Freeway_History: Retrieve the historical data of freeway

Freeway_HistoryR Documentation

Retrieve the historical data of freeway


The function is used to download the historical data of freeway. There are 6 types of data, including M03A, M04A, M05A, M06A, M07A, and M08A. The features of each data is summarized below.

M03A traffic flow of each gantry for each vehicle type (every 5 minutes)
M04A average travel time of each gantry pair for each vehicle type (every 5 minutes)
M05A space mean speed of each gantry pair for each vehicle type (every 5 minutes)
M06A path of gantry for each vehicle pass through (every 1 hour)
M07A average travel distance of each vehicle type for each entering gantry (every 1 hour)
M08A numbers of vehicles of each gantry pair for each vehicle type (every 5 minutes)

The output of the data (for all columns in M03A~M08A) are listed below.

TimeInterval time interval of the data (5 minutes or 1 hour)
DetectionTime_O the time passing through the first gantry for a trip (used in M06A)
DetectionTime_D the time passing through the last gantry for a trip (used in M06A)
GantryID the gantry ID, please refer to the gantry data from Freeway_Shape{geotype="gantry"}
GantryID_O the gantry ID passing through the first gantry for a trip (used in M06A)
GantryID_D the gantry ID passing through the last gantry for a trip (used in M06A)
GantryFrom the gantry ID of upstream
GantryTo the gantry ID of downstream
Direction N stands for North; S stands for South
VehicleType 31 stands for passenger car; 32 stands for light truck; 41 stands for bus; 42 stands for truck; 5 stands for tractor-trailer
Flow the traffic flow the gantry or the gantry pair
TravelTime the average travel time of the gantry pair (used in M04A)
TripLength the travel distance of the trip (used in M06A)
TripDistance the average travel distance of the gantry pair (used in M07A)
TripEnd whether the trip is ended (used in M06A)
TripInformation all gantry IDs that a trip passing through (used in M06A)

Please check out here for the detailed description of each data.


Freeway_History(file, date, out=F)



M03A, M04A, M05A, M06A, M07A, and M08A.


The date to retrieve. The format of date should be YYYY/MM/DD.


If the result should be exported to the local, please fill in the directory. The default value is FALSE, which does not export the data. The directory must contain ".csv" or ".txt" when exporting the file.


Maintainer: Chia Jung, Yeh


Freeway_History(file="M03A", date="2022-01-01")
Freeway_History(file="M05A", date="2018-01-01", out="./M05A_2018-01-01.csv")

ChiaJung-Yeh/NYCU_TDX documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 7:31 a.m.