# Extract data corrected for unwanted variation
# Only to be used for visualisation!
getAdj <- function(Y, fit){
if (is.data.frame(Y))
Y <- data.matrix(Y)
if (mode(Y) != "numeric")
stop("'Y' must be a numeric matrix.")
Y <- t(Y)
W <- fit$W
alpha <- fit$alpha
Ya <- Y - W %*% alpha
# Get Illumina negative control data
getINCs <- function(rgSet){
ctrls = getProbeInfo(rgSet, type = "Control")
M.Neg = getGreen(rgSet)[ctrls$Address[ctrls$Type == "NEGATIVE"], ]
U.Neg = getRed(rgSet)[ctrls$Address[ctrls$Type == "NEGATIVE"], ]
M.Neg[M.Neg == 0] = min(M.Neg[M.Neg != 0])
U.Neg[U.Neg == 0] = min(U.Neg[U.Neg != 0])
# # Perform linear model fit using RUV
# RUVfit.old <- function(data, design, coef=ncol(design), ctl,
# method=c("inv", "rinv", "ruv4", "ruv2"), k = NULL, ...){
# method <- match.arg(method)
# if ((method %in% c("ruv4", "ruv2")) & is.null(k))
# stop("'k' cannot be NULL if method is 'ruv4' or 'ruv2'.")
# design <- as.matrix(design)
# if (mode(design) != "numeric")
# stop("'design' must be a numeric matrix.")
# if (mode(coef) != "numeric")
# stop("'coef' must be an integer or numeric vector.")
# if (coef < 1 | coef > ncol(design))
# stop("'coef' can only contain values >= 1 or <= ncol 'design'.")
# if (mode(ctl) != "logical")
# stop("'ctl' must be a logical vector.")
# X <- as.matrix(design[, coef])
# Z <- as.matrix(design[, -coef])
# Y <- as.matrix(data)
# if (mode(Y) != "numeric")
# stop("'data' must be a numeric matrix.")
# Y <- t(Y)
# fit <- switch(method,
# inv = RUVinv(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, Z = Z, ...),
# rinv = RUVrinv(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, Z = Z, k = k, ...),
# ruv4 = RUV4(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = k, Z = Z, ...),
# ruv2 = RUV2(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = k, Z = Z, ...))
# return(.toMArrayLM(fit))
# }
# Perform linear model fit using RUV
RUVfit <- function(Y, X, ctl, Z = 1, k = NULL,
method=c("inv", "rinv", "ruv4", "ruv2"), ...){
method <- match.arg(method)
if ((method %in% c("ruv4", "ruv2")) & is.null(k))
stop("'k' cannot be NULL if method is 'ruv4' or 'ruv2'.")
if (mode(ctl) != "logical")
stop("'ctl' must be a logical vector.")
if (is.data.frame(Y))
Y <- data.matrix(Y)
if (mode(Y) != "numeric")
stop("'Y' must be a numeric matrix.")
Y <- t(Y)
fit <- switch(method,
inv = RUVinv(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, Z = Z, ...),
rinv = RUVrinv(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, Z = Z, k = k, ...),
ruv4 = RUV4(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = k, Z = Z, ...),
ruv2 = RUV2(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = k, Z = Z, ...))
# Calculate rescaled variances, empirical variances, etc.
# For use with RUV model fits.
RUVadj <- function(Y, fit, var.type=c("ebayes", "standard", "pooled"),
p.type=c("standard", "rsvar", "evar"), cpginfo=NULL, ...){
if (is.data.frame(Y))
Y <- data.matrix(Y)
if (mode(Y) != "numeric")
stop("'Y' must be a numeric matrix.")
Y <- t(Y)
var.type <- match.arg(var.type)
p.type <- match.arg(p.type)
fitsum <- ruv_summary(Y, fit, colinfo=cpginfo, var.type=var.type, p.type=p.type, ...)
# .toMArrayLM <- function(fit){
# obj <- new("MArrayLM")
# obj$coefficients <- t(fit$betahat)
# obj$sigma2 <- fit$sigma2
# obj$tvals <- fit$tvals
# obj$pvals <- fit$pvals
# obj$multiplier <- fit$multiplier
# obj$df <- fit$df
# obj$W <- t(fit$W)
# obj$alpha <- t(fit$alpha)
# obj$byx <- t(fit$byx)
# obj$bwx <- t(fit$bwx)
# obj$X <- fit$X
# obj$k <- fit$k
# obj$ctl <- fit$ctl
# obj$Z <- fit$Z
# obj$fullW0 <- t(fit$fullW0)
# obj$lambda <- fit$lambda
# obj$t <- t(fit$t)
# obj$p <- t(fit$p)
# slots <- attributes(fit)$names
# if ("p.rsvar" %in% slots)
# obj$p.rsvar <- t(fit$p.rsvar)
# if ("p.evar" %in% slots)
# obj$p.evar <- t(fit$p.evar)
# if ("p.ebayes" %in% slots)
# obj$p.ebayes <- t(fit$p.ebayes)
# if ("p.rsvar.ebayes" %in% slots)
# obj$p.rsvar.ebayes <- t(fit$p.rsvar.ebayes)
# if ("p.BH" %in% slots)
# obj$p.BH <- t(fit$p.BH)
# if ("p.rsvar.BH" %in% slots)
# obj$p.rsvar.BH <- t(fit$p.rsvar.BH)
# if ("p.evar.BH" %in% slots)
# obj$p.evar.BH <- t(fit$p.evar.BH)
# if ("p.ebayes.BH" %in% slots)
# obj$p.ebayes.BH <- t(fit$p.ebayes.BH)
# if ("p.rsvar.ebayes.BH" %in% slots)
# obj$p.rsvar.ebayes.BH <- t(fit$p.rsvar.ebayes.BH)
# obj
# }
# .toList <- function(fit){
# obj <- list()
# obj$betahat <- t(fit$coefficients)
# obj$sigma2 <- fit$sigma2
# obj$tvals <- fit$tvals
# obj$pvals <- fit$pvals
# obj$multiplier <- fit$multiplier
# obj$df <- fit$df
# obj$W <- t(fit$W)
# obj$alpha <- t(fit$alpha)
# obj$byx <- t(fit$byx)
# obj$bwx <- t(fit$bwx)
# obj$X <- fit$X
# obj$k <- fit$k
# obj$ctl <- fit$ctl
# obj$Z <- fit$Z
# obj$fullW0 <- t(fit$fullW0)
# obj$lambda <- fit$lambda
# obj$t <- t(fit$t)
# obj$p <- t(fit$p)
# obj
# }
# Calculate rescaled variances, empirical variances, etc.
# For use with RUV model fits.
# RUVadj.old <- function(fit, ebayes = TRUE, evar = FALSE, rsvar = FALSE, ...){
# fit <- variance_adjust(fit = .toList(fit), ebayes = ebayes, evar = evar,
# rsvar = rsvar, ...)
# return(.toMArrayLM(fit))
# }
topRUV <- function (fitsum, number = 10, sort.by = c("p","F.p"), p.BH = 1){
tab <- fitsum$C
if (p.BH < 1) {
sig <- (tab[,grepl("p.BH_", colnames(tab))] < p.BH)
if (any(is.na(sig)))
sig[is.na(sig)] <- FALSE
if (all(!sig))
tab <- tab[sig,]
sort.by <- match.arg(sort.by)
ord <- switch(sort.by, p = order(tab[,grepl("p_", colnames(tab))],
decreasing = FALSE),
F.p = order(tab$F.p, decreasing=FALSE))
if (nrow(tab) < number)
number <- nrow(tab)
if (number < 1)
top <- ord[1:number]
# topRUV.old <- function (fit, number = 10, p.value.cut = 1,
# cut.on = c("p.ebayes.BH","p.BH","p.rsvar.BH",
# "p.evar.BH","p.rsvar.ebayes.BH"),
# sort.by = c("p.ebayes.BH","p.BH","p.rsvar.BH",
# "p.evar.BH","p.rsvar.ebayes.BH")){
# coefficients <- fit$coefficients
# t <- fit$t
# p <- fit$p
# ID <- rownames(coefficients)
# p.rsvar <- NULL
# p.evar <- NULL
# p.ebayes <- NULL
# p.rsvar.ebayes <- NULL
# p.BH <- NULL
# p.rsvar.BH <- NULL
# p.evar.BH <- NULL
# p.ebayes.BH <- NULL
# p.rsvar.ebayes.BH <- NULL
# slots <- attributes(fit)$names
# if ("p.rsvar" %in% slots)
# p.rsvar <- fit$p.rsvar
# if ("p.evar" %in% slots)
# p.evar <- fit$p.evar
# if ("p.ebayes" %in% slots)
# p.ebayes <- fit$p.ebayes
# if ("p.rsvar.ebayes" %in% slots)
# p.rsvar.ebayes <- fit$p.rsvar.ebayes
# if ("p.BH" %in% slots)
# p.BH <- fit$p.BH
# if ("p.rsvar.BH" %in% slots)
# p.rsvar.BH <- fit$p.rsvar.BH
# if ("p.evar.BH" %in% slots)
# p.evar.BH <- fit$p.evar.BH
# if ("p.ebayes.BH" %in% slots)
# p.ebayes.BH <- fit$p.ebayes.BH
# if ("p.rsvar.ebayes.BH" %in% slots)
# p.rsvar.ebayes.BH <- fit$p.rsvar.ebayes.BH
# tab <- data.frame(row.names = ID, coefficients = coefficients, t = t, p = p,
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.BH))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.BH = p.BH, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.rsvar))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.rsvar = p.rsvar, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.rsvar.BH))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.rsvar.BH = p.rsvar.BH, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.evar))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.evar = p.evar, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.evar.BH))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.evar.BH = p.evar.BH, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.rsvar.ebayes))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.rsvar.ebayes = p.rsvar.ebayes,
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.rsvar.ebayes.BH))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.rsvar.ebayes.BH = p.rsvar.ebayes.BH,
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.ebayes))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.ebayes = p.ebayes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# check.names=FALSE)
# if (!is.null(p.ebayes.BH))
# tab <- data.frame(tab, p.ebayes.BH = p.ebayes.BH, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# check.names=FALSE)
# if (p.value.cut < 1) {
# cut.on <- match.arg(cut.on)
# if (!(cut.on %in% slots))
# cat(sprintf("Cannot threshold on '%s' because it is not in the 'fit' object.",
# cut.on))
# adj.p.value <- get(cut.on, fit)
# sig <- (adj.p.value < p.value.cut)
# if (any(is.na(sig)))
# sig[is.na(sig)] <- FALSE
# if (all(!sig))
# return(data.frame())
# tab <- tab[sig,]
# }
# sort.by <- match.arg(sort.by)
# if (!(sort.by %in% slots))
# stop(sprintf("Cannot sort by '%s' because it is not in the 'fit' object.",
# sort.by))
# ord <- switch(sort.by, p.ebayes.BH = order(tab$p.ebayes.BH, tab$p.ebayes,
# decreasing = FALSE),
# p.BH = order(tab$p.BH, tab$p, decreasing=FALSE),
# p.rsvar.BH = order(tab$p.rsvar.BH, tab$p.rsvar,
# decreasing=FALSE),
# p.evar.BH = order(tab$p.evar.BH, tab$p.evar,
# decreasing=FALSE),
# p.rsvar.ebayes.BH = order(tab$p.rsvar.ebayes.BH,
# tab$p.rsvar.ebayes, decreasing=FALSE))
# if (nrow(tab) < number)
# number <- nrow(tab)
# if (number < 1)
# return(data.frame())
# top <- ord[1:number]
# tab[top,]
# }
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