
Defines functions ba_connect

Documented in ba_connect

#' ba_connect
#' Sets a global list variable 'brapi' that contains all parameters to connect to
#' a BrAPI compliant online database.
#' If the brapi_db parameter is used it will override the other parameters; except user, password and session.
#' @param brapiDb brapiDb R object for brapi databases created by as.ba_db [default: NULL]
#' @param secure logical TRUE/FALSE
#' @param protocol string; default: http:// (else: https://)
#' @param db string; default '' (localhost)
#' @param port integer; default: 80
#' @param apipath character; default NULL
#' @param multicrop logical; default FALSE
#' @param crop string; default: '' (empty)
#' @param user string; default: '' (empty)
#' @param password string; default: '' (empty)
#' @param token string; default: '' (empty)
#' @param granttype string
#' @param clientid string: default: rbrapi
#' @param bms logical; default: FALSE

#' @author Reinhard Simon, Maikel Verouden
#' @example inst/examples/ex_connect.R
#' @return connection object
#' @family brapiutils
#' @export
ba_connect <- function(brapiDb = NULL,
                       secure = FALSE,
                       protocol = "http://",
                       db = "",
                       port = 2021,
                       apipath = NULL,
                       multicrop = FALSE,
                       crop = "sweetpotato",
                       user = "",
                       password = "",
                       token = "",
                       granttype = "password",
                       clientid = "rbrapi",
                       bms = FALSE) {
  brapi <- NULL
  if (!is.null(brapiDb)) {
    # brapiDb agrument was not NULL but passed
    if (all(class(brapiDb) == c("list", "ba_db", "ba", "ba_con"))) {
      brapi <- brapiDb
  } else {
    # check for net connectivity
    check_ba(secure = secure,
             protocol = protocol,
             db = db,
             port = port,
             apipath = apipath,
             multicrop = multicrop,
             crop = crop,
             user = user,
             password = password,
             token = token,
             granttype = granttype,
             clientid = clientid,
             bms = bms)
    # bms == TRUE, then always multicrop == TRUE
    if (bms == TRUE) {
      multicrop <- TRUE
    # create brapi list object from passed arguments
    brapi <- list(secure = secure,
                  protocol = protocol,
                  db = db,
                  port = port,
                  apipath = apipath,
                  multicrop = multicrop,
                  crop = crop,
                  user = user,
                  password = password,
                  token = token,
                  granttype = granttype,
                  clientid = clientid,
                  bms = bms,
                  crops = "",
                  calls = "")
    class(brapi) <- c(class(brapi), "ba", "ba_con")

CIP-RIU/brapi documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 2 p.m.