
Defines functions select_properties property_names as.datetime random_color try_file_delete try_dir_delete assert_token assert_repo assert_ref assert_sha is_missing_or_null as_hex is_hex is_token is_repo is_ref is_sha

Documented in assert_ref assert_repo assert_sha is_ref is_repo is_sha

#  FUNCTION: is_sha ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Checks whether the supplied object is a valid SHA
#' A valid SHA is 40 characters long and only contains the characters 0-9 & a-f.
#' @param x Object to check
#' @return TRUE if x is a valid SHA, FALSE otherwise
#' @export
is_sha <- function(x) {
  is_character(x, n = 1) &&
    identical(str_length(x), 40L) &&
    all(str_split(x, "")[[1]] %in% c(0:9, letters[1:6]))

#  FUNCTION: is_ref ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Checks whether the supplied object is a valid reference name
#' A valid reference has restrictions on the special characters allowed (see
#' details).
#' Git imposes the following rules when naming references:
#' 1. They can include slash `/` for hierarchical (directory) grouping, but no
#'    slash-separated component can begin with a dot `.` or dash `-` or end with
#'    the sequence `.lock`.
#' 2. They cannot have two consecutive dots `..` anywhere.
#' 3. They cannot have the special characters: space ` `, tilde `~`, caret `^`,
#'    or colon `:`, question-mark `?`, asterisk `*`, backslash `\\`, or open
#'    bracket `\[` anywhere.
#' 5. They cannot begin or end with a slash `/` or contain multiple consecutive
#'    slashes
#' 6. They cannot end with a dot `.`.
#' 7. They cannot contain a sequence `@\{`.
#' 8. They cannot be the single character `@`.
#' @param x Object to check
#' @return TRUE if x is a valid reference name, FALSE otherwise
#' @export
is_ref <- function(x) {
  if (!is_character(x, n = 1)) {

  invalid <- c(
    "\\.\\.", # double dot '..'
    "\\ ",    # space ' '
    "\\~",    # tilde '~'
    "\\^",    # caret '^'
    "\\:",    # colon ':'
    "\\?",    # question-mark '?'
    "\\*",    # asterisk '*'
    "\\\\",   # backslash '\'
    "\\[",    # open bracket '['
    "^\\/",   # starts with slash '/'
    "\\/$",   # ends with slash '/'
    "\\/\\/", # double slash '//'
    "\\@\\{", # pattern '@{'
    "^\\@$"   # only contains '@'

  if (any(str_detect(x, invalid))) {

  split_invalid <- c(
    "^\\.",     # starts with dot '.'
    "\\.$",     # ends with dot '.'
    "^\\-",     # starts with dash '-'
    "\\-$",     # ends with dash '-'
    "\\.lock$"  # ends with ',lock'

  detect_split <- map_lgl(str_split(x, "/")[[1]], function(.x) {
    any(str_detect(.x, pattern = split_invalid))

  if (any(detect_split)) {


#  FUNCTION: is_repo -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Checks whether the supplied object is a valid repository name
#' A valid repository name is comprised of two strings separated by a "/".
#' @param x Object to check
#' @return TRUE if x is a valid repository name, FALSE otherwise
#' @export
is_repo <- function(x) {
  is_character(x, n = 1) &&
    identical(length(str_split(x, "/")[[1]]), 2L)

# FUNCTION: is_token -----------------------------------------------------------
# Checks whether the supplied object is an authentication token
# @param x Object to check
# @return TRUE if x is a valid authentication token, FALSE otherwise
is_token <- function(x) {
  is_sha(x) || "Token" %in% class(x)

# FUNCTION: is_hex -------------------------------------------------------------
# Checks whether the supplied object is a hexidecimal color code
# @param x Object to check
# @return TRUE if x is a valid hexidecimal color code, FALSE otherwise
is_hex <- function(x) {
  is_character(x) && nchar(x) == 7 && str_starts(x, "#")

# FUNCTION: as_hex -------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert a vector of color names into hexidecimal codes
# @param x (character) The vector to convert
# @return A character vector of hexidecimal codes
as_hex <- function(color_name) {
  color_matrix <- grDevices::col2rgb(color_name)
    red   = color_matrix[1, ] / 255,
    green = color_matrix[2, ] / 255,
    blue  = color_matrix[3, ] / 255

# FUNCTION: is_missing_or_null --------------------------------------------
# Checks whether the supplied object is missing or NULL
# @param x Object to check
# @return TRUE if x is missing or NULL, FALSE otherwise
is_missing_or_null <- function(x) {
  missing(x) || is_null(x)

#  FUNCTION: assert_sha --------------------------------------------------------
#' Display error if not a valid SHA
#' A valid SHA is 40 characters long and only contains the characters 0-9 & a-f.
#' @param x (any) The object to test.
#' @param level (integer, optional) The level of the message, from 1 to 10.
#'   Default: 1.
#' @param msg_level (integer, optional) The maximum level of messages to output.
#'   Default: set in the option `"msgr.level"`.
#' @param msg_types (character, optional) The type to write or display. Must
#'   either NULL or one or more from "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR". Default: set
#'   in the option `"msgr.types"`.
#' @param log_path (character, optional) The file path to the text log file. If
#'   set to "", then no logs are written. Default: set in the option
#'   `"msgr.log_path"`.
#' @return If assertion passes then `TRUE` is returned. This allows you to make
#'   multiple assertions separated by `&`.
#' @export
assert_sha <- function(
  level     = 1,
  msg_level = getOption("msgr.level"),
  msg_types = getOption("msgr.types"),
  log_path  = getOption("msgr.log_path")
) {
  is_natural(level, n = 1) && is_in_range(level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is_natural(msg_level, n = 1) && is_in_range(msg_level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'msg_level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is.null(msg_types) || is.character(msg_types) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be NULL or a character vector")
  all(is_in(msg_types, c("INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"))) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be either 'INFO', 'WARNING' or 'ERROR'")
  is_character(log_path, n = 1) ||
    stop("'log_path' must be a character vector of length 1")

  if (!is_sha(x)) {
    prefix <- ""
    if (sys.nframe() > 1) {
      calling_function <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]][[1]])
      prefix <- paste0("In ", calling_function, "(): ")

    msg <- paste0(
      "'", deparse(substitute(x)),
      "' must be a valid SHA-1 string"

      level     = level,
      msg_level = msg_level,
      msg_types = msg_types,
      log_path  = log_path


#  FUNCTION: assert_ref --------------------------------------------------------
#' Display error if not a valid reference
#' A valid reference has restrictions on the special characters allowed (see
#' details).
#' Git imposes the following rules when naming references:
#' 1. They can include slash `/` for hierarchical (directory) grouping, but no
#'    slash-separated component can begin with a dot `.` or dash `-` or end with
#'    the sequence `.lock`.
#' 2. They cannot have two consecutive dots `..` anywhere.
#' 3. They cannot have the special characters: space ` `, tilde `~`, caret `^`,
#'    or colon `:`, question-mark `?`, asterisk `*`, backslash `\\`, or open
#'    bracket `\[` anywhere.
#' 5. They cannot begin or end with a slash `/` or contain multiple consecutive
#'    slashes
#' 6. They cannot end with a dot `.`.
#' 7. They cannot contain a sequence `@\{`.
#' 8. They cannot be the single character `@`.
#' @param x (any) The object to test.
#' @param level (integer, optional) The level of the message, from 1 to 10.
#'   Default: 1.
#' @param msg_level (integer, optional) The maximum level of messages to output.
#'   Default: set in the option `"msgr.level"`.
#' @param msg_types (character, optional) The type to write or display. Must
#'   either NULL or one or more from "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR". Default: set
#'   in the option `"msgr.types"`.
#' @param log_path (character, optional) The file path to the text log file. If
#'   set to "", then no logs are written. Default: set in the option
#'   `"msgr.log_path"`.
#' @return If assertion passes then `TRUE` is returned. This allows you to make
#'   multiple assertions separated by `&`.
#' @export
assert_ref <- function(
  level     = 1,
  msg_level = getOption("msgr.level"),
  msg_types = getOption("msgr.types"),
  log_path  = getOption("msgr.log_path")
) {
  is_natural(level, n = 1) && is_in_range(level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is_natural(msg_level, n = 1) && is_in_range(msg_level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'msg_level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is.null(msg_types) || is.character(msg_types) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be NULL or a character vector")
  all(is_in(msg_types, c("INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"))) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be either 'INFO', 'WARNING' or 'ERROR'")
  is_character(log_path, n = 1) ||
    stop("'log_path' must be a character vector of length 1")

  if (!is_ref(x)) {
    prefix <- ""
    if (sys.nframe() > 1) {
      calling_function <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]][[1]])
      prefix <- paste0("In ", calling_function, "(): ")

    msg <- paste0(
      "'", deparse(substitute(x)),
      "' must be a valid git reference - see help(is_ref)"

      level     = level,
      msg_level = msg_level,
      msg_types = msg_types,
      log_path  = log_path


#  FUNCTION: assert_repo -------------------------------------------------------
#' Display error if not a valid repository name
#' A valid repository name is comprised of two strings separated by a "/".
#' @param x (any) The object to test.
#' @param level (integer, optional) The level of the message, from 1 to 10.
#'   Default: 1.
#' @param msg_level (integer, optional) The maximum level of messages to output.
#'   Default: set in the option `"msgr.level"`.
#' @param msg_types (character, optional) The type to write or display. Must
#'   either NULL or one or more from "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR". Default: set
#'   in the option `"msgr.types"`.
#' @param log_path (character, optional) The file path to the text log file. If
#'   set to "", then no logs are written. Default: set in the option
#'   `"msgr.log_path"`.
#' @return If assertion passes then `TRUE` is returned. This allows you to make
#'   multiple assertions separated by `&`.
#' @export
assert_repo <- function(
  level     = 1,
  msg_level = getOption("msgr.level"),
  msg_types = getOption("msgr.types"),
  log_path  = getOption("msgr.log_path")
) {
  is_natural(level, n = 1) && is_in_range(level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is_natural(msg_level, n = 1) && is_in_range(msg_level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'msg_level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is.null(msg_types) || is.character(msg_types) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be NULL or a character vector")
  all(is_in(msg_types, c("INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"))) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be either 'INFO', 'WARNING' or 'ERROR'")
  is_character(log_path, n = 1) ||
    stop("'log_path' must be a character vector of length 1")

  if (!is_repo(x)) {
    prefix <- ""
    if (sys.nframe() > 1) {
      calling_function <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]][[1]])
      prefix <- paste0("In ", calling_function, "(): ")

    msg <- paste0(
      "'", deparse(substitute(x)),
      "' must be a string in the format 'owner/repo'"

      level     = level,
      msg_level = msg_level,
      msg_types = msg_types,
      log_path  = log_path


#  FUNCTION: assert_token ------------------------------------------------------
# Display error if not a valid token
# @param x (any) The object to test.
# @param level (integer, optional) The level of the message, from 1 to 10.
#   Default: 1.
# @param msg_level (integer, optional) The maximum level of messages to output.
#   Default: set in the option `"msgr.level"`.
# @param msg_types (character, optional) The type to write or display. Must
#   either NULL or one or more from "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR". Default: set
#   in the option `"msgr.types"`.
# @param log_path (character, optional) The file path to the text log file. If
#   set to "", then no logs are written. Default: set in the option
#   `"msgr.log_path"`.
# @return If assertion passes then `TRUE` is returned. This allows you to make
#   multiple assertions separated by `&`.
assert_token <- function(
  level     = 1,
  msg_level = getOption("msgr.level"),
  msg_types = getOption("msgr.types"),
  log_path  = getOption("msgr.log_path")
) {
  is_natural(level, n = 1) && is_in_range(level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is_natural(msg_level, n = 1) && is_in_range(msg_level, min = 1, max = 10) ||
    stop("'msg_level' must be an integer between 1 and 10")
  is.null(msg_types) || is.character(msg_types) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be NULL or a character vector")
  all(is_in(msg_types, c("INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"))) ||
    stop("'msg_types' must be either 'INFO', 'WARNING' or 'ERROR'")
  is_character(log_path, n = 1) ||
    stop("'log_path' must be a character vector of length 1")

  if (!is_token(x)) {
    prefix <- ""
    if (sys.nframe() > 1) {
      calling_function <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]][[1]])
      prefix <- paste0("In ", calling_function, "(): ")

    msg <- paste0(
      "'", deparse(substitute(x)),
      "' must be a SHA or a Token object"

      level     = level,
      msg_level = msg_level,
      msg_types = msg_types,
      log_path  = log_path


# FUNCTION: try_dir_delete -----------------------------------------------------
# Try to delete a directory
# @param path (character) The path to the directory
try_dir_delete <- function(path) {
    error = function(e) info(e$message)

# FUNCTION: try_file_delete ----------------------------------------------------
# Try to delete a file
# @param path (character) The path to the file
try_file_delete <- function(path) {
    error = function(e) info(e$message)

# FUNCTION: random_color -------------------------------------------------------
# Select a color at random
# @return A color name sampled from [grDevices::colors()]
random_color <- function() {
  sample(grDevices::colors(), 1)

# FUNCTION: as.datetime --------------------------------------------------------
# convert a vector into a date time (POSIXct) vector
# @param x (any) The vector to convert
# @return A `POSIXct` vector
as.datetime <- function(x) {
  as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz = "UTC") %>%
    format(tz = "") %>%

# FUNCTION: property_names -----------------------------------------------------
# Construct property names
# If names have been specified then they are used, otherwise concatenate the
# property vector
# @param properties (list) A list of properties
# @return A character vector of names
property_names <- function(properties) {
  names <- map_chr(properties, str_c, collapse = "_")

  if (!is_null(names(properties))) {
    for (property in seq_along(properties)) {
      if (!identical(names(properties)[[property]], "")) {
        names[[property]] <- names(properties)[[property]]


# FUNCTION: select_properties --------------------------------------------------
# Select properties from an entity
# @param entity (list) An entity with properties
# @param properties (list) A single list of properties to extract
# @return A list of properties
select_properties <- function(entity, properties) {
  is_null(entity) || assert_list(entity)
  assert_list(properties) && assert_length(properties, n_min = 1)

  conversions <- map_chr(properties, ~ .["as"])
  properties  <- properties %>%
    map(function(p) if (is_null(names(p))) p else p[names(p) != "as"]) %>%

  if (is_null(entity) || identical(length(entity), 0L)) {
    selected_properties <- map(properties, ~ logical())
  else {
    selected_properties <- map(
      ~ pluck(.x = entity, !!!., .default = NA)

  map2(selected_properties, conversions, function(prop, conv) {
    if (is_na(conv)) prop else exec(str_c("as.", conv), prop)
  }) %>%
      class   = c("github", class(.)),
      url     = attr(entity, "url"),
      request = attr(entity, "request"),
      status  = attr(entity, "status"),
      header  = attr(entity, "header")

# FUNCTION: bind_properties ----------------------------------------------------
# Bind properties from a collection of entities into a tibble
# @param collection (list) A collection of entities with common properties
# @param properties (list) A single list of properties to extract
# @return A tibble with properties as columns and a row for each entity
bind_properties <- function(collection, properties) {
  assert_list(properties) && assert_length(properties, n_min = 1)

  conversions <- map_chr(properties, ~ .["as"])
  properties  <- properties %>%
    map(function(p) if (is_null(names(p))) p else p[names(p) != "as"]) %>%

  if (identical(length(collection), 0L)) {
    selected_properties <- map_dfc(properties, ~ logical())
  else {
    selected_properties <- map_dfr(collection, function(entity) {
      map(properties, ~ pluck(.x = entity, !!!., .default = NA))

  map2(selected_properties, conversions, function(prop, conv) {
    if (is_na(conv)) prop else exec(str_c("as.", conv), prop)
  }) %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
      class   = c("github", class(.)),
      url     = attr(collection, "url"),
      request = attr(collection, "request"),
      status  = attr(collection, "status"),
      header  = attr(collection, "header")

# FUNCTION: modify_list --------------------------------------------------------
# Modify a list
# This function can add elements before or after existing elements or replaces
# them.
# @param .x (list) The list to modify
# @param ... (any) The elements to add or modify
# @param .before (string) The element to add the new one(s) before
# @param .after (string) The element to add the new one(s) after
# @return A list with specified modifications
modify_list <- function(
) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (!is_missing_or_null(.before)) {
    x <- prepend(.x, dots, before = which(names(.x) == .before))
  else if (!is_missing_or_null(.after)) {
    x <- append(.x, dots, after = which(names(.x) == .after))
  else {
    x <- utils::modifyList(.x, dots)

    class   = class(.x),
    url     = attr(.x, "url"),
    request = attr(.x, "request"),
    status  = attr(.x, "status"),
    header  = attr(.x, "header")
ChadGoymer/githapi documentation built on Oct. 22, 2021, 10:56 a.m.