
Defines functions browse_organization view_organization view_organizations update_organization

Documented in browse_organization update_organization view_organization view_organizations

#  FUNCTION: update_organization -----------------------------------------------
#' Update an organization's properties in GitHub
#' This function updates an organization's properties in GitHub. You can only
#' update an organization if you have the appropriate permissions.
#' For more details see the GitHub API documentation:
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/orgs#update-an-organization>
#' @param org (string) The login of the organization.
#' @param name (string, optional) The shorthand name of the company.
#' @param description (string, optional) The description of the company.
#' @param email (string, optional) The publicly visible email address.
#' @param location (string, optional) The location.
#' @param company (string, optional) The company name.
#' @param billing_email (string, optional) Billing email address. This address
#'   is not publicized.
#' @param has_organization_projects (boolean, optional) Toggles whether an
#'   organization can use organization projects.
#' @param has_repository_projects (boolean, optional) Toggles whether
#'   repositories that belong to the organization can use repository projects.
#' @param default_repository_permission (string, optional) Default permission
#'   level members have for organization repositories:
#'   - `"read"`: can pull, but not push to or administer this repository.
#'   - `"write"`: can pull and push, but not administer this repository.
#'   - `"admin"`: can pull, push, and administer this repository.
#'   - `"none"`: no permissions granted by default.
#'   Default: `"read"`.
#' @param members_can_create_repositories (boolean, optional) Toggles the
#'   ability of non-admin organization members to create repositories. Can be
#'   one of:
#'   - `TRUE`: all organization members can create repositories.
#'   - `FALSE`: only organization owners can create repositories.
#'   Default: `TRUE`. Note: A parameter can override this parameter. See
#'   `members_allowed_repository_creation_type` for details.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_request()].
#' @return `update_organization()` returns a list of the organization's
#'   properties.
#' **Organization Properties:**
#' - **id**: The ID of the organization.
#' - **login**: The login name of the organization.
#' - **name**: The name of the organization.
#' - **description**: The description of the organization.
#' - **company**: The name of the associated company.
#' - **blog**: The address for a blog.
#' - **location**: The geographical location.
#' - **email**: The email address for the organization.
#' - **is_verified**: Whether the organization has been verified.
#' - **has_organization_projects**: Whether the organization can have projects.
#' - **has_repository_projects**: Whether the organization's repositories can
#'   have projects.
#' - **public_repos**: The number of public repositories.
#' - **public_gists**: The number of public gists.
#' - **html_url**: The address for the organization's GitHub web page.
#' - **created_at**: When the organization was created.
#' - **total_private_repos**: The number of private repositories.
#' - **owned_private_repos**:  The number of owned private repositories.
#' - **private_gists**:  The number of private gists.
#' - **disk_usage**:  The total disk usage for the organization.
#' - **collaborators**: The number of collaborators.
#' - **billing_email**: The email address for billing.
#' - **plan_name**: The name of the GitHub plan.
#' - **plan_space**: The total space allocated for the plan.
#' - **plan_private_repos**: The number of private repositories for the plan.
#' - **default_repository_settings**: The default access for new repositories.
#' - **two_factor_requirement_enabled**: Whether members require two-factor
#'   authentication.
#' - **members_can_create_repositories**: Whether members can create
#'   repositories.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Update some of your organization properties
#'   update_organization(
#'     org                             = "HairyCoos",
#'     description                     = "We are the Hairy Coos!",
#'     location                        = "The Highlands",
#'     default_repository_permission   = "write",
#'     members_can_create_repositories = FALSE
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
update_organization <- function(
) {
  payload <- list()

  if (!is_missing_or_null(name)) {
    assert_character(name, n = 1)
    payload$name <- name

  if (!is_missing_or_null(description)) {
    assert_character(description, n = 1)
    payload$description <- description

  if (!is_missing_or_null(email)) {
    assert_character(email, n = 1)
    payload$email <- email

  if (!is_missing_or_null(location)) {
    assert_character(location, n = 1)
    payload$location <- location

  if (!is_missing_or_null(company)) {
    assert_character(company, n = 1)
    payload$company <- company

  if (!is_missing_or_null(billing_email)) {
    assert_character(billing_email, n = 1)
    payload$billing_email <- billing_email

  if (!is_missing_or_null(has_organization_projects)) {
    assert_logical(has_organization_projects, n = 1)
    payload$has_organization_projects <- has_organization_projects

  if (!is_missing_or_null(has_repository_projects)) {
    assert_logical(has_repository_projects, n = 1)
    payload$has_repository_projects <- has_repository_projects

  if (!is_missing_or_null(default_repository_permission)) {
    assert_character(default_repository_permission, n = 1)
    payload$default_repository_permission <- default_repository_permission

  if (!is_missing_or_null(members_can_create_repositories)) {
    assert_logical(members_can_create_repositories, n = 1)
    payload$members_can_create_repositories <- members_can_create_repositories

  info("Updating organization")
  org_lst <- gh_url("orgs", org) %>%
    gh_request("PATCH", payload = payload, ...)

  info("Transforming results", level = 4)
  org_gh <- select_properties(org_lst, properties$organization)

  info("Done", level = 7)

#  FUNCTION: view_organizations ------------------------------------------------
#' View organizations in GitHub
#' `view_organizations()` summarises organizations in a table with the
#' properties as columns and a row for each organization. `view_organization()`
#' returns a list of all properties for a single organization.
#' `browse_organization()` opens the web page for the organization in the
#' default browser.
#' You can summarise all the organizations a user is a member of by specifying
#' the user login, or the authenticated user if it is set to `NULL`. If a user
#' is not supplied the first `n_max` organizations of GitHub are returned.
#' For more details see the GitHub API documentation:
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/orgs#list-organizations-for-a-user>
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/orgs#list-organizations-for-the-authenticated-user>
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/orgs#list-organizations>
#' - <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/orgs#get-an-organization>
#' @param org (string) The login of the organization.
#' @param user (string, optional) The login of the user. If `NULL` the
#'   authenticated user is used.
#' @param n_max (integer, optional) Maximum number to return. Default: `1000`.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to [gh_page()] or [gh_request()].
#' @return `view_organizations()` returns a tibble of organization properties.
#'   `view_organization()` returns a list of properties for a single
#'   organization. `browse_organization()` opens the default browser on the
#'   organization's page and returns the URL.
#' **Organization Properties:**
#' - **id**: The ID of the organization.
#' - **login**: The login name of the organization.
#' - **description**: The description of the organization.
#' The following are only returned using `view_organization()`:
#' - **name**: The name of the organization.
#' - **company**: The name of the associated company.
#' - **blog**: The address for a blog.
#' - **location**: The geographical location.
#' - **email**: The email address for the organization.
#' - **is_verified**: Whether the organization has been verified.
#' - **has_organization_projects**: Whether the organization can have projects.
#' - **has_repository_projects**: Whether the organization's repositories can
#'   have projects.
#' - **public_repos**: The number of public repositories.
#' - **public_gists**: The number of public gists.
#' - **html_url**: The address for the organization's GitHub web page.
#' - **created_at**: When the organization was created.
#' - **total_private_repos**: The number of private repositories.
#' - **owned_private_repos**:  The number of owned private repositories.
#' - **private_gists**:  The number of private gists.
#' - **disk_usage**:  The total disk usage for the organization.
#' - **collaborators**: The number of collaborators.
#' - **billing_email**: The email address for billing.
#' - **plan_name**: The name of the GitHub plan.
#' - **plan_space**: The total space allocated for the plan.
#' - **plan_private_repos**: The number of private repositories for the plan.
#' - **default_repository_permission**: The default access for new repositories.
#' - **two_factor_requirement_enabled**: Whether members require two-factor
#'   authentication.
#' - **members_can_create_repositories**: Whether members can create
#'   repositories.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # View organizations a user is a member of
#'   view_organizations(user = "ChadGoymer")
#'   # View organizations the authenticated user is a member of
#'   view_organizations(user = NULL)
#'   # View all organizations
#'   view_organizations()
#'   # View a single organization in more detail.
#'   view_organization("HairyCoos")
#'   # Browse a organization's GitHub page
#'   browse_organization("HairyCoos")
#' }
#' @export
view_organizations <- function(
  n_max = 1000,
) {
  assert_natural(n_max, n = 1)

  if (!missing(user)) {
    if (is_null(user)) {
      info("Viewing organizations for authenticated user")
      url <- gh_url("user/orgs")
    } else {
      assert_character(user, n = 1)
      info("Viewing organizations for user '", user, "'")
      url <- gh_url("users", user, "orgs")
  } else {
    info("Viewing all organizations")
    url <- gh_url("organizations")

  organizations_lst <- gh_page(url = url, n_max  = n_max, ...)

  info("Transforming results", level = 4)
  organizations_gh <- bind_properties(
    collection = organizations_lst,
    properties = properties$organizations

  info("Done", level = 7)

#  FUNCTION: view_organization -------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname view_organizations
#' @export
view_organization <- function(
) {
  assert_character(org, n = 1)

  info("Viewing organization '", org, "'")
  org_lst <- gh_url("orgs", org) %>%
    gh_request("GET", ...)

  info("Transforming results", level = 4)
  org_gh <- select_properties(org_lst, properties$organization)

  info("Done", level = 7)

#  FUNCTION: browse_organization -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname view_organizations
#' @export
browse_organization <- function(
) {
  org <- view_organization(org, ...)

  info("Browsing organization '", org$login, "'")

  info("Done", level = 7)
    class   = c("github", "character"),
    url     = attr(org, "url"),
    request = attr(org, "request"),
    status  = attr(org, "status"),
    header  = attr(org, "header")
ChadGoymer/githapi documentation built on Oct. 22, 2021, 10:56 a.m.