
#' Fetch annotations
#' \code{get_basic_annotations} fetch annotations from UCSC hg19 and from Fantom
#' This function is meant to be run only to generate the GRangesList
#' object that will contain the general annotation. It should only be
#' used before building the package. The goal of this function is to
#' fetch the basic annotations from UCSC (genes, exons, TSS, TTR) and
#' enhancers from Fantom.
#' @return A GRangesList object with a GRanges for every basic annotation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' build_basic_annotations()
#' }
build_basic_annotations <- function() {
  txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene

  # 1. Fetch the GRanges objects
  annotations <- list()
  annotations$exons <- GenomicFeatures::exons(txdb)
  transcripts <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb)
  mcols(transcripts)$tx_id <- NULL
  annotations$transcripts <- transcripts
  TSS <- GenomicRanges::promoters(txdb, downstream = 1, upstream = 0)
  mcols(TSS)$tx_id <- NULL
  annotations$TSS <- TSS
  TTR <- annotations$transcripts
  end(TTR[strand(TTR) == "+"]) <- start(TTR[strand(TTR) == "+"])
  start(TTR[strand(TTR) == "-"]) <- end(TTR[strand(TTR) == "-"])
  annotations$TTR <- TTR

  enhancers_url <-
  download.file(enhancers_url, destfile="hg19_enhancer.bed.gz")
  enhancers <- read.table(gzfile("hg19_enhancer.bed.gz"), header=FALSE,
  colnames(enhancers) <- c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "score",
    "strand", "thickStart", "thickEnd", "itemRgb", "blockCount", "blockSizes",
  enhancers$strand <- "*"
  annotations$enhancers <- as(enhancers[,c(1:4,6)], "GRanges")

  # 2. Make sure all metadata fits (names and count must be the same
  #    if we want to group them as a single GRangesList).
  annotations <- lapply(annotations, function(x) { names(mcols(x)) <- "id"; x })

  # 3. Remove circular chromosome (chrM) and clean seqlevels
  annotations <- lapply(annotations, function(x) {
                   x <- x[seqnames(x) != "chrM"]
                   seqlevels(x) <- unique(as.character(seqnames(x)))
  # 4. Build the GRangesList object
  basic_annotations <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(annotations)

  # 5. Save dataset
  save(basic_annotations, file = "data/basic_annotations.rda")
CharlesJB/chipcompare documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:58 a.m.