#' Edited XCMS fillPeaksChromPar for feature-wise warping functions
#' This function is edited from \code{fillPeaksChromPar} in
#' \code{\link[xcms]{fillPeaks.chrom-methods}} to accept feature-wise warping
#' functions.
#' @param arg A list sent from \code{\link[xcms]{fillPeaks.chrom-methods}}.
#' @details This function is for parallelly filling missing peaks with
#' feature-wise warping functions. The original function in
#' \code{\link[xcms]{fillPeaks.chrom-methods}} can only handle sample-wise
#' warping functions.
#' @return A list of sameple index vector and filled peak matrix.
fillPeaksChromPar <- function(arg) {
suppressMessages(requireNamespace("xcms", quietly=TRUE))
suppressMessages(requireNamespace("ncGTW", quietly=TRUE))
message('This is edited from XCMS (fillPeaksChromPar).....')
params <- arg$params
myID <- arg$id
prof <- params$prof
rtcor <- params$rtcor
peakrange <- params$peakrange
expand.mz <- params$expand.mz
expand.rt <- params$expand.rt
gvals <- params$gvals$gvals
lcraw <- xcmsRaw(arg$file, profmethod=params$prof$method, profstep=0)
if (length(params$dataCorrection) > 1) {
## Note: dataCorrection (as set in the xcmsSet function) is either
## 1 for all or for none.
if (any(params$dataCorrection == 1))
lcraw <- stitch(lcraw, AutoLockMass(lcraw))
if (exists("params$polarity") && length(params$polarity) > 0) {
if (length(params$polarity) > 0) {
## Retain wanted polarity only
lcraws <- split(lcraw, lcraw@polarity, DROP=TRUE)
lcraw <- lcraws[[params$polarity]]
if (!is.list(rtcor))
rtcor <- list(rtcor)
lcraw@profparam <- rtcor
## Expanding the peakrange
incrMz <- (peakrange[, "mzmax"] - peakrange[, "mzmin"]) / 2 * (expand.mz -1)
peakrange[, "mzmax"] <- peakrange[, "mzmax"] + incrMz
peakrange[, "mzmin"] <- peakrange[, "mzmin"] - incrMz
incrRt <- (peakrange[, "rtmax"] - peakrange[, "rtmin"]) / 2 * (expand.rt -1)
peakrange[, "rtmax"] <- peakrange[, "rtmax"] + incrRt
peakrange[, "rtmin"] <- peakrange[, "rtmin"] - incrRt
naidx <- which(is.na(gvals[,myID]))
newpeaks <- getPeaksncGTW(lcraw, peakrange[naidx, , drop=FALSE],
step=prof$step, naidx)
list(myID=myID, newpeaks=cbind(newpeaks, sample=myID))
#' Edited XCMS getPeaks for feature-wise warping functions
#' This function is edited from \code{\link[xcms]{getPeaks-methods}} to accept
#' feature-wise warping functions.
#' @param object An \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw-class}} object.
#' @param peakrange \code{matrix} with 4 required columns \code{"mzmin"},
#' \code{"mzmax"}, \code{"rtmin"} and \code{"rtmax"}.
#' @param step \code{numeric(1)} defining the bin size for the profile matrix
#' generation.
#' @param naidx A vector contains the sample indexes need to be filled.
#' @details This function is for parallelly filling missing peaks with
#' feature-wise warping functions. The original code function in
#' \code{\link[xcms]{getPeaks-methods}} can only handle sample-wise warping
#' functions.
#' @return A list of sameple index vector and filled peak matrix.
getPeaksncGTW <- function(object, peakrange, step=0.1, naidx) {
suppressMessages(requireNamespace("xcms", quietly=TRUE))
message('ncGTW fillpeaks')
## Here we're avoiding the profFun call.
if (all(c("mzmin","mzmax","rtmin","rtmax") %in% colnames(peakrange)))
peakrange <- peakrange[,c("mzmin","mzmax","rtmin","rtmax"), drop=FALSE]
stime <- object@profparam
pi <- profinfo(object)
method <- pi$method
if (missing(step))
step <- pi$step
if (step == 0)
step <- 0.1
baselevel <- pi$baselevel
basespace <- pi$basespace
vps <- diff(c(object@scanindex, length(object@env$mz)))
message("method_new: ", method, " ")
message("step: ", step)
## Create the profile matrix:
pMat <- xcms:::.createProfileMatrix(mz = object@env$mz,
int = object@env$intensity,
valsPerSpect = vps,
method = method,
step = step,
baselevel = baselevel,
basespace = basespace,
returnBreaks = TRUE,
baseValue = 0,
mzrange. = NULL)
brks <- pMat$breaks
pMat <- pMat$profMat ## rows are masses, cols are retention times/scans.
bin_size <- diff(brks[c(1,2)])
bin_half <- bin_size / 2
## Calculate the mean mass per bin using the breaks used for the binning.
## Note: these define the real mass breaks as they have been used for the
## binning. Simply using seq(floor...) as in the original code is wrong
## because the mass bins are calculated wrongly. The bin size is != step,
## bin size is marginally smaller and, for larger mz the correct mass
## bin will be wrongly identified.
mass <- brks[-length(brks)] + bin_half ## midpoint for the breaks
mass_range <- range(mass)
## Prepare the result matrix.
cnames <- c("mz", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rt", "rtmin", "rtmax", "into", "maxo")
rmat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(peakrange), ncol = length(cnames))
colnames(rmat) <- cnames
for (i in order(peakrange[, 1])) {
if (length(stime) == 1) {
stime_temp <- stime[[1]]
} else {
message("Feature-wise warpping function:", naidx[i])
stime_temp <- stime[[naidx[i]]]
imz <- xcms:::findRange(mass, c(peakrange[i, 1] - bin_half,
peakrange[i, 2] + bin_half), TRUE)
iret <- xcms:::findRange(stime_temp, peakrange[i, 3:4], TRUE)
idx_imz <- imz[1]:imz[2]
idx_iret <- iret[1]:iret[2]
## Extract the intensity matrix for the mz-rt range: rows are mz, cols
## rt values.
ymat <- pMat[idx_imz, idx_iret, drop = FALSE]
## Define the maximum intensity, is one value per mz.
ymax <- xcms:::colMax(ymat)
iymax <- which.max(ymax)
## The width in rt.
pwid <- diff(stime_temp[iret])/diff(iret)
## Calculate sum across rt. For each mz we get one value.
rosm <- rowSums(ymat)
limz <- length(idx_imz)
if (length(rosm) != limz) { ## that happens for some reason
warning("weighted.mean : x and w must have the same length \n")
rosm <- rep(1, limz) ## fallback to mean
## mean mz:
rmat[i, 1] <- weighted.mean(mass[idx_imz], rosm) ## mz; its not the
## position of the largest intensity!
if (is.nan(rmat[i,1]) || is.na(rmat[i,1])) ## R2.11 : weighted.mean()
## results in NA (not NaN) for zero weights
rmat[i, 1] <- mean(peakrange[i, c(1,2)])
rmat[i, 2:3] <- peakrange[i, c(1,2)] ## mzmin, mzmax
rmat[i, 4] <- stime_temp[idx_iret][iymax] ## rt
rmat[i, 5:6] <- peakrange[i, c(3,4)] ## rtmin, rtmax
if (peakrange[i, 3] < stime_temp[1] ||
peakrange[i, 4] > stime_temp[length(stime_temp)] ||
is.nan(pwid)) {
warning("getPeaks: Peak m/z:", peakrange[i, 1], "-",
peakrange[i, 2], ", RT:", peakrange[i, 3], "-",
peakrange[i, 4], "is out of retention time range for ",
"this sample (", object@filepath,
"), using zero intensity value.\n")
rmat[i, 7:8] <- 0
} else {
rmat[i, 7] <- pwid * sum(ymax) ## into
rmat[i, 8] <- ymax[iymax] ## maxo
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