#' @title Redact PII from Client HUD Export
#' @description This redacts all PII (except DOB) from Client HUD Export
#' @family Client functions
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @return \code{(tibble)} Redacted Client HUD Export
#' @export
Client_redact <- function(Client) {
Client |>
clarity.looker::Client_filter() |>
FirstName = dplyr::case_when(
NameDataQuality %in% c(8, 9) ~ "DKR",
NameDataQuality == 2 ~ "Partial",
NameDataQuality == 99 |
is.na(NameDataQuality) |
FirstName == "Anonymous" ~ "Missing",
NameDataQuality %in% c(2, 8, 9, 99) |
is.na(NameDataQuality) |
FirstName == "Anonymous"
) ~ "ok"
LastName = NULL,
MiddleName = NULL,
NameSuffix = NULL,
SSN = dplyr::case_when(
substr(SSN, 1, 5) == "00000" ~ "Four Digits Provided",
(is.na(SSN) & !SSNDataQuality %in% c(8, 9)) |
is.na(SSNDataQuality) | SSNDataQuality == 99 ~ "Missing",
SSNDataQuality %in% c(8, 9) ~ "DKR",
# (nchar(SSN) != 9 & SSNDataQuality != 2) |
substr(SSN, 1, 3) %in% c("000", "666") |
substr(SSN, 1, 1) == 9 |
substr(SSN, 4, 5) == "00" |
substr(SSN, 6, 9) == "0000" |
SSN %in% c(
) ~ "Invalid"
) |>
dplyr::mutate(SSN = dplyr::case_when(is.na(SSN) ~ "ok",!is.na(SSN) ~ SSN))
#' @title Add the UniqueID to the Client export
#' @param Client \code{(data.frame)} A data frame containing client information
#' @param Client_UniqueIDs \code{(data.frame)} A custom look linking PersonalID & UniqueID
#' @param app_env \code{(environment)} The application environment, defaults to the result of `get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())`.
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} with UniqueID column
#' @export
Client_add_UniqueID <- function(Client, Client_UniqueIDs, app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
if (is_app_env(app_env))
names(Client_UniqueIDs) <- c("UniqueID", "PersonalID")
Client_UniqueIDs$PersonalID <- as.character(Client_UniqueIDs$PersonalID)
out <- dplyr::left_join(Client, dplyr::distinct(Client_UniqueIDs, PersonalID, UniqueID), by = "PersonalID")
UU::join_check(Client, out)
#' @title Add Exit data to Enrollments
#' @param Enrollment \code{(data.frame)} HUD CSV Export Item
#' @param Exit \code{(data.frame)} HUD CSV Export Item
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} Enrollments with `ExitDate`, `Destination`, `OtherDestination` and derived column `ExitAdjust`
#' @export
Enrollment_add_Exit <- function(Enrollment, Exit) {
out <- Enrollment |>
dplyr::mutate(EnrollmentID = as.character(EnrollmentID)) |>
Exit |>
dplyr::mutate(EnrollmentID = as.character(EnrollmentID)) |>
dplyr::select(EnrollmentID, ExitDate, Destination, DestinationSubsidyType,
OtherDestination), by = "EnrollmentID") |>
dplyr::mutate(ExitAdjust = dplyr::if_else(is.na(ExitDate) |
ExitDate > Sys.Date(),
Sys.Date(), ExitDate))
UU::join_check(Enrollment, out)
#' Add Household Information to Enrollment from Project
#' @param Enrollment with Exit data. See `Enrollment_add_Exit`
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @inheritParams R6Classes
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} of Enrollment with Household Columns `MoveInDateAdjust` appended
#' @export
Enrollment_add_Household = function(Enrollment, Project, rm_dates, app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
# getting HH information
# only doing this for RRH and PSHs since Move In Date doesn't matter for ES, etc.
small_project <- Project |>
dplyr::select(ProjectID, ProjectType, ProjectName, FundingSourceCode,
NonFederalFundingSourceCode) |>
# TODO Check to see if Enrollment data has the MoveInDate
# TODO Does Move-in Date in Clarity auto-populate from previous enrollments?
HHMoveIn <- Enrollment |>
# Adding ProjectType to Enrollment too bc we need EntryAdjust & MoveInAdjust
by = "ProjectID") |>
dplyr::filter(ProjectType %in% c(3, 9, 13)) |>
AssumedMoveIn = dplyr::if_else(
EntryDate < rm_dates$hc$psh_started_collecting_move_in_date &
ProjectType %in% c(3, 9),
ValidMoveIn = dplyr::case_when(
AssumedMoveIn == 1 ~ EntryDate,
AssumedMoveIn == 0 &
ProjectType %in% c(3, 9) &
EntryDate <= MoveInDate &
ExitAdjust > MoveInDate ~ MoveInDate,
# the Move-In Dates must fall between the Entry and ExitAdjust to be
# considered valid and for PSH the hmid cannot = ExitDate
MoveInDate <= ExitAdjust &
MoveInDate >= EntryDate &
ProjectType == 13 ~ MoveInDate
) |>
dplyr::filter(!is.na(ValidMoveIn)) |>
dplyr::group_by(HouseholdID) |>
dplyr::mutate(HHMoveIn = min(ValidMoveIn, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::select(HouseholdID, HHMoveIn) |>
HHEntry <- Enrollment |>
dplyr::left_join(small_project, by = "ProjectID") |>
dplyr::group_by(HouseholdID) |>
dplyr::mutate(FirstEntry = min(EntryDate, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::select(HouseholdID, "HHEntry" = FirstEntry) |>
unique() |>
dplyr::left_join(HHMoveIn, by = "HouseholdID")
out <- Enrollment |>
dplyr::left_join(small_project, by = "ProjectID") |>
dplyr::left_join(HHEntry, by = "HouseholdID") |>
# Deprecated in Clarity ----
# Fri Jan 28 21:05:08 2022
# Puts EntryDate as MoveInDate for projects that don't use a MoveInDate
MoveInDateAdjust = dplyr::case_when(
EntryDate >= HHMoveIn ~ EntryDate,
!is.na(HHMoveIn) & HHMoveIn <= ExitAdjust ~ HHMoveIn,
EntryAdjust = EntryDate
UU::join_check(Enrollment, out)
#' Add Veteran Coordinated Entry Date to Enrollments
#' @param Enrollment that includes Exit Data. See `Enrollment_add_Exit`
#' @param VeteranCE HUD Extra that includes Veteran Coordinated Entry data
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} Enrollment with the following columns added `PHTrack`, `ExpectedPHDate`, `ExitAdjust`
#' @export
Enrollment_add_VeteranCE = function(Enrollment, VeteranCE) {
Enrollment |>
# Join Veteran data
dplyr::left_join(VeteranCE |>
dplyr::mutate(EnrollmentID = as.character(EnrollmentID)) |>
dplyr::select(EnrollmentID, PHTrack, ExpectedPHDate) |>
dplyr::mutate(ExpectedPHDate = dplyr::if_else(ExpectedPHDate == "0000-00-00", NA, ExpectedPHDate),
ExpectedPHDate = as.Date(ExpectedPHDate)) |>
dplyr::distinct(EnrollmentID, .keep_all = TRUE), by = "EnrollmentID") |>
ExitAdjust = dplyr::if_else(
is.na(ExitDate) |
ExitDate > lubridate::today(),
#' @title Add Client Location to Enrollment
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} Enrollment with `ClientLocation` column
#' @export
Enrollment_add_ClientLocation = function(Enrollment, EnrollmentCoC) {
dplyr::filter(EnrollmentCoC, DataCollectionStage == 1) |>
ClientLocation = CoCCode),
by = "EnrollmentID")
#' @title Add AgeAtEntry to Enrollment
#' @description AgeAtEntry is the time elapsed from the Date of Birth `DOB` to the `EntryDate`
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} Enrollment with `AgeAtEntry` column
#' @export
Enrollment_add_AgeAtEntry_UniqueID <- function(Enrollment, Client) {
dplyr::left_join(Enrollment, dplyr::select(Client, UniqueID, PersonalID, DOB) |> dplyr::distinct(PersonalID, .keep_all = TRUE), by = c("PersonalID")) |>
dplyr::mutate(AgeAtEntry = age_years(DOB, EntryDate)) |>
#' @title Remove specific CoCCode's from EnrollmentCoC
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @param codes_to_remove \code{(character)} codes to remove by filtering the \code{CoCCode} column
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} without the entries for the specified \code{CoCCode}s
#' @export
EnrollmentCoC_RemoveCoCCodes <- function(EnrollmentCoC, codes_to_remove = c("Default")) {
if ("CoCCode" %in% names(EnrollmentCoC))
out <- dplyr::filter(EnrollmentCoC, !CoCCode %in% codes_to_remove)
out <- EnrollmentCoC
#' @title Filter Projects that have been retired (`zz`'d)
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @return A data frame containing projects that don't start with "zz".
#' @export
Project_rm_zz <- function(Project) {
dplyr::filter(Project, stringr::str_detect(ProjectName, "^zz", negate = TRUE))
#' @title Add the Corresponding Region for each Project by way of Geocode matching
#' @description This function adds a `Regions` column to the `provider_extras` data frame by matching geocodes.
#' It uses data from the `hud_load` function from the `clarity.looker` package to retrieve region information.
#' @param provider_extras \code{(data.frame)} An extra from the Program Descriptor model. See `?clarity_api` for retrieving a Look with this info.
#' @param Regions \code{(data.frame)} Data frame containing region information. Defaults to loading from `clarity.looker::hud_load("Regions", dirs$public)`.
#' @param dirs \code{(list)} List of directories used in the function, including `dirs$public`.
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} `provider_extras` with an additional `Regions` column.
#' @export
pe_add_regions <- function(provider_extras, Regions = clarity.looker::hud_load("Regions", dirs$public), dirs) {
# geocodes is created by `hud.extract` using the hud_geocodes.R functions
geocodes <- clarity.looker::hud_load("geocodes", dirs$public)
# This should map a county to every geocode
out <- provider_extras |>
dplyr::mutate(Geocode = as.character(Geocode)) |>
dplyr::left_join(geocodes |> dplyr::select(GeographicCode, County), by = c(Geocode = "GeographicCode")) |>
dplyr::filter(!Geocode %in% c("000000", "429003", "399018"))
out <- out |>
dplyr::left_join(Regions |> dplyr::select(- RegionName), by = "County") |>
dplyr::rename(ProjectRegion = "Region",
ProjectCounty = "County")
.need_filled <- out |>
dplyr::filter(is.na(ProjectCounty)) |>
dplyr::distinct(Geocode, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
if (.need_filled > 0)
cli::cli_warn(cli::cli_format("Some geocodes did not match a county. See {.path .deprecated/fill_geocodes.R} for a function to fix this issue."))
# Special cases
# St. Vincent de Paul of Dayton serves region 13
out[out$Geocode %in% c("391361", "391362"), "ProjectRegion"] <- 13
# Missing Regions
# missing_region <- out |>
# dplyr::filter(is.na(ProjectRegion) & ProgramCoC == "OH-507")
# missing_region |>
# dplyr::pull(ProjectCounty) |>
# unique()
out |> dplyr::filter(!is.na(ProjectRegion))
#' @title Add Access Points to Provider_extras
#' @description Create a data frame of Coordinated Entry Access Points with information about the Counties & Populations Served.
#' @param provider_extras \code{(data.frame)} provider_extras with Regions, see `pe_add_regions`.
#' @param ProjectCoC \code{(data.frame)} Data frame containing information about the Project Continuum of Care (CoC).
#' @param dirs \code{(list)} List of directories used in the function.
#' @param app_env \code{(environment)} The application environment, defaults to the result of `get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())`.
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} A data frame of Coordinated Entry Access Points with Counties & Populations Served.
#' @export
pe_create_APs = function(provider_extras, ProjectCoC, dirs, app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
Regions <- clarity.looker::hud_load("Regions", dirs$public)
APs <- provider_extras |>
dplyr::select( !tidyselect::starts_with("CoCComp") & !Geocode:ZIP) |>
dplyr::filter(ProjectTypeCode == "Coordinated Entry") |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(tidyselect::starts_with("AP"), names_to = "TargetPop", names_pattern = "(?<=^APCounties)(\\w+)", values_to = "CountiesServed") |>
dplyr::filter(!is.na(CountiesServed)) |>
dplyr::select(!tidyselect::starts_with("AP") & !ProjectTypeCode)
project_addresses <- ProjectCoC |>
dplyr::select(ProjectID, CoCCode, Address1, Address2, City, State, ZIP) |>
dplyr::distinct() |>
City = paste0(City, ", ", State, " ", ZIP),
Addresses = dplyr::coalesce(Address1, Address2)
# Programs serve multiple Counties which may fall into multiple regions. This creates a row for each Region served by a Program such that Coordinated Entry Access Points will show all the appropriate programs when filtering by Region.
# @Rm
APs <-
if (nrow(APs) == 0) {
# Return an empty dataframe with desired column names
APs <- tibble::tibble(
ProjectID = integer(),
OrganizationName = character(),
ProjectName = character(),
TargetPop = character(),
ProjectCountyServed = character(),
Hours = character(),
Phone = character(),
OrgLink = character(),
CoCCode = character(),
Addresses = character(),
City = character()
} else {
purrr::pmap_dfr(APs, ~{
.x <- tibble::tibble(...)
.counties <- trimws(stringr::str_split(.x$CountiesServed, ",\\s")[[1]])
.x |>
dplyr::select(- ProjectRegion) |>
dplyr::bind_cols(Region = unique(Regions$Region[Regions$County %in% .counties]))
}) |>
dplyr::distinct_all() |>
dplyr::mutate(OrgLink = dplyr::if_else(!is.na(Website), paste0(
"<a href='",
"' target='_blank'>",
"</a><small> (#",
), paste0(ProjectName,
"<small> (#",
")</small>"))) |>
dplyr::left_join(project_addresses, by = "ProjectID") |>
dplyr::select(ProjectID, OrganizationName, ProjectName, TargetPop,
"ProjectCountyServed" = CountiesServed
#, ProjectAreaServed
, Hours, Phone, OrgLink, CoCCode, Addresses, City)
#' @title Add ProjectType (dbl) to provider_extras
#' @inheritParams pe_create_APs
#' @return \code{(data.frame)}
pe_add_ProjectType <- function(provider_extras) {
PT <- HMIS::hud_translations$`2.02.6 ProjectType`(table = TRUE) |>
tibble::add_row(Value = 12, Text = "Homeless Prevention")
purrr::map_dbl(provider_extras$ProjectTypeCode, ~PT$Value[agrepl(stringr::str_remove(.x, "\\s\\([\\w\\s]+\\)$"), PT$Text)])
provider_extras |>
dplyr::rowwise() |>
dplyr::mutate(ProjectType = PT$Value[agrepl(stringr::str_remove(ProjectTypeCode, "\\s\\([\\w\\s]+\\)$"), PT$Text)], .after = "ProjectTypeCode")
#' @title Add GrantType column to provider_extras
#' @description GrantType indicates if the program is funded by one of HOPWA, PATH, SSVF, or RHY
#' @inheritParams pe_create_APs
#' @return A data frame containing providers with numeric codes replaced.
#' @export
pe_add_GrantType <- function(provider_extras) {
hash <- HMIS::hud_translations$`2.06.1 FundingSource`(table = TRUE)
gt <- list(HOPWA = c(13:19), PATH = 21, SSVF = 33, RHY = 22:26)
provider_extras |>
dplyr::mutate(GrantType = dplyr::case_when(
FundingSourceCode %in% gt$HOPWA ~ "HOPWA",
FundingSourceCode %in% gt$PATH ~ "PATH",
FundingSourceCode %in% gt$SSVF ~ "SSVF",
FundingSourceCode %in% gt$RHY ~ "RHY"
provider_extras_helpers <- list(
add_regions = pe_add_regions,
add_ProjectType = pe_add_ProjectType,
create_APs = pe_create_APs,
add_GrantType = pe_add_GrantType
#' @title Fetch Program Lookup table
#' @param program_lookup Custom program data frame
#' @return \code{(tbl)}
#' @export
load_program_lookup <- function(program_lookup) {
program_lookup |>
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(dplyr::ends_with("Active")), ~dplyr::if_else(.x %in% c("Active"), TRUE, FALSE))) |>
dplyr::rename(AgencyAdministrator = "PropertyManager") |>
dplyr::group_by(ProgramName) |>
dplyr::filter(StartDate == max(StartDate)) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(AgencyAdministrator)) |>
dplyr::distinct(ProgramID, ProgramName, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
clarity.looker::make_linked_df(ProgramName, type = "program_edit") |>
clarity.looker::make_linked_df(AgencyName, type = "agency_switch") |>
clarity.looker::make_linked_df(AgencyAdministrator, type = "admin") |>
dplyr::mutate(ProgramID = as.character(ProgramID),
AgencyID = as.character(AgencyID))
#' @title Load public data pre-requisites for `load_export`
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @inherit load_export return
#' @export
load_public <- function(app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
# Public -----------------------------------------------------------
ServiceAreas <- clarity.looker::hud_load("ServiceAreas.feather", dirs$public)
Regions <- clarity.looker::hud_load("Regions", dirs$public)
#' @title Load Client data & extras pre-requisites for `load_export`
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @inherit load_export return
#' @export
load_client <- function(clarity_api = get_clarity_api(e = rlang::caller_env()),
app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
Client <- clarity_api$Client()
# this saves Client as a feather file with redacted PII as a security measure.
if (!all(Client$SSN %in% c("ok" ,"Invalid", "DKR", "Four Digits Provided"))) {
Client <- Client_redact(Client)
clarity.looker::hud_feather(Client, dirs$export)
# Veteran Client_extras ----
VeteranCE <- clarity_api$Client_extras()
Client <- Client_add_UniqueID(Client, clarity_api$Client_UniqueID_extras())
#' @title Load Project & extras pre-requisites for `load_export`
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @param Regions From public data. See `load_public`
#' @param ProjectCoC From HUD CSV export
#' @inherit load_export return
#' @export
load_project <- function(Regions, ProjectCoC, clarity_api = get_clarity_api(e = rlang::caller_env()),
app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
if (is_app_env(app_env))
# Project_extras -----------------------------------------------------------------
# provider_extras
# Thu Aug 12 14:23:50 2021
provider_extras <- clarity_api$Project_extras()
provider_extras <- pe_add_ProjectType(provider_extras) |>
pe_add_regions(Regions, dirs = dirs) |>
# Add HMISParticipation (HMISParticipating column no longer in Project.csv)
HMISParticipation <- clarity.looker::hud_load("HMISParticipation", dirs$export) |>
dplyr::select(HMISParticipationID, ProjectID, HMISParticipationType,
HMISParticipationStatusStartDate, HMISParticipationStatusEndDate) |>
dplyr::group_by(ProjectID) |>
dplyr::filter(HMISParticipationStatusStartDate == max(HMISParticipationStatusStartDate)) |>
provider_extras <- provider_extras |>
dplyr::left_join(HMISParticipation, by = "ProjectID") |>
dplyr::mutate(ProjectID = as.character(ProjectID))
# Rminor: Coordinated Entry Access Points [CEAP]
APs <- pe_create_APs(provider_extras, ProjectCoC, dirs = dirs)
.Project <- clarity_api$Project()
Project <- .Project |>
dplyr::select(-ProjectCommonName) |>
{\(x) {dplyr::left_join(x, provider_extras |>
dplyr::select(- dplyr::matches("FundingSourceID")) |>
dplyr::distinct(ProjectID, .keep_all = TRUE),
by = UU::common_names(x, provider_extras))}}()
UU::join_check(.Project, Project)
mahoning_projects <- dplyr::filter(ProjectCoC, CoCCode %in% "OH-504") |>
dplyr::select(ProjectID) |>
{\(x) {
dplyr::left_join(x, dplyr::select(Project, ProjectID, ProjectTypeCode, ProjectName), by = "ProjectID") |>
Project_rm_zz() |>
dplyr::distinct(ProjectID, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
{\(y) {rlang::set_names(y$ProjectID, dplyr::pull(y, ProjectTypeCode))}}()
app_env$gather_deps(Project, APs, mahoning_projects)
#' @title Load Enrollment as Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE
#' @inheritParams data_quality_tables
#' @param Enrollment_extras From Clarity Looker API Extras
#' @export
load_enrollment <- function(Enrollment,
app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
if (is_app_env(app_env))
# getting EE-related data, joining both to Enrollment
Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE <- dplyr::left_join(Enrollment, Enrollment_extras, by = UU::common_names(Enrollment, Enrollment_extras)) |>
# Add Exit
Enrollment_add_Exit(Exit) |>
# Add Households
Enrollment_add_Household(Project, rm_dates = rm_dates) |>
# Add Veteran Coordinated Entry
Enrollment_add_VeteranCE(VeteranCE = VeteranCE) |>
# # Add Client Location from EnrollmentCoC
# Enrollment_add_ClientLocation(EnrollmentCoC) |>
# # Add Client AgeAtEntry
Enrollment_add_AgeAtEntry_UniqueID(Client) |>
by = c("PersonalID", "UniqueID")) |>
UU::join_check(Enrollment, Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE)
#' @title Load Services as Services_enroll_extras
#' @inherit data_quality_tables params return
#' @param Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE Custom Enrollment data frame
#' @export
load_services <- function(Services,
app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
if (is_app_env(app_env))
Services_enroll_extras <- dplyr::left_join(Services,
Services_extras |> dplyr::mutate(EnrollmentID = as.character(EnrollmentID),
PersonalID = as.character(PersonalID),
HouseholdID = as.character(HouseholdID),
ServiceEndDate = as.Date(ServiceEndDate),
ServiceStartDate = as.Date(ServiceStartDate)),
by = UU::common_names(Services, Services_extras)) |>
dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE, dplyr::all_of(
by = c("PersonalID", "EnrollmentID")) |>
unique() |>
ServiceEndAdjust = dplyr::if_else(
is.na(ServiceEndDate) |
ServiceEndDate > Sys.Date(),
) |>
app_env$gather_deps(Services_enroll_extras, Services_extras)
#' @title Load Referrals
#' @description Loads Referrals, Referrals_full (unfiltered), and referral_result_summarize with filtering expressions used later
#' @inherit data_quality_tables params return
#' @export
load_referrals <- function(Referrals,
app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
Referrals <- Referrals |>
dplyr::rename_with(.cols = - dplyr::matches("(?:^PersonalID)|^(?:^UniqueID)"), rlang::as_function(~paste0("R_",.x))) |>
dplyr::mutate(R_ReferringPTC = stringr::str_remove(R_ReferringPTC, "\\s\\(disability required(?: for entry)?\\)$"),
R_ReferringPTC = dplyr::if_else(R_ReferringPTC == "Homeless Prevention", "Homelessness Prevention", R_ReferringPTC),
R_ReferringPTC = dplyr::if_else(R_ReferringPTC == "", NA_character_, R_ReferringPTC),
R_ReferringPTC = HMIS::hud_translations$`2.02.6 ProjectType`(R_ReferringPTC))
# Full needed for dqu_aps
Referrals_full <- Referrals
referrals_expr <- rlang::exprs(
housed = R_ExitHoused == "Housed",
is_last = R_IsLastReferral == "Yes",
is_last_enroll = R_IsLastEnrollment == "Yes",
is_active = R_ActiveInProject == "Yes",
accepted = stringr::str_detect(R_ReferralResult, "accepted$"),
coq = R_ReferralCurrentlyOnQueue == "Yes"
referral_result_summarize <- purrr::map(referrals_expr, ~rlang::expr(isTRUE(any(!!.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
Referrals <- Referrals |>
!!referrals_expr$housed & !!referrals_expr$accepted,
key = PersonalID)
# Don't think this is needed with latest Clarity update, clients can only have one program connection
# filter_dupe_last_EnrollmentID(key = PersonalID, R_ReferredEnrollmentID) |>
# dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(R_ReferredEnrollmentID)) |>
# dplyr::select(- R_ReferredEnrollmentID) |>
# dplyr::distinct()
app_env$gather_deps(Referrals, Referrals_full, referral_result_summarize)
#' Add HousingStatus indicating the client's current housing status and Situation with details on that status.
#' @param Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE Custom Enrollment data frame
#' @param PH ProjectType codes considered Permanently Housed. See `HMIS::hud_translations$ProjectType(table = TRUE)` & `?data_types`
#' @param Referrals Referrals data frame
#' @param prioritization_colors Custom data frame of prioritization colors
#' @param app_env app environment
#' @return Input data with HousingStatus & Situation column
#' @export
Enrollment_add_HousingStatus <-
PH = data_types$Project$ProjectType$ph,
app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
if (is_app_env(app_env))
.nms <- names(Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE)
.cols <- list(
id = paste0(c("Personal", "Unique"), "ID"),
req = c(
ref = c(paste0(
.cols$grp <- na.omit(
stringr::str_extract(UU::common_names(Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE, Referrals), UU::regex_or(.cols$id))
.cols$sym <- rlang::sym(.cols$grp)
if (!any(.cols$id %in% .nms) || !all(.cols$req %in% .nms))
stop_with_instructions("data requires PersonalID or UniqueID & the following columns:\n", paste0(.cols$req, collapse = ",\n"))
# Get the Last enrollment
last_enroll <- Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE |>
dplyr::group_by(PersonalID) |>
dplyr::summarise(EnrollmentID = recent_valid(EnrollmentID, as.numeric(EnrollmentID)))
out <- Enrollment_extra_Client_Exit_HH_CL_AaE |>
# dplyr::filter(EnrollmentID %in% last_enroll$EnrollmentID) |>
dplyr::select(!!.cols$sym, dplyr::any_of(.cols$req), EnrollmentID) |>
dplyr::group_by(!!.cols$sym) |>
# Get the latest entry
# dplyr::slice_max(EntryDate, n = 1L) |>
# apply human-readable status labels
dplyr::mutate(PTCStatus = factor(
ProjectType %in% PH, "PH", "LH"
levels =
# Create a summary of last referrals & whether they were accepted
# Get housed
# Don't want queue status to determine if client shows up on prioritization / vets report
.housed <- Referrals |>
dplyr::group_by(!!.cols$sym) |>
# summarise specific statuses: accepted, housed or currently on queue
dplyr::summarise(housed = !!referral_result_summarize$housed,
.groups = "drop") |>
out <- out |>
dplyr::mutate(housed = !!.cols$sym %in% .housed[[.cols$grp]])
if (!all(.cols$ref %in% .nms))
out <- dplyr::left_join(out,
# Remove R_ReferralResult because the computation in Looker is bugged. A person can be simultaneously Accepted & Rejected
Referrals |> dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) |>
dplyr::select( - R_ReferralResult) |>
dplyr::distinct(R_ReferralID, .keep_all = TRUE),
by = UU::common_names(out, Referrals))
sit_expr = rlang::exprs(
ph_date = !is.na(ExpectedPHDate),
ph_date_pre = Sys.Date() < ExpectedPHDate,
ph_date_post = Sys.Date() > ExpectedPHDate,
ptc_has_entry = PTCStatus == "PH",
ptc_no_entry = PTCStatus == "LH",
is_ph = (R_ReferringPTC %|% ProjectType) %in% data_types$Project$ProjectType$ph,
is_lh = (R_ReferringPTC %|% ProjectType) %in% c(data_types$Project$ProjectType$lh, 4, 11),
moved_in = !is.na(MoveInDateAdjust) & MoveInDateAdjust >= EntryDate,
referredproject = !is.na(R_ReferredProjectName),
referreddate = !is.na(R_ReferralAcceptedDate),
ph_track = !is.na(PHTrack) & PHTrack != "None"
# Referral Situation ----
# Tue Nov 09 12:49:51 2021
out <- out |>
R_ReferringEnrollmentID = R_EnrollmentID,
R_ReferralAcceptedDate = R_DateReferralAccepted,
R_ReferredDate = R_DateReferred,
R_ReferralCurrentlyOnQueue = R_IsCurrentlyOnQueue
out <- dplyr::mutate(
out |> dplyr::mutate(ProjectType = as.character(ProjectType)),
MoveInDateAdjust = as.Date(MoveInDateAdjust),
EntryDate = as.Date(EntryDate),
R_ReferralAcceptedDate = as.Date(R_ReferralAcceptedDate),
# ExpectedPHDate = dplyr::if_else(is.na(ExpectedPHDate), R_ReferralConnectedMoveInDate, ExpectedPHDate),
Situation = dplyr::case_when(
housed ~ "Housed",
(!!sit_expr$ptc_has_entry | !!sit_expr$is_ph) & !!sit_expr$moved_in ~ "Housed",
(!!sit_expr$ptc_has_entry | !!sit_expr$is_ph) & !(!!sit_expr$moved_in) ~ paste("Entered RRH/PSH but has not moved in:",
R_ReferringProjectName %|% ProjectName),
!!sit_expr$ph_track &
!!sit_expr$ph_date &
!!sit_expr$ph_date_pre ~ paste("Permanent Housing Track. Track:", PHTrack,"Expected Move-in:", ExpectedPHDate),
!!sit_expr$ph_track &
!!sit_expr$ph_date &
!!sit_expr$ph_date_post &
!(!!sit_expr$moved_in) ~ paste("Follow-up needed on PH Track, client is not yet moved in:", PHTrack,"Expected Move-in:", ExpectedPHDate),
# Clients with an accepted referral but no entry in RRH/PSH
!!sit_expr$ptc_no_entry &
!!sit_expr$referredproject &
!!sit_expr$referreddate ~
"No current Entry into RRH or PSH but",
"accepted this household's referral on",
# Clients with a referral but no accepted date
!!sit_expr$ptc_no_entry &
!!sit_expr$referredproject &
!(!!sit_expr$referreddate) ~
"No current Entry into RRH or PSH but was referred to",
!R_ReferralCurrentlyOnQueue == "Yes" | is.na(R_ReferralCurrentlyOnQueue) ~ "Not referred to Community Queue, may need referral to CQ.",
!!sit_expr$ptc_no_entry &
!(!!sit_expr$referredproject) &
!(!!sit_expr$ph_track) ~
"No Entry or accepted Referral into PSH/RRH, and no current Permanent Housing Track",
TRUE ~ "No Entry or accepted Referral into PSH/RRH, and no current Permanent Housing Track"
HousingStatus = factor(stringr::str_extract(Situation, UU::regex_or(names(prioritization_colors))), levels = names(prioritization_colors)),
housed = NULL
) |>
dplyr::select(- dplyr::any_of(c(.cols$req, "UniqueID")))
out <-
by = c(.cols$grp, "EnrollmentID" = "EnrollmentID")
) |>
dplyr::select(PersonalID, HousingStatus, Situation, dplyr::everything()) |>
get_dupe_colnames <- function(x, ...) {
janitor::get_dupes(x, ...) |>
purrr::map(unique) |>
purrr::keep(~length(.x) > 1) |>
#' @title Filter duplicates without losing any values from `key`
#' @param .data \code{(data.frame)} Data with duplicates
#' @param ... \code{(expressions)} filter expressions with which to filter
#' @param key \code{(name)} of the column key that will be grouped by and for which at least one observation will be preserved.
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} without duplicates
#' @export
filter_dupe_soft <- function(.data, ..., key) {
.key <- rlang::enexpr(key)
out <- .data
x <- janitor::get_dupes(.data, !!.key) |>
clients <- dplyr::pull(x, !!.key) |> unique()
.exprs <- rlang::enquos(...)
to_add <- list()
for (ex in .exprs) {
new <- dplyr::filter(x, !!ex)
new_n <- dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(new, !!.key), n = dplyr::n())
.to_merge <- dplyr::filter(new_n, n == 1) |> dplyr::pull(!!.key)
# if some were reduced but not to one
.reduced <- dplyr::left_join(new_n,
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(x, !!.key), n = dplyr::n()), by = rlang::expr_deparse(.key), suffix = c("_new", "_old")) |>
dplyr::filter(n_new < n_old & n_new > 1) |>
if (UU::is_legit(.to_merge)) {
# remove rows where key is reduced to one, bind the deduplicated rows
to_add <- append(to_add, list(dplyr::select(new, -dupe_count) |>
dplyr::filter(!!.key %in% .to_merge)))
# filter to_merge from dupes
x <- dplyr::filter(x, !((!!.key) %in% .to_merge))
if (UU::is_legit(.reduced)) {
# filter reduced from dupes
x <- dplyr::filter(x, !((!!.key) %in% .reduced ) # is not one that was reduced
| (!!.key %in% .reduced & !!ex) # or matched the filter
to_add <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_add)
out <- dplyr::filter(out, !(!!.key %in% c(to_add[[.key]], x[[.key]]))) |>
dplyr::bind_rows(to_add, x) |>
if (anyDuplicated(out[[.key]])) {
rlang::warn("Duplicates still exist.")
#' @title Filter for the Last Enrollment ID
#' @description The maximum EnrollmentID will always be the latest in Clarity. This function will find the last EnrollmentID per `key`
#' @inheritParams filter_dupe_soft
#' @param EnrollmentID \code{(name)} of EnrollmentID column that will be filtered for the maximum (latest)
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} With only the latest Enrollment
#' @export
filter_dupe_last_EnrollmentID <- function(.data, key, EnrollmentID) {
.key <- rlang::enexpr(key)
.eid <- rlang::enexpr(EnrollmentID)
x <- janitor::get_dupes(.data, !!.key)
x <- dplyr::group_by(x, !!.key)
x <- dplyr::filter(x, as.numeric(!!.eid) == max(as.numeric(!!.eid)) | is.na(!!.eid))
dplyr::filter(.data, !(!!.key) %in% x[[.key]]),
) |>
dplyr::select(- dplyr::any_of("dupe_count"))
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