
Defines functions .assert_region .fix_lgas_interactive .messageHeader .report_on_fixes .fix_region_internal

# Source file: fixregint.R
# GPL-3 License
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Victor Ordu.

## Approximately matches a string on a list of regions i.e States or LGAs.
## @param str A string to be matched
## @param regions The values to be matched against, specifically from regions
## @return A vector of the same length as str with the approximately
## matched value, which in the case of misspelling should be the correct one.
## This function is mapped to a vector of states/LGAs
.fix_region_internal <- function(x, region, interactive = FALSE)
  stopifnot(is.character(x), is.character(region))
  cant.fix <- character()
  fix.status <- character()
  ## Internal function to enable identification of entries that need to
  ## be fixed and preparing attributes that will enable further processing
  ## downstream.
  get_proper_value <- function(str, regions) {
    abbrFCT <- .fct_options("abbrev")
    if (!is.na(match(str, regions)))
    if (inherits(regions, "states")) {
      if (agrepl(str, abbrFCT, max.distance = .pkgLevDistance())
          && identical(toupper(str), abbrFCT))
    ## First remove spaces around slashes and hyphens
    ## Note: run `.__why_no_pipe()` for rationale behind this approach
    str <- gsub("\\s\\/", "/", str)
    str <- gsub("\\/\\s", "/", str)
    str <- sub("-\\s", "-", str)
    str <- sub("^Egbado/", "", str) ## TODO: Address hard-coding
    ## Now, check for exact matching.
    rgx <- paste0('^', str, '$')
    good <- unique(grep(rgx, regions, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))
    if (length(good) == 1L) 
    ## Otherwise check for approximate matches.
    fixed <- agrep(str, regions, value = TRUE, max.distance = 1)
    numFixed <- length(fixed)
    if (numFixed == 1L) {
      fs <- c(fix.status, fixed)
      names(fs) <- c(names(fix.status), str)
      fix.status <<- fs
    if (numFixed > 1L && !interactive) {
      multimatch <- paste(fixed, collapse = ", ")
        "'{str}' approximately matched more than one region - {multimatch}"
    # if we get to this point, return the misspelt string unchanged
    cant.fix <<- c(cant.fix, str)
  spellchecked <-
           regions = region,
           USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  attr(spellchecked, "misspelt") <- sort(unique(cant.fix))
  ## Reduce data for reporting on fixes to only the 
  ## unique instances i.e. avoid redundant output
  if (length(fix.status) > 1L) {
    allfix <- names(fix.status)
    if (anyDuplicated(allfix)) {
      dups <- which(duplicated(allfix))
      fix.status <- fix.status[-dups]
  attr(spellchecked, "regions.fixed") <- fix.status

# Tells the user about what repairs have been made to the spellings
# @param obj - the checked object, which has attributes with relevant details
# @param usedialog Whether to display a dialog (on Windows only).
.report_on_fixes <- function(obj, usedialog = FALSE)
  spell.details <- attributes(obj)
  badspell <- spell.details$misspelt
  hasBadspell <- !identical(badspell, character(0))
  msg.bad <- msg.good <- ""
  if (hasBadspell) {
    hdr.bad <- .messageHeader("Fix(es) not applied")
    nofix.bullets <-
      vapply(badspell, function(x) paste("*", x), character(1))
    msg.bad <- paste0(hdr.bad, paste(nofix.bullets, collapse = "\n"))
  # Put the message together
  fixes <- spell.details$regions.fixed
  if (!identical(fixes, character(0))) {
    hdr.good <- .messageHeader("Successful fix(es)")
    fixed.bullets <-
      mapply(function(a, z) {
        sprintf("* %s => %s", a, z)
      names(fixes), fixes)
    msg.good <- paste0(hdr.good, paste(fixed.bullets, collapse = "\n"))
    if (hasBadspell)
      msg.good <- paste0(msg.good, "\n")    # just add newline
  if (!nchar(msg.good) && !nchar(msg.bad))
  final.msg <- paste(msg.good, msg.bad, sep = "\n")
  if (usedialog)
    utils::winDialog("ok", final.msg)

.messageHeader <- function(hdr)
  hdr <- paste0(hdr, ":")
  dashes <- strrep("-", nchar(hdr))
  hdr <- paste(hdr, dashes, sep = '\n')
  paste0(hdr, "\n")

## Interactively fixes regions that are bad - this function is primarily
## used for repairing LGA names, since they are so many.
## @param lga.list The vector of LGA names that is being repaired. This vector
## is generated by `.fix_region_internal` and has an attribute called
## `misspelt`, which is the collection of names needing repair.
## @param usedialog Whether to use dialog in prompts (only on Windows)
.fix_lgas_interactive <- function(lga.list, usedialog = FALSE)
  allLgas <- lgas()
  menuopt <- integer()
  skipped <- character()
  bad.values <- attr(lga.list, "misspelt")
  # This list doesn't need to be re-created with each loop iteration
  # that's why it's been created here.
  special.options <- list(
    retry = "RETRY",
    skip = "SKIP",
    quit = "QUIT"
  for (bad in bad.values) {
    msg.fixWhich <- paste("Fixing", sQuote(bad))
    repeat {
      prompt <- paste(msg.fixWhich, "Enter a search term: ", sep = ' - ')
      pattern <- if (usedialog)
        utils::winDialogString(prompt, "")
      if (pattern == "" || is.null(pattern))
      used.lgas <- 
        sort(grep(pattern, allLgas, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))
      choices <- c(used.lgas, unlist(unname(special.options)))
      menuopt <- utils::menu(choices, graphics = usedialog, "Select the LGA")
      chosen <- choices[menuopt]
      if (chosen != special.options$retry)
    if (chosen == special.options$quit)
    if (chosen == special.options$skip) {
      skipped <- c(skipped, bad)
    # Note that pipes were deliberately not used here.
    lga.list <- sub(bad, chosen, lga.list, fixed = TRUE)
    attr.misspelt <- attr(lga.list, "misspelt")
    attr.misspelt <- attr.misspelt[attr.misspelt != bad]
    attr(lga.list, "misspelt") <- attr.misspelt
    attr.regfixed <- attr(lga.list, "regions.fixed")
    attr.regfixed <- c(attr.regfixed, chosen)
    names(attr.regfixed) <- c(names(attr.regfixed), bad)
  if (length(skipped)) {
    msg <-
        "The following items were skipped and should be fixed manually:",
        paste(skipped, collapse = ", ")
    if (usedialog)
      utils::winDialog("ok", msg)

.assert_region <- function(x) {
  if (!is_state(x) && !is_lga(x))
    cli::cli_abort("{sQuote(x, q = FALSE)} is not a valid region")
BroVic/naijR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 12:02 a.m.