
Defines functions tufte_pdf tufte_book tufte_handout

Documented in tufte_book tufte_handout tufte_pdf

#' Tufte handout formats (PDF and HTML)
#' Templates for creating handouts according to the style of Edward R. Tufte and
#' Richard Feynman.
#' \code{tufte_handout()} provides the PDF format based on the Tufte-LaTeX
#' class: \url{https://tufte-latex.github.io/tufte-latex/}.
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::pdf_document
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{pdf_document}} or
#'   \code{\link{html_document}} (note you cannot use the \code{template}
#'   argument in \code{tufte_handout} or the \code{theme} argument in
#'   \code{tufte_html()}; these arguments have been set internally)
#' @references See \url{http://rstudio.github.io/tufte} for an example.
#' @export
tufte_handout = function(
  fig_width = 4, fig_height = 2.5, fig_crop = TRUE, dev = 'pdf',
  highlight = 'default', ...
) {
 tufte_pdf('tufte-handout', fig_width, fig_height, fig_crop, dev, highlight, ...)

#' @rdname tufte_handout
#' @export
tufte_book = function(
  fig_width = 4, fig_height = 2.5, fig_crop = TRUE, dev = 'pdf',
  highlight = 'default', ...
) {
  tufte_pdf('tufte-book', fig_width, fig_height, fig_crop, dev, highlight, ...)
#' Tufte PDF function
#' @param documentclass Document Class
#' @param fig_width Width of figure
#' @param fig_height Height of figure
#' @param fig_crop Crop figure (default to TRUE)
#' @param dev Graphics device (defaults to pdf)
#' @param highlight Style of highlight (defaults to default)
#' @param template Template to use
#' @param latex_engine LaTeX engine to use (defaults to xelatex)
#' @param includes Stuff to include
#' @param pandoc_args Arguments passed to pandoc
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed in 
#' @export
tufte_pdf = function(
  documentclass = c('tufte-handout', 'tufte-book'), fig_width = 4, fig_height = 2.5,
  fig_crop = TRUE, dev = 'pdf', highlight = 'default',
  template, latex_engine="xelatex", includes, pandoc_args, ...
) {
  if (missing(template)) template <- system.file("templates", "tufte-handout.tex", package = "packagePages")
  if (is.null(pandoc_args)) {
    pandoc_args <- c(
        "--bibliography", system.file("rmarkdown", "content", "bibliography", "Literasee.bib" , package = "Literasee"),
        # "--csl", system.file("rmarkdown", "content", "bibliography", "apa.csl" , package = "Literasee")) #,
  pandoc_args <- c(rmarkdown::includes_to_pandoc_args(includes), pandoc_args)

  # resolve default highlight
  if (identical(highlight, 'default')) highlight = 'pygments'

  # call the base pdf_document format with the appropriate options
  format = rmarkdown::pdf_document(
    toc =TRUE, fig_width = fig_width, fig_height = fig_height, fig_crop = fig_crop,
    dev = dev, highlight = highlight, template = template, latex_engine = latex_engine, pandoc_args = pandoc_args, ...

  # LaTeX document class
  documentclass = match.arg(documentclass)
  format$pandoc$args = c(
    format$pandoc$args, '--variable', paste0('documentclass:', documentclass),
    if (documentclass == 'tufte-book') '--chapters'

  knitr::knit_engines$set(marginfigure = function(options) {
    options$type = 'marginfigure'
    eng_block = knitr::knit_engines$get('block')

  # create knitr options (ensure opts and hooks are non-null)
  knitr_options = rmarkdown::knitr_options_pdf(fig_width, fig_height, fig_crop, dev)
  if (is.null(knitr_options$opts_knit))  knitr_options$opts_knit = list()
  if (is.null(knitr_options$knit_hooks)) knitr_options$knit_hooks = list()

  # set options
  knitr_options$opts_chunk$tidy = TRUE
  knitr_options$opts_knit$width = 45

  # set hooks for special plot output
  knitr_options$knit_hooks$plot = function(x, options) {

    # determine figure type
    if (isTRUE(options$fig.margin)) {
      options$fig.env = 'marginfigure'
      if (is.null(options$fig.cap)) options$fig.cap = ''
    } else if (isTRUE(options$fig.fullwidth)) {
      options$fig.env = 'figure*'
      if (is.null(options$fig.cap)) options$fig.cap = ''

    knitr::hook_plot_tex(x, options)

  # override the knitr settings of the base format and return the format
  format$knitr = knitr_options
  format$inherits = 'pdf_document'
CenterForAssessment/packagePages documentation built on May 31, 2022, 1:56 p.m.