
Defines functions knn_trn

Documented in knn_trn

#' knn_trn allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine learning step by using k-NN in a cross validation process.
#' knn_trn allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine learning step by using k-NN in a cross validation process. This function applies a cross validation of n folds with representation of all classes in each fold. The 80\% of the data are used for training and the 20\% for test. An optimization of the k neighbours is done at the start of the process.
#' @param data The data parameter is an expression matrix or data.frame that contains the genes in the columns and the samples in the rows.
#' @param labels A vector or factor that contains the labels for each of the samples in the data object.
#' @param vars_selected The genes selected to classify by using them. It can be the final DEGs extracted with the function \code{\link{DEGsExtraction}} or a custom vector of genes. Furthermore, the ranking achieved by \code{\link{featureSelection}} function can be used as input of this parameter.
#' @param numFold The number of folds to carry out in the cross validation process.
#' @param LOOCV Logical parameter to choose between Loo-CV and KFold-CV.
#' @return A list that contains seven objects. The confusion matrix for each fold, the accuracy, the sensitivity, the specificity and the F1-Scores for each fold and each genes, the best k found for the knn algorithm after tuning, and the predictions made.
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file("extdata", package="KnowSeq")
#' load(paste(dir,"/expressionExample.RData",sep = ""))
#' knn_trn(t(DEGsMatrix)[,1:10],labels,rownames(DEGsMatrix)[1:10],3)

knn_trn <- function(data,labels,vars_selected,numFold=10,LOOCV=FALSE){
  if(!is.data.frame(data) && !is.matrix(data)){
    stop("The data argument must be a dataframe or a matrix.")
  if(dim(data)[1] != length(labels)){
    stop("The length of the rows of the argument data must be the same than the length of the lables. Please, ensures that the rows are the samples and the columns are the variables.")
  if(!is.character(labels)  && !is.factor(labels)){stop("The class of the labels parameter must be character vector or factor.")}
  if(is.character(labels)){ labels <- as.factor(labels) }
  if(numFold%%1!=0 || numFold == 0){
    stop("The numFold argument must be integer and greater than 0.")
  data <- as.data.frame(apply(data,2,as.double))
  data <- data[,vars_selected]
  data = vapply(data, function(x){ 
    max <- max(x)
    min <- min(x)
    if(max >  min){
      x <- ((x - min) / (max - min)) * 2 - 1
    }}, double(nrow(data)))
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  fitControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = numFold,repeats=3)
  cat("Tuning the optimal K...\n")
  K_sb <- train(data, labels, method = "knn",trControl = fitControl,preProcess = c("center", "scale"),tuneLength = 10)
  bestK = K_sb$bestTune
  cat(paste("Optimal K:", K_sb$bestTune, "\n"))
  if (LOOCV==FALSE){ 
    accuracyInfo <- list()
    sensitivityInfo <- list()
    specificityInfo <- list()
    f1Info <- list()
    acc_cv<-matrix(0L,nrow = numFold,ncol = dim(data)[2])
    sens_cv<-matrix(0L,nrow = numFold,ncol = dim(data)[2])
    spec_cv<-matrix(0L,nrow = numFold,ncol = dim(data)[2])
    f1_cv<-matrix(0L,nrow = numFold,ncol = dim(data)[2])
    cfMatList  <- list()
    # compute size of val fold
    lengthValFold <- dim(data)[1]/numFold
    # reorder the data matrix in order to have more
    # balanced folds
    positions <- rep(seq_len(dim(data)[1]))
    randomPositions <- sample(positions)
    data <- data[randomPositions,]
    labels <- labels[randomPositions]
    for(i in seq_len(numFold)){
      cat("Running K-Fold Cross-Validation...\n")
      cat(paste("Training fold ", i,"...\n",sep=""))
      # obtain validation and training folds
      valFold <- seq(round((i-1)*lengthValFold + 1 ), round(i*lengthValFold))
      trainDataCV <- setdiff(seq_len(dim(data)[1]), valFold)
      testDataset<- data[valFold,]
      trainingDataset <- data[trainDataCV,]
      labelsTrain <- labels[trainDataCV]
      labelsTest <- labels[valFold]
      # first iteration is performed outside of the foor lopp
      # in order to avoid having a if inside
      knn_mod = knn3(x = trainingDataset[, 1, drop=FALSE], y = labelsTrain, k = bestK)
      predicts <- predict(knn_mod, testDataset[, 1, drop=FALSE], type = "class")
      cfMatList[[i]] <- confusionMatrix(predicts,labelsTest)
      acc_cv[i,1] <- cfMatList[[i]]$overall[[1]]
      if (length(levels(labelsTrain))==2){
        sens <- cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[[1]]
        spec <- cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[[2]]
        f1 <- cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[[7]]
      } else{
        sens <- mean(cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[,1])
        spec <- mean(cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[,2])
        f1 <- mean(cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[,7])
      if(is.na(sens_cv[i,1])) sens_cv[i,1] <- 0
      if(is.na(spec_cv[i,1])) spec_cv[i,1] <- 0
      if(is.na(f1_cv[i,1])) f1_cv[i,1] <- 0
      for(j in 2:length(vars_selected)){
        knn_mod = knn3(x = trainingDataset[,seq(j)], y = labelsTrain, k = bestK)
        predicts <- predict(knn_mod, testDataset[,seq(j)], type = "class")
        cfMatList[[i]] <- confusionMatrix(predicts,labelsTest)
        acc_cv[i,j] <- cfMatList[[i]]$overall[[1]]
        if (length(levels(labelsTrain))==2){
          sens <- cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[[1]]
          spec <- cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[[2]]
          f1 <- cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[[7]]
        } else{
          sens <- mean(cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[,1])
          spec <- mean(cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[,2])
          f1 <- mean(cfMatList[[i]]$byClass[,7])
        if(is.na(sens_cv[i,j])) sens_cv[i,j] <- 0
        if(is.na(spec_cv[i,j])) spec_cv[i,j] <- 0
        if(is.na(f1_cv[i,j])) f1_cv[i,j] <- 0
    meanAcc <- colMeans(acc_cv)
    names(meanAcc) <- colnames(acc_cv)
    sdAcc <- apply(acc_cv, 2, sd)
    accuracyInfo <- list(meanAcc, sdAcc)
    names(accuracyInfo) <- c("meanAccuracy","standardDeviation")
    meanSens <- colMeans(sens_cv)
    names(meanSens) <- colnames(sens_cv)
    sdSens <- apply(sens_cv, 2, sd)
    sensitivityInfo <- list(meanSens, sdSens)
    names(sensitivityInfo) <- c("meanSensitivity","standardDeviation")
    meanSpec <- colMeans(spec_cv)
    names(meanSpec) <- colnames(spec_cv)
    sdSpec <- apply(spec_cv, 2, sd)
    specificityInfo <- list(meanSpec, sdSpec)
    names(specificityInfo) <- c("meanSpecificity","standardDeviation")
    meanF1 <- colMeans(f1_cv)
    names(meanF1) <- colnames(f1_cv)
    sdF1 <- apply(f1_cv, 2, sd)
    F1Info <- list(meanF1, sdF1)
    names(F1Info) <- c("meanF1","standardDeviation")
    cat("Classification done successfully!\n")
    results_cv <- list(cfMatList,accuracyInfo,sensitivityInfo,specificityInfo,F1Info,bestK)
    names(results_cv) <- c("cfMats","accuracyInfo","sensitivityInfo","specificityInfo","F1Info","bestK")
    cat("Running Leave One Out Cross-Validation...\n")
    accuracyInfo <- numeric()
    sensitivityInfo <- numeric()
    specificityInfo <- numeric()
    F1Info <- numeric()
    predictions <- list()
    cfMatList  <- list()
    for (j in 1:length(vars_selected)){
      predictions[[j]] <-  knn.cv(data[,seq(j)], cl = as.factor(labels), k=bestK)
      cfMatList[[j]] <- confusionMatrix(predictions[[j]],labels)
      accuracyInfo[[j]] <- cfMatList[[j]]$overall[[1]]
      sensitivityInfo[[j]] <- mean(cfMatList[[j]]$byClass[,1])
      specificityInfo[[j]] <- mean(cfMatList[[j]]$byClass[,2])
      F1Info[[j]] <- mean(cfMatList[[j]]$byClass[,7])
    cat("Classification done successfully!\n")
    results_cv <- list(cfMatList,accuracyInfo,sensitivityInfo,specificityInfo,F1Info,bestK,predictions)
    names(results_cv) <- c("cfMats","accuracyInfo","sensitivityInfo","specificityInfo","F1Info","bestK",'predictions')
CasedUgr/KnowSeq documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 6:19 a.m.