
Defines functions continueMCMC

Documented in continueMCMC

##' Function to continue an unfinished MCMC chain or to append more generations to a previously finished MCMC. It works by reading the last state of the chain and the tunning parameters of the previous chain, then restarting it from this step.
##' The function will append the new generations to the same files created by the prior run of the 'ratematrixMCMC' function. The function will, by default, search for files in the same directory of the previous run (see 'handle$dir'). However, you can provide a new path (relative or absolute path) to the argument 'dir'. The path provided to 'dir' will override the path pointed by 'handle$dir'. The new 'handle' output from 'continueMCMC' will have an updated total number of generations and will also update the directory path, if required.
##' @title Continue unfinished MCMC chain or add more generations
##' @param handle the output of 'ratematrixMCMC'.
##' @param add.gen number of generations to be added to a finished chain. If 'NULL' (default), the function will only continue unfinished chains.
##' @param save.handle whether to save the updated 'handle' object to the directory. This can overwrite the previous handle file.
##' @param dir an optional path to the output files. See 'Details'.
##' @return Function will write the parameter values for each generation and the log to files. The new generations will be appended to the same files created by 'ratematrixMCMC'.
##' @export
##' @importFrom corpcor decompose.cov
##' @author Daniel S. Caetano and Luke J. Harmon
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
##' ## Continue unfinished run.
##' data(centrarchidae)
##' handle <- ratematrixMCMC(data=centrarchidae$data, phy=centrarchidae$phy.map, gen=10000
##'                          , dir=tempdir())
##' ## Now add generations to the same MCMC chain.
##' handle.add <- continueMCMC(handle=handle, add.gen=10000)
##' }
continueMCMC <- function(handle, add.gen=NULL, save.handle=TRUE, dir=NULL){
    ## Need to use the elements of the handle to continue the mcmc.
    ## The point here is that the file for the MCMC and for the log need to be the same as the one before.
    ## So we need to open the connection to keep appending to it.
    ## Also need to read the last line of the MCMC file and use it as the starting state.
    ## No special step is needed to write to the same file. Just need to take care and not open it again or write
    ##    another header to the same file. This might need another argument for the single and multi MCMC functions.
    if( !is.null(dir) ) handle$dir <- dir

    if( handle$p == 1 ){

        ## Read the MCMC output in file and grab the last state as the starting state for the run:
        ## 'readMCMC' was not made to do this. So it is not behaving well. Will need a different strategy.

        ## In this version the posterior is in a single file.
        mcmc <- read_lines( file=file.path(handle$dir, paste(handle$outname, ".", handle$ID, ".mcmc", sep="")) )
        total <- length(mcmc)-1
        last <- as.numeric( strsplit(x=mcmc[length(mcmc)], split=";", fixed=TRUE)[[1]] )
        ## Define the columns correspondent to the matrix:
        init <- 1
        end <- handle$k^2

        ## Creates the start object:
        start <- list()
        start$root <- as.numeric(last)[ (end+1):(end+handle$k) ]
        start$matrix <- matrix( as.numeric(last)[init:end], nrow=handle$k )
        R <- decompose.cov( start$matrix )
        start$sd <- sqrt(R$v)
        if( is.null(add.gen) ){
            continue <- "continue"
            add.gen <- handle$gen - total
            if( add.gen == 1 || add.gen < 0 ) stop("This MCMC run is complete. Use 'add.gen' to add more generations.\n")
        } else{
            continue <- "add.gen"
            handle$gen <- handle$gen + add.gen ## Update the total gen in the handle.

        singleRegimeMCMC(X=handle$data, phy=handle$phy, start=start, prior=handle$prior, gen=handle$gen, v=handle$mcmc.par$v
                       , w_sd=handle$mcmc.par$w_sd, w_mu=handle$mcmc.par$w_mu, prop=handle$mcmc.par$prop, dir=handle$dir
                       , outname=handle$outname, traits=handle$trait.names, save.handle=save.handle
                       , continue=continue, add.gen=add.gen, ID=handle$ID)
    if( handle$p > 1 ){

        ## In this version the posterior is in a single file.
        mcmc <- read_lines( file=file.path(handle$dir, paste(handle$outname, ".", handle$ID, ".mcmc", sep="")) )
        total <- length(mcmc)-1
        last <- as.numeric( strsplit(x=mcmc[length(mcmc)], split=";", fixed=TRUE)[[1]] )
        ## Define the columns correspondent to the matrix:
        init <- seq(from=1, to=(handle$k^2)*handle$p, by=handle$k^2)
        end <- rev( seq(from=(handle$k^2)*handle$p, to=1, by=-handle$k^2) )

        ## Creates the start object:
        start <- list()
        ## Now find the root values.
        start$root <- as.numeric(last)[ (end[handle$p]+1):(end[handle$p]+handle$k) ]
        start$matrix <- list()
        for( i in 1:handle$p ){
            start$matrix[[i]] <- matrix( as.numeric(last)[init[i]:end[i]], nrow=handle$k )
        start$sd <- list()
        for( i in 1:handle$p ){
            R <- decompose.cov( start$matrix[[i]] )
            start$sd[[i]] <- sqrt(R$v)

        if( is.null(add.gen) ){
            continue <- "continue"
            add.gen <- handle$gen - total
            if( add.gen == 1 || add.gen < 0 ) stop("This MCMC run is complete. Use 'add.gen' to add more generations.\n")
        } else{
            continue <- "add.gen"
            handle$gen <- handle$gen + add.gen ## Update the total gen in the handle.
            ## Need to add the generations to the sequence of post_seq:
            by_seq <- handle$post_seq[2] - handle$post_seq[1]
            from_seq <- handle$post_seq[length(handle$post_seq)] + by_seq ## The next one.
            to_seq <- from_seq + add.gen ## The rest, no problem if it is more than the total gen.
            append_seq <- seq(from = from_seq, to = to_seq, by = by_seq)
            ## Update the sequence.
            handle$post_seq <- c( handle$post_seq, append_seq )

        multRegimeMCMC(X=handle$data, phy=handle$phy, start=start, prior=handle$prior,
                       gen=handle$gen, post_seq=handle$post_seq, v=handle$mcmc.par$v
                     , w_sd=handle$mcmc.par$w_sd, w_mu=handle$mcmc.par$w_mu,
                       prop=handle$mcmc.par$prop, dir=handle$dir
                     , outname=handle$outname, regimes=handle$regime.names,
                       traits=handle$trait.names, save.handle=save.handle
                     , continue=continue, add.gen=add.gen, ID=handle$ID)

    if( save.handle ) saveRDS(handle, file = file.path(handle$dir, paste(handle$outname,".",handle$ID,".mcmc.handle.rds",sep="")) )    
Caetanods/ratematrix documentation built on Jan. 4, 2023, 3:12 p.m.