specifies whether the output should be written to
#' a table. (logical)
#' @return a matrix of tag counts and median-normalized tag counts is appended
#' to the data frame of the selected set of identified TSRs in the returned
#' \emph{tssObject}; note that the number of new columns is twice the number
#' of replicates in the sample
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "tssObjectExample.RData", package="TSRchitect"))
#' tssObjectExample <- addTagCountsToTSR(experimentName=tssObjectExample,
#' tsrSetType="merged", tsrSet=1, tagCountThreshold=25, writeTable=FALSE)
#' @note An example similar to the one provided can be found in
#' the vignette (/inst/doc/TSRchitect.Rmd)
#' @export
#' @rdname addTagCountsToTSR-methods

    function(experimentName, tsrSetType, tsrSet=1, tagCountThreshold=1,

#' @rdname addTagCountsToTSR-methods

          signature(experimentName="tssObject", "character", "numeric",
                    "numeric", "logical"),

          function(experimentName, tsrSetType, tsrSet, tagCountThreshold,
                   writeTable=TRUE) {

              message("... addTagCountsToTSR ...")
              if (tsrSetType=="replicates") {
                  if (tsrSet>length(experimentName@tsrData)) {
                      stop("The value selected for tsrSet exceeds the ",
                           "number of slots in tsrData.")
                  outfname <- paste("TSRset-", tsrSet, sep="")
                  outfname <- paste(outfname, "txt", sep=".")
                  tsr.df <- experimentName@tsrData[[tsrSet]]
              } else if (tsrSetType=="merged") {
                  if (length(experimentName@tsrDataMerged)<1) {
                      stop("The @tsrDataMerged slot is currently empty.",
                           "Please complete the merger before continuing.")
                  if (tsrSet>length(experimentName@tsrDataMerged)) {
                      stop("The value selected for tsrSet exceeds the ",
                           "number of slots in tsrDataMerged.")
                  if (tsrSet<length(experimentName@tssCountDataMerged)) {
                      outfname <- paste("TSRsetMerged-", tsrSet, sep="")
                      outfname <- paste(outfname, "txt", sep=".")
                      message("\nThe merged TSR set for TSS dataset ", tsrSet,
                              " will be written to file ", outfname,
                              "\nin your working directory.")
                  } else { # "combined" case
                      outfname <- "TSRsetCombined.txt"
                      message("\nThe combined TSR set derived from all samples",
                              " will be written to file ", outfname,
                              "\nin your working directory.")
                  tsr.df <- experimentName@tsrDataMerged[[tsrSet]]
              } else {
                  stop("Error: argument tsrSetType to addTagCountsToTSR() ",
                       "should be either \"replicates\" or \"merged\".")

#Now  we determine the TSS tag counts within the
#current  TSR set for each of the samples ...
              currentTSRset <- tsr.df

#  ... going over each sample (index j):
              for (j in 1:length(experimentName@tssCountData)) {
                 if (experimentName@replicateIDs[j] == 0) {
  # ... samples with replicateID equal to zero are ignored
                 this.tssSet <- experimentName@tssCountData[[j]]
#...  we are discarding counts below the tag count threshold tagCountThreshold:
                 this.tssSet <-
                           this.tssSet[this.tssSet$nTAGs >= tagCountThreshold, ]
                 countv <- numeric(nrow(currentTSRset))
                 if (nrow(this.tssSet) > 0  && nrow(currentTSRset) > 0) {
  # ... the following only makes sense if this.tssSet is non-empty

#...  now considering each current TSR in turn (index k):
                     lasttsrseq <- "null"
                     for (k in 1:nrow(currentTSRset)) {
                         this.tsr <- currentTSRset[k,]

                         if (this.tsr$seq != lasttsrseq) {
#...  nothing to be counted if the current TSS seq does not
#  match the current TSR seq:
                             that.tssSet <- this.tssSet[this.tssSet$seq
                                             == this.tsr$seq, ]
                             lbeg <- 1
                             count <- 0
                             lasttsrseq <- this.tsr$seq
                         if (nrow(that.tssSet) == 0) {
#  ... the following only makes sense if that.tssSet is non-empty
#...  going over the TSS tags (index l) from sample j in order
#  (first plus, then minus strand, position increasing)
                         for (l in lbeg:nrow(that.tssSet)) {
                            this.tss <- that.tssSet[l,]
#  ... otherwise, we see how a given sample TSS position fits
#  into the current TSRs:
                            if (this.tsr$strand == this.tss$strand) {
                               if (as.numeric(as.character(this.tsr$start))  <= this.tss$TSS   &&
                                   this.tss$TSS <= as.numeric(as.character(this.tsr$end))) {
                                  count <- count + this.tss$nTAGs
                                  if (l == nrow(that.tssSet)) {
                                      countv[k] <- count
                               } else if (this.tss$TSS  > as.numeric(as.character(this.tsr$start))) {
                                  countv[k] <- count
                                  lbeg <- l
                                  count <- 0
                            } else { # ... strand mismatch:
#  ... go on to next comparison
                                if (this.tsr$strand == "+") {
#  ... need to go to next TSR
                                    countv[k] <- count
                                    lbeg <- l
                                    count <- 0
                         } # end for (l ...
                     } # end for (k ...
                 currentTSRset$cname <- countv
                 colnames(currentTSRset)[which(names(currentTSRset) == "cname")] <- experimentName@sampleNames[j]
                 m <- pmax(median(countv[countv>0]),1)
                 ncount <- round(100*pmin(countv/m,10),0)
                 currentTSRset$cname <- ncount
                 colnames(currentTSRset)[which(names(currentTSRset) == "cname")] <- paste("ncnt",experimentName@sampleNames[j],sep="")

              } # end for (j ...
              if (writeTable=="TRUE") {
                              file=outfname, col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE,
                              sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
                  message("\nThe updated TSR data have been written to file ",
                          outfname, "\nin your working directory.")
              #Update the record:
              if (tsrSetType=="replicates") {
                  experimentName@tsrData[[tsrSet]] <- currentTSRset
              } else {
                  experimentName@tsrDataMerged[[tsrSet]] <- currentTSRset

              message(" Done.\n")
BrendelGroup/TSRchitect documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:45 a.m.