Air_Patronage | Retrieve the patronage of international flight |
Air_Schedule | Retrieve the schedule of domestic or international airline... |
Bike_OD_His | Retrieve the historical OD data of bike sharing system in... |
Bike_Remain_His | Retrieve the historical availability data of bike sharing... |
Bike_Shape | Retrieve the geometry of cycling path |
Bike_Station | Retrieve the station of bike sharing system |
Bus_Distance | Retrieve the distance between stops of each bus routes |
Business | Retrieve the number of businesses with given month |
Bus_RealTime | Retrieve the detailed information of each bus route |
Bus_Route | Retrieve the detailed information of each bus route |
Bus_RouteFare | Retrieve the route fare of each bus route |
Bus_Schedule | Retrieve the schedule of each bus routes |
Bus_ScheduleEst | Retrieve the estimated schedule time of each bus stops |
Bus_Shape | Retrieve the geometry of bus routes |
Bus_StopOfRoute | Retrieve the stops of each bus routes |
Bus_TravelTime | Retrieve the travel time of each bus routes |
Bus_Vehicle | Retrieve the detailed information of each bus route |
Car_Park | Retrieve the parking lot information and location |
CellularPopulation | Retrieve the population of activity and stay with given month |
Crash | Retrieve the crash data with given month or year |
District_Shape | Retrieve the geometry of district |
Freeway_History | Retrieve the historical data of freeway |
Freeway_Shape | Retrieve the shape of freeway |
Geocoding | Geocoding from address to geometry |
get_token | Retrieve the access token from TDX platform |
gtfs | Retrieve the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) of the... |
Hospital | Retrieve the hospital data with given month |
House_Price | Retrieve the house price with given year and season |
Income | Retrieve the income with given year |
Landuse | Retrieve the landuse data of given month |
Population | Retrieve the demographic data with given month |
Rail_ODFare | Retrieve the fare of each OD pair of railway system |
Rail_Patronage | Retrieve the patronage of railway system. |
Rail_Shape | Retrieve the shape of railway |
Rail_Station | Retrieve the station and geometry of each railway line |
Rail_StationExit | Retrieve the station exits of each railway stations |
Rail_StationOfLine | Retrieve the station and sequence of each railway line |
Rail_TimeTable | Retrieve the timetable of railway system |
Rail_TravelTime | Retrieve the travel time of each OD of railway system |
Road_Network | Retrieve the geometry of road network |
School | Retrieve different level of school in Taiwan |
Ship_Port | Retrieve the location of ports |
Ship_Route | Retrieve the detailed information of each ship route |
Ship_StopOfRoute | Retrieve the sequence of port for each ship route |
Tourism | Retrieve the geometry of tourism |
VehicleOwn | Retrieve the number of registrations for each vehicle type |
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