gtfs: Retrieve the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) of the...

gtfsR Documentation

Retrieve the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) of the specific mode.


General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a standard used information about public transport. It allows public transport agencies to publish data in a specific format that can be consumed by a wide variety of software applications. GTFS consists of two main parts: GTFS Schedule and GTFS Realtime. GTFS Schedule contains information about routes, schedules, fares, and geographic details. GTFS Realtime contains trip updates, vehicle positions, and service alerts. The function is used to download the GTFS data of a specific mode.


gtfs(access_token, mode, county=F, out=F)



Your access token given by TDX platform. This can be derived from the function get_token().


Please fill in a specific mode, Bus, TRA, or THSR. If it is Bus, the argumnent county should be set up to retrieve GTFS data of specific county. If the mode is railway system, the argumnent county is muted.


Please fill in the English county name. Checking out the appropriate county name in dataframe TDX_County. Note that some of cities have no cycling path, please check it out first.


If the result should be exported to the local, please fill in the directory (no need file extension). The default value is FALSE, which does not export the data. All data would be stored as 'txt' file in a directory if they are exported.


The result will be present in a list of dataframe, including agency, calendar, calendar_dates, frequencies, routes, shapes, stop_times, stops, trips.


Maintainer: Chia Jung, Yeh


gtfs_tra=gtfs(access_token, "TRA")

ChiaJung-Yeh/NYCU_TDX documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 7:31 a.m.