Rail_Patronage: Retrieve the patronage of railway system.

Rail_PatronageR Documentation

Retrieve the patronage of railway system.


The function is used to download the patronage data of railway system. This is currently available for Taiwan Railway (TRA), Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR), Taipei MRT (TRTC), Kaoshiung MRT (KRTC), and Tayouan Airport MRT (TYMC)!"


Rail_Patronage(operator, ym, OD, out=F)



Please fill in the operator code of given railway system. Checking out the appropriate operator code in dataframe TDX_Railway. This is currently now only for Taiwan Railway (TRA) and Taipei MRT (TRTC).


The time (year-month) of the data. The format of time should be YYYY-MM. This argument would be deprecated when data across all the time frame are avialable, such as TRA, THSR, TYMC.


If the OD data is required, please specified 'TRUE'; otherwise, the total station patronage will be downloaded. This is currently only available for Taiwan Railway (TRA), Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR), Taipei MRT (TRTC), Kaoshiung MRT (KRTC), and Tayouan Airport MRT (TYMC).


If the result should be exported to the local, please fill in the directory. The default value is FALSE, which does not export the data.


Columns definition of the results are summarized below.

gateIn Station name of inbound.
gateOut Station name of outbound.
gateInComingCnt Total patronage of inbound.
gateOutGoingCnt Total patronage of outbound.


Maintainer: Chia Jung, Yeh chia-jung.yeh@sydney.edu.au


# Download the total patronage data for Taiwan Railway
Rail_Patronage(operator="TRA", ym="2024-01", OD=F)

# Download the OD data for Taipei MRT
Rail_Patronage(operator="TRTC", ym="2024-01", OD=T, out="TRTC_OD.csv")

ChiaJung-Yeh/NYCU_TDX documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 7:31 a.m.