Freeway_Shape: Retrieve the shape of freeway

Freeway_ShapeR Documentation

Retrieve the shape of freeway


The function is used to download the shape of freeway (also includes expressway). There are four types of data, including section, link, gantry, and gantryod. The detailed settings of these arguments, please find the content below. Note that this data is not retrieved from TDX, but from Freeway Bureau, MOTC, and there is no need to use access token. In addition, please note that the etag gantries are only set up in freeway 1, 3, 5, and thus, there is no data on other freeway and expresseay for gantry and gantryod.


Freeway_Shape(geotype, dtype="text", out=F)



Please fill in the geometry type of freeway. The argument includes section, link, gantry, gantryod, and vd. Each of argument is summarised below.

section the section between each adjacent interchanges (LINESTRING)
link the detailed geometry in each section (LINESTRING)
gantry the location of etag gantry (POINT)
gantryod the geometry of each adjacent etag gantries (LINESTRING)
vd the location of vehicle detector (POINT)

The class of data, including text (data frame) and sf (simple feature). The default value is text. Note that most of the geometry type is "LINESTRING", expect for the gantry and vd are "POINT".


If the result should be exported to the local, please fill in the directory. The default value is FALSE, which does not export the data. Note that the directory must contain ".shp" when exporting simple feature. And the directory must contain ".csv" or ".txt" when exporting text file.


Maintainer: Chia Jung, Yeh


Freeway_Shape(geotype="gantryod", dtype="sf", out="./gantryod.shp")

ChiaJung-Yeh/NYCU_TDX documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 7:31 a.m.