
Defines functions create_gist

Documented in create_gist

#  FUNCTION: create_gist -------------------------------------------------------
#' Create a gist in github
#' This function creates a new gist in GitHub. You can specify one or more files
#' by providing a named list (see examples).
#' For more details see the GitHub API documentation:
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/gists#create-a-gist>
#' @param files (list) The file contents with the list names as the filenames.
#' @param description (string, optional) A description for the gist.
#' @param public (boolean, optional) Whether the gist is public. Default:
#'   `FALSE`.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_request()].
#' @return `create_gist()` returns a list of the gist's properties.
#' **Gist Properties:**
#' - **id**: The id for the gist
#' - **description**: The description of the gist
#' - **files**: A tibble of file properties:
#'   - **filename**: The name of the file
#'   - **type**: The type of file
#'   - **content**: The file content
#'   - **size**: The size of the file in bytes
#'   - **truncated**: Whether the file content has been truncated
#' - **owner**: The login if the gist's owner
#' - **public**: Whether the gist is public
#' - **html_url**: The address of the gist's web page.
#' - **created_at**: The time and date the gist was created.
#' - **updated_at**: The time and date the gist was last updated.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Create a gist with a single file
#'   create_gist(files = list(hello_world.R = "print(\"Hello World!\")"))
#'   # Create a gist with multiple files
#'   create_gist(
#'     files = list(
#'       `hello_world.R`    = "print(\"Hello World!\")",
#'       `hello_world-fn.R` = "helloworld <- function() print(\"Hello World!\")"
#'     ),
#'     description = "A new gist"
#'   )
#'   # Create a public gist
#'   create_gist(
#'     files       = list(hello_world.R = "print(\"Hello World!\")"),
#'     description = "A new gist",
#'     public      = TRUE
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
create_gist <- function(
  public = FALSE,
) {
  assert_list(files) && assert_names(files)
    all(map_lgl(files, is_character, n = 1)),
    "'files' must be a list of character vectors of length 1"
  assert_logical(public, n = 1)

  payload <- list(public = public)
  payload$files <- map(files, ~ list(content = .))

  if (!is_missing_or_null(description)) {
    assert_character(description, n = 1)
    payload$description <- description

  info("Creating gist")
  gist_lst <- gh_url("gists") %>% gh_request("POST", payload = payload, ...)

  info("Transforming results", level = 4)
  gist_gh <- select_properties(gist_lst, properties$gist) %>%
      files   = bind_properties(gist_lst$files, properties$gist_file),
      .before = "owner"

  info("Done", level = 7)

#  FUNCTION: update_gist -------------------------------------------------------
#' Update a gist in GitHub
#' This function updates an existing gist in GitHub. You can specify add or
#' update files by providing a named list and rename a file (see examples).
#' For more details see the GitHub API documentation:
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/gists#update-a-gist>
#' @param gist (string) The ID of the gist
#' @param files (list, optional) The file contents with the list names as the
#'   filenames. Adding a `filename` element changes the filename (see examples).
#' @param description (string, optional) A description for the gist.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_request()].
#' @return `update_gist()` returns a list of the gist's properties.
#' **Gist Properties:**
#' - **id**: The id for the gist
#' - **description**: The description of the gist
#' - **files**: A tibble of file properties:
#'   - **filename**: The name of the file
#'   - **type**: The type of file
#'   - **content**: The file content
#'   - **size**: The size of the file in bytes
#'   - **truncated**: Whether the file content has been truncated
#' - **owner**: The login if the gist's owner
#' - **public**: Whether the gist is public
#' - **html_url**: The address of the gist's web page.
#' - **created_at**: The time and date the gist was created.
#' - **updated_at**: The time and date the gist was last updated.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Update a gist's description
#'   update_gist(
#'     gist        = "806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6",
#'     description = "An updated description"
#'   )
#'   # Update the contents of a file
#'   update_gist(files = list(hello_world.R = "cat(\"Hello World!\")"))
#'   # Update the contents of a file and the filename
#'   update_gist(
#'     files = list(
#'       hello_world.R = c("cat(\"Hello World!\")", filename = "new_filename.R")
#'     )
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
update_gist <- function(
) {
  assert_character(gist, n = 1)

  payload <- NULL

  if (!is_missing_or_null(files)) {
    assert_list(files) && assert_names(files)
      all(map_lgl(files, is_character)),
      "'files' must be a list of character vectors"
    payload$files <- map(files, function(f) {
      as.list(set_names(f, ifelse(names(f) == "", "content", names(f))))

  if (!is_missing_or_null(description)) {
    assert_character(description, n = 1)
    payload$description <- description

  info("Updating gist '", gist, "'")
  gist_lst <- gh_url("gists", gist) %>%
    gh_request("PATCH", payload = payload, ...)

  info("Transforming results", level = 4)
  gist_gh <- select_properties(gist_lst, properties$gist) %>%
      files = bind_properties(gist_lst$files, properties$gist_file),
      .before = "owner"

  info("Done", level = 7)

#  FUNCTION: view_gists --------------------------------------------------------
#' View gists in GitHub
#' `view_gists()` summarises a user's gists in a table with the properties as
#' columns and a row for each gist. `view_gist()` returns a list of all
#' properties for a single gist. `browse_gist()` opens the web page for the gist
#' in the default browser.
#' When viewing gists, if a user is not specified the gists for the
#' authenticated user are returned.
#' For more details see the GitHub API documentation:
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/gists#list-gists-for-a-user>
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/gists#list-gists-for-the-authenticated-user>
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/gists#get-a-gist>
#' @param gist (string) The id of the gist.
#' @param user (string, optional) The login of the user. If not specified the
#'   authenticated user is used.
#' @param since (string, optional) A date & time to filter by. Must be in the
#'   format: `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`.
#' @param n_max (integer, optional) Maximum number to return. Default: `1000`.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_page()] or [gh_request()].
#' @return `view_gists()` returns a tibble of gist properties. `view_gist()`
#'   returns a list of properties for a single gist. `browse_gist` opens the
#'   default browser on the gist page and returns the URL.
#' **Gist Properties:**
#' - **id**: The id for the gist
#' - **description**: The description of the gist
#' - **files**: For `view_gists()` just the filenames are returned, for
#'   `view_gist()` a tibble of file properties is returned:
#'   - **filename**: The name of the file
#'   - **type**: The type of file
#'   - **content**: The file content
#'   - **size**: The size of the file in bytes
#'   - **truncated**: Whether the file content has been truncated
#' - **owner**: The login if the gist's owner
#' - **public**: Whether the gist is public
#' - **html_url**: The address of the gist's web page.
#' - **created_at**: The time and date the gist was created.
#' - **updated_at**: The time and date the gist was last updated.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # View the authenticated user's gists
#'   view_gists()
#'   # View a specific user's gists
#'   view_gists("ChadGoymer")
#'   # View a specific gist
#'   view_gist("806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6")
#'   # Browse a gist
#'   browse_gist("806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6")
#' }
#' @export
view_gists <- function(
  n_max = 1000,
) {
  assert_natural(n_max, n = 1)

  if (!is_missing_or_null(since)) {
    assert_character(since, n = 1)
    since <- as.POSIXct(since, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") %>%
      format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz = "UTC")
      "'since' must be specified in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'"
  } else {
    since <- NULL

  if (is_missing_or_null(user)) {
    info("Viewing gists for authenticated user")
    url <- gh_url("gists", since = since)
  } else {
    assert_character(user, n = 1)
    if (user %in% c("public", "starred")) {
      info("Viewing ", user, " gists")
      url <- gh_url("gists", user, since = since)
    } else {
      info("Viewing gists for user '", user, "'")
      url <- gh_url("users", user, "gists", since = since)

  gists_lst <- gh_page(url, n_max = n_max, ...)

  info("Transforming results", level = 4)
  gists_gh <- bind_properties(gists_lst, properties$gist) %>%
    add_column(files = map(gists_lst, ~ names(.$files)), .before = "owner")

  info("Done", level = 7)

#  FUNCTION: view_gist ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname view_gists
#' @export
view_gist <- function(
) {
  assert_character(gist, n = 1)

  info("Viewing gist '", gist, "'")
  gist_lst <- gh_url("gists", gist) %>% gh_request("GET", ...)

  info("Transforming results", level = 4)
  gist_gh <- select_properties(gist_lst, properties$gist) %>%
      files = bind_properties(gist_lst$files, properties$gist_file),
      .before = "owner"

  info("Done", level = 7)

#  FUNCTION: browse_gist -------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname view_gists
#' @export
browse_gist <- function(
) {
  assert_character(gist, n = 1)

  info("Browsing gist '", gist, "'")
  gist <- gh_url("gists", gist) %>%
    gh_request("GET", ...)

  info("Done", level = 7)
    class   = c("github", "character"),
    url     = attr(gist, "url"),
    request = attr(gist, "request"),
    status  = attr(gist, "status"),
    header  = attr(gist, "header")

#  FUNCTION: delete_gist -------------------------------------------------------
#' Delete a gist in GitHub
#' This function deletes a gist from github, as long as you have appropriate
#' permissions. Care should be taken as it will not be recoverable.
#' For more details see the GitHub API documentation:
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/gists#delete-a-gist>
#' @param gist (string) The id of the gist.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_request()].
#' @return `delete_gist()` returns a TRUE if successfully deleted.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   delete_gist("806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6")
#' }
#' @export
delete_gist <- function(
) {
  assert_character(gist, n = 1)

  info("Deleting gist '", gist, "'")
  response <- gh_url("gists", gist) %>%
    gh_request("DELETE", ...)

  info("Done", level = 7)
    class   = c("github", "logical"),
    url     = attr(response, "url"),
    request = attr(response, "request"),
    status  = attr(response, "status"),
    header  = attr(response, "header")

#  FUNCTION: download_gist -----------------------------------------------------
#' Download a gist from GitHub
#' This function downloads the files in the specified gist to the path provided.
#' @param gist (string) The ID of the gist.
#' @param path (string) The path to download the gist to.
#' @param files (character, optional) The files to download. If not specified
#'   all the files in the gist will be downloaded.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_request()].
#' @return `download_gist()` returns the path where the file is downloaded to.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Download all the files in a gist
#'   download_gist("806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6", "./gist")
#'   # Download a single file in a gist
#'   download_gist(
#'     gist  = "806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6",
#'     path  = "./gist",
#'     files = "helloworld.R"
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
download_gist <- function(
) {
  assert_character(gist, n = 1)

  info("Viewing gist '", gist, "'")
  gist <- gh_url("gists", gist) %>%
    gh_request("GET", ...)

  if (is_missing_or_null(files)) {
    files <- names(gist$files)

  walk(files, function(f) {
    info("Writing file '", f, "'", level = 2)
      fs::path(path, gist$files[[f]]$filename)

  info("Done", level = 7)
    class   = c("github", "character"),
    url     = attr(gist, "url"),
    request = attr(gist, "request"),
    status  = attr(gist, "status"),
    header  = attr(gist, "header")

#  FUNCTION: source_gist -------------------------------------------------------
#' Source a gist from GitHub
#' This function downloads the files in the specified gist and then sources them
#' using the [source()] function.
#' @param gist (string) The ID of the gist.
#' @param files (character, optional) The files to source. If not specified all
#'   the files in the gist will be sourced.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_request()].
#' @return `source_gist()` returns the result of sourcing the files.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Source all the files in a gist
#'   source_gist("806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6", "./gist")
#'   # Source a single file in a gist
#'   source_gist(
#'     gist  = "806dca6b09a39e7b6326a0c8137583e6",
#'     path  = "./gist",
#'     files = "helloworld.R"
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
source_gist <- function(
) {
  assert_character(gist, n = 1)

  info("Viewing gist '", gist, "'")
  gist <- gh_url("gists", gist) %>%

  if (is_missing_or_null(files)) {
    files <- names(gist$files)
  assert_in(files, names(gist$files))

  temp_path <- fs::file_temp("source-gist-")
  fs::dir_create(temp_path, recurse = TRUE)

  walk(files, function(f) {
    info("Sourcing file '", f, "'", level = 2)
      fs::path(temp_path, gist$files[[f]]$filename)
    source(fs::path(temp_path, gist$files[[f]]$filename), ...)
ChadGoymer/githapi documentation built on Oct. 22, 2021, 10:56 a.m.