
#' Read window from VCF
#' @description Reads in a specified window from a tabix indexed Variant Call Format
#' @details Uses the package \code{VariantAnnotation} to read in a locus (window) from the target VCF,
#' @param fileName A \code{character} vector of length one containing the full path name for a Tabix indexed VCF
#' @param contig A single element \code{character} vector containing the contig name in the VCF
#' @param start object for the target locus
#' @param end end
#' @param ploidy \code{Integer} or \code{Numeric}. The ploidy of the VCF, as called by Variant Caller
#' @return An object of class \code{DNAbin} from the package \code{ape}
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @examples
#' @export
#' @rdname vcfWindow

vcfWindow <-  function(fileName, contig, start, end, ploidy, param, header, haploidize = FALSE, sep = "/"){

  if(missing(param)) p <- ScanVcfParam(which = GRanges(seqnames = contig, ranges = IRanges(start = start, end = end)))
  else p <- param
  #read in vcf
  vcf <- readGT(TabixFile(fileName), nucleotide = TRUE, param = p)
  #set colnames

  colnames(vcf) <- header@samples

  #convert missing to Ns
  vcf[vcf == "."] <- "N/N"
  #make dataframe for wrangling
  vcfDF <- as.data.frame(vcf)
  #haploidize sequence
  if(haploidize && ploidy == 2){

    # look up table for diploids taken from BioStrings::IUPAC_CODE_MAP

    code <- c("W", "S", "M", "K", "R", "Y")

    codevec <- c("A", "C" ,"G" ,"T", rep(code, each = 2),"N")

    bases <- paste(c('A','C','G','T', 'A','T','C','G', 'A','C','G','T', 'A','G','C','T', "N"),
                   c('A','C','G','T', 'T','A','G','C', 'C','A','T','G', 'G','A','T','C', "N"),
                   sep = sep)

    names(codevec) <- bases

    vcfDF <- lapply(vcfDF, function(x){

      col <- codevec[as.vector(x)]

    }) %>% bind_cols()

    #separate alleles from either "A/A" or "A|A" to "A" "A"
    vcfDF <- lapply(1:ncol(vcfDF), function(x){
      separate(vcfDF, colnames(vcfDF[x]), into = paste(colnames(vcfDF[x]), c(1:ploidy), sep = sep))[x:(x + (ploidy - 1))]
    }) %>% bind_cols()

  #identify indels as it would ruin the alignement
  indelMat <- lapply(1:ncol(vcfDF), function(x){
    nchar(t(vcfDF[[x]])) > 1
  #reduce logical vector so that any FALSE == FALSE
  notIndel <- Reduce("|", indelMat)
  #remove from matix and transpose so samples are rows
  alleleMat <- t(vcfDF[!notIndel,])

CMWbio/weavR documentation built on May 26, 2019, 6:41 a.m.