# ---- Steps ----
# 0. Start a docker container with the datapath on the host machine shared with the container
# 1. Assemble data: Ideally, structured as
# Barrel_X/Bullet_Y/Study-Barrel_X-Bullet_Y-Land*.x3p
# 2. Create metadata csv containing columns barrel, bullet, land, and path,
# with one row for each x3p file.
# 3. Log on to NIST and create study manually. Note the URL of the study:
# https://tsapps.nist.gov/NRBTD/Studies/Studies/Details/<study_id>
# 4. Run this script
datapath <- "/media/Raven/LAPD-NIST"
# Set up metadata file
metadata <- tibble(path = list.files(datapath, "*.x3p", full.names = T, recursive = T)) %>%
tidyr::extract(path, into = c("barrel", "bullet", "land"), "(FAU\\d{3})-(B[ABCD])-(L[1-6])", remove = F)
write_csv(metadata, file.path(datapath, "meta.csv"))
docker_port <- 4444L # Docker port is needed to tell selenium where to look
# ---- Data parameters ----
# These change with every set
# Inputting this stuff isn't automated because it's only done once per set and
# it didn't seem worth it. But the information is needed to pull links out, and
# I tried to structure this so that you had to collect all of the information
# first before running the script.
setInfo <- list(
name = "LAPD",
description = "NIJ/LAPD Joint Project exemplars from 626 Beretta 92 F/FS firearms (626 barrels x 4 bullets each = 2504 bullets) from Srini Rathinam (LAPD), Principle Investigator and Project Manager.",
reference = "Rathinam, S. (May 2014). “Stabilized Relative Frequencies of Random Striae and Their Contribution to Firearm Individualization: An Empirical Study Using 625 Beretta model F/FS Semi-automatic Pistols”, paper presented at the 45th annual AFTE training seminar, Seattle, USA",
abstract = "",
creator = "Iowa State University, CSAFE",
persistence = FALSE,
consecutive_manufacture = FALSE,
different_ammo = TRUE,
data_path = "/media/Raven/LAPD-NIST",
meta_path = "/media/Raven/LAPD-NIST/meta.csv",
file_regex = "(FAU\\d{3})-(B[abcdABCD])-(L[1-6])"
metadata <- read_csv(setInfo$meta_path) %>%
mutate(fileid = paste(barrel, bullet, land, sep = "-"))
# Assumes all barrels are the same
barrelInfo <- tibble(
brand = "Beretta",
brand_other = NA,
model = "92 F/FS",
caliber = "9 mm Luger",
caliber_other = NA,
consec_manufacture = FALSE,
comments = "Land impressions are not indexed from bullet to bullet.",
cartridges = FALSE,
bullets = TRUE,
breech_face_class = NA,
breech_face_other = NA,
firing_pin_class = NA,
firing_pin_other = NA,
n_lands = "6",
twist_direction = "Right"
# Assumes all bullets are the same
ammoInfo <- tibble(
brand = "Winchester",
brand_other = NA,
caliber = "9 mm",
caliber_other = NA,
grain = "101-150",
cartridge_des = "9 mm Luger",
surface_mat = "Copper",
surface_mat_other = NA,
firing_seq = "",
lot_no = "",
comments = ""
scanInfo <- tibble(
creator = "Hofmann, Heike",
nist_meas = "F",
measurand = "3D Topography",
lighting_dir = NA,
lighting_dir_other = NA,
meas_type = "Other",
meas_type_other = "Confocal Light Microscope",
roi = "Land Engraved Area",
othercomment = "Scanned by Bill Henderson, downsampled by Heike Hofmann"
upload_file_list <- list.files(setInfo$data_path, pattern = "*.x3p",
full.names = T, recursive = T)
# ---- Set up environment - packages, etc ----
# This is to determine whether the script is running in RStudio - if it isn't,
# the land uploads can be parallelized
if (Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") != "1") {
library(furrr) # if running in a terminal and not rstudio
terminal <- T
} else {
terminal <- F
# ---- Set up docker image and start it up ----
# Parts of the docker command
selenium_string <- sprintf("-p %d:4444", docker_port) # map chosen host port to port 4444 on docker image
vnc_string <- "-p 5901:5900" # This allows you to connect to localhost:5901 using vnc remote desktop to see what the browser is doing
selenium_docker_img <- "selenium/standalone-firefox-debug:2.53.1"
file_system_mapping <- paste0("-v ", datapath, ":", datapath) # map datapath on host to datapath in docker
docker_img <- system(paste("docker run -d -P", selenium_string, vnc_string, file_system_mapping, selenium_docker_img)) # run docker image start
rm(selenium_string, vnc_string, selenium_docker_img, file_system_mapping)
# ---- Actual Execution ----
remDr <- setup_NBTRD(selenium_port = docker_port, strict = T)
login <- nbtrd_login(remDr, user = "srvander",
password = keyringr::decrypt_gk_pw("db csafe user srvander"))
# Find set link using set name
# I'm pretending $ is a pipe here because otherwise it's hard to read.
set_link <- remDr$
findElement(using = "link text", value = setInfo$name)$
# ---- Create barrels ----
# Get
firearms <- read_csv(setInfo$meta_path) %>%
magrittr::extract2("barrel") %>%
unique() %>%
# Partially fill in function arguments with remoteDriver and seturl - easier to map
create_study_barrels <- partial(create_firearms, rd = remDr, seturl = set_link)
# Initial barrel creation
firearms_info <- tibble(
idx = 1:length(firearms),
name = as.character(firearms),
df = list(barrelInfo)
) %>%
# JS Script to change barrel list to full length
barrel_length_script_js <- "
$('.form-control option')[0].value = arguments[0];
return $('#tableFirearms tbody tr').length;"
# Execute the script
nrows <- remDr$executeScript(barrel_length_script_js,
list(nrow(firearms_info))) %>%
unlist() %>% as.numeric()
# Get all the links on the page
page_of_links <- remDr$getPageSource() %>%
unlist() %>%
# Fill in missing sets if necessary
if (nrows == 0) {
firearms_info <- firearms_info %>%
nest(-idx, .key = "df") %>%
mutate(url = map(df, create_study_barrels)) %>%
} else if (nrows != nrow(firearms_info)) {
firearm_names <- page_of_links %>%
rvest::html_nodes("#tableFirearms tbody tr td:first-of-type a") %>%
missing <- firearms_info %>%
filter(!name %in% firearm_names) %>%
nest(-idx, .key = "df") %>%
mutate(url = map(df, create_study_barrels)) %>%
# Get the whole page of links to firearms
page_of_links <- remDr$getPageSource() %>%
unlist() %>%
# Create a tbl of links w/ relevant info
firearms_links <- tibble(
firearm_name = page_of_links %>%
rvest::html_nodes("#tableFirearms tbody tr td:first-of-type a") %>%
details_url = page_of_links %>%
rvest::html_nodes("#tableFirearms tbody tr td:first-of-type a") %>%
html_attr("href") %>%
paste0("https://tsapps.nist.gov", .),
edit_url = page_of_links %>%
rvest::html_nodes("#tableFirearms a[href*='Firearm'][href*='Edit']") %>%
html_attr("href") %>%
paste0("https://tsapps.nist.gov", .),
id = str_remove(details_url,
) %>%
unique() %>%
filter(firearm_name != "Bullet / CC") # Get rid of extra links and crud
# ---- Create bullets ----
# Create a partially filled in function so we don't have to have rd as an argument in map
create_study_bullets <- safely(partial(create_bullets, rd = remDr))
# Initial bullet creation - get all metadata collected to be filled in to the form
bullet_info <- read_csv(setInfo$meta_path) %>%
left_join(select(firearms_links, barrel = firearm_name, id, details_url)) %>%
merge(ammoInfo) %>%
mutate_at(vars(barrel, bullet), str_remove_all, "[[:punct:]]") %>%
select(-land, -path) %>%
unique() %>%
mutate(idx = 1:n()) %>%
# Get rid of problem entries
filter(!is.na(barrel), !is.na(bullet), !is.na(details_url))
# Actually create the bullets
bullet_info <- bullet_info %>%
nest(bullet_only_info = -idx) %>%
mutate(bullet_link_res = purrr::map(bullet_only_info, create_study_bullets))
# This function handles safely() type output, which is a list
# It first checks to see if entries are NULL and replaces them with NA
# If they are non-null, they are converted to character.
# Then it unlists them into a character vector
# purrr::map_chr doesn't handle NULL values that well, hence the workaround
modify_to_NA <- function(x, depth = 1) {
purrr::map_chr(x, ~ifelse(is.null(.), NA, as.character(.)))
# Undo the results of safely()
bullet_info <- bullet_info %>%
mutate(bullet_errs = purrr::map(bullet_link_res, "error") %>% modify_to_NA(),
bullet_link = purrr::map(bullet_link_res, "result") %>% modify_to_NA())
# Errors - fix manually or figure out why it failed.
filter(bullet_info, is.na(bullet_link)) %>%
mutate(bullet_link_res = purrr::map(bullet_only_info, create_study_bullets))
# This function retries a few times to ensure the issues aren't because of a
# flaky selenium connection or internet issue
modify_if_NA <- function(link, info) {
times <- 5
while (times > 0 & is.na(link)) {
link <- create_study_bullets(info)$result %>% modify_to_NA(depth = 1)
times <- times - 1
bullet_info$bullet_link <- modify2(bullet_info$bullet_link,
# ---- Create lands ----
indiv_land_info <- upload_file_list %>%
map_df(x3p_land_info) %>%
tidyr::extract(filename, into = c("barrel", "bullet", "land"),
regex = setInfo$file_regex, remove = F) %>%
mutate(fileid = paste(barrel, bullet, land, sep = "-")) %>%
left_join(select(unnest(bullet_info, "bullet_only_info"), bullet, barrel, bullet_link)) %>%
merge(scanInfo) %>%
unique() %>%
mutate(comment = paste(comment, othercomment, sep = "\n"),
new_filename = filename
# new_filename = file.path(getwd(), basename(filename))
) %>%
mutate(idx = 1:n())
save(indiv_land_info, firearms_info, firearms_links, ammoInfo, barrelInfo, bullet_info, metadata, scanInfo, setInfo, datapath, set_link, upload_file_list,
file = "LAPD_Land_Info.Rdata")
# If this is running in the terminal, we can use furrr and split it into 20 processes;
# otherwise, use purrr.
# I wish there was a more streamlined way to do this... but oh well.
if (terminal) {
# Try this a different way - split into 20 processes, separate login for each process
indiv_land_info_split <- indiv_land_info %>%
mutate(barrel_group = as.numeric(factor(barrel)) %% 20) %>%
nest(land_df = c(-idx, -barrel_group)) %>%
split(., .$barrel_group)
upload_df <- function(df, docker_port = docker_port) {
remDr <- setup_NBTRD(selenium_port = docker_port, strict = T)
login <- nbtrd_login(remDr, user = "srvander",
password = keyringr::decrypt_gk_pw("db csafe user srvander"))
create_study_lands <- partial(safely(create_lands), rd = remDr, copy = T)
df %>% mutate(land_link = purrr::map(land_df, create_study_lands)) %>%
indiv_land_info2 <- indiv_land_info_split %>%
furrr::future_map(upload_df, docker_port = docker_port) %>%
} else {
# the last bit took so long remDr is probably not still functional, so refresh it
remDr <- setup_NBTRD(selenium_port = docker_port, strict = T)
login <- nbtrd_login(remDr, user = "srvander",
password = keyringr::decrypt_gk_pw("db csafe user srvander"))
# Create a partially filled in function so we don't have to have remDr as an argument in map
create_study_lands <- partial(safely(create_lands), rd = remDr, copy = T)
# I'm too chicken to overwrite indiv_land_info because it took so long to generate...
indiv_land_info2 <- indiv_land_info %>%
nest(land_df = -idx) %>%
mutate(land_link = purrr::map(land_df, create_study_lands)) %>%
indiv_land_info2 <- indiv_land_info2 %>%
rename(land_link = result) %>%
# The files that fail will have copies that haven't been deleted from the copy directory
# We can (in theory) actually use that to re-upload the failed versions
# Often, things fail because the modal doesn't launch quickly enough; it's a server-response issue
# and it's quicker to not add a wait period between every command, because most of the time it works.
# ---- Clean Up ----
system(paste("docker stop", docker_img))
save(firearm_info, bullet_info, indiv_land_info,
file = paste0(setInfo$name, "_Upload.Rdata"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.