Air_Patronage: Retrieve the patronage of international flight

Air_PatronageR Documentation

Retrieve the patronage of international flight


The function is used to retrieve the patronage of domestic and international (including cross-strait) flight for each airline in Taiwan.


Air_Patronage(ym, domestic=F, out=F)



The time (year-month) of the data. The format of time should be YYYY-MM. The data is only available for year after 2009 for international flight, while after 2000 for domestic flight. Note that this argument will be deprecated if requesting for the international flight data (domestic=F), and all months of data in that year will be retrieved.


Specify either domestic or international flight patronage data. Default to 'FALSE', which means international flight.


If the result should be exported to the local, please fill in the directory. The default value is FALSE, which does not export the data.


Meanings of prefix of the column name are summarised below.

Flight Number of flights for each airline.
Seat Total seats available for each airline.
Patronage Patroange for each airline.
LoadFactor The ratio of patroange to total seats provided.

Meanings of suffix of the column name are summarised below.

Total The summation of departure and arrival.
Departure The outbound trips.
Arrival The inbound trips.


Maintainer: Chia Jung, Yeh


# Retrieve the patronage for international flight in a specific month

# Retrieve the patronage for domestic flight in a specific month
# Note that all data within 2024 will be retrieved
Air_Patronage(ym="2024-12", domestic=T, out="Domestic_Flight_2024")

ChiaJung-Yeh/NYCU_TDX documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 7:31 a.m.