
qpr_expr$health_insurance <- list()
qpr_expr$health_insurance$expr <- rlang::expr({
  qpr_benefits() |>
    HMIS::exited_between(input$date_range[1], input$date_range[2]) |> 
    dplyr::filter(ProjectName == input$region)
  # input <- list(region = "Richland - Harmony House Homeless Services - HCRP RRH",
  #               date_range = c(lubridate::ymd("2020-01-01"), Sys.Date()))

qpr_expr$health_insurance$infobox <- rlang::expr({
  .data <- dplyr::left_join(
    # all_hhs
    data_env() |> 
      dplyr::group_by(ProjectName) |>
      dplyr::summarise(TotalHHs = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop_last"),
    # meeting_objective
    data_env() |> 
      dplyr::filter(InsuranceFromAnySource == 1) |> 
      dplyr::group_by(ProjectName) |>
      dplyr::summarise(InsuranceAtExit = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop_last"),
    by = c("ProjectName")
  ) |> 
    dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(where(is.numeric), tidyr::replace_na, 0)) |> 
    dplyr::mutate(Percent = InsuranceAtExit / TotalHHs)
  if (nrow(.data) > 0) {
    .args <- list(.data = .data,
                  title = "Total Households Exiting With Health Insurance",
                  color = "gray-dark",
                  icon = "medkit",
                  value = scales::percent(.data$Percent),
                  subtitle = paste(.data$InsuranceAtExit, 
                                   "out of",
  } else {
    .args <- list(title = "No Leavers in the Date Range", .replace = TRUE)
  do.call(qpr_infobox, .args)

qpr_expr$health_insurance$datatable <- rlang::expr({
  data_env() |>
      InsuranceFromAnySource = HMIS::hud_translations$`1.8 NoYesReasons for Missing Data`(InsuranceFromAnySource)) |>
      "Health Insurance from Any Source (at Exit)" = InsuranceFromAnySource
    ) |> 
    datatable_default(escape = FALSE)

qpr_expr$health_insurance$details <- rlang::expr({
    ProjectType = c("Emergency Shelter", "Transitional Housing", "Rapid Re-housing", "Permanent Supportive Housing"),
    Goal = c("At least 75% of households in ES projects will receive at least one source of health insurance at program exit",
             "At least 85% of households in TH projects will receive at least one source of health insurance at program exit",
             "At least 85% of households in RRH projects will receive at least one source of health insurance at program exit",
             "At least 85% of households in PSH projects will receive at least one source of health insurance at program exit"),
    HowCalculated = c("Number of households who exited with 1 or more sources of health insurance / number of households who exited the project",
                      "Number of households who exited with 1 or more sources of health insurance / number of households who exited the project",
                      "Number of households who exited with 1 or more sources of health insurance / number of households who exited RRH",
                      "Number of households who exited with 1 or more sources of health insurance / number of households that entered a PSH project who exited the project")
  ) |> 
    DT::datatable(escape = FALSE)
COHHIO/RminorElevated documentation built on Nov. 14, 2024, 6:28 p.m.