
#### analyze the results from the distance distribution ####
# setup

rm(list = ls())




# get data

load(file = 'distdist2.RData')
results2 = copy(results)
load(file = 'distdist.RData')

results = rbindlist(list(results,results2))


# for a range of alpha and c and n and k test whether the histogram test based on n,k,c has size alpha:

alpha_vec = c(0.05,0.1,0.33)

c_vec = seq(0.1,0.4,by = 0.05)

n_vec = results[,unique(nn)]
k_vec = results[,unique(kk)]

c_alpha_dt = k = k_vec, n = n_vec, c = c_vec, alpha = alpha_vec))

for(cc in c_vec)
  for(aa in alpha_vec)
    print(paste0('c = ',cc,', alpha = ',aa))
    for(nnn in  n_vec)
      for(kkk in k_vec)
        prob_dist_above_c = 1 - results[kk == kkk & nn == nnn][min(which(dist >= cc)),cdf]
        c_alpha_dt[k == kkk & n == nnn & c == cc & alpha == aa, level_alpha := (aa >= prob_dist_above_c)]

c_alpha_dt[(level_alpha), max_k := max(k),by = .(n,c,alpha)]

###  plot k_opt as function of n ###

for(aa in  alpha_vec)
  pp = ggplot(data = c_alpha_dt[! & alpha == aa],aes(y = max_k,x = n,color = factor(c),linetype = factor(c),shape = factor(c),alpha = 0.75)) + geom_line() + geom_point(size = 2)

  pp = pp +ggtitle(paste0('alpha = ',aa))



# for a range of alpha, c and k find the min n such that k_opt(n) = k

min_n_dt = = k_vec,c = c_vec,alpha = alpha_vec))

for(aa in alpha_vec)
  for(cc in c_vec)
    for(kk in 2: 12)
      c_alpha_new = c_alpha_dt[(level_alpha),][k == kk & abs(c-cc) < 1e-8 & abs(aa-alpha) < 1e-8,]
      if(c_alpha_new[,.N] > 0)
        min_n = c_alpha_new[,min(n)]
        min_n_dt[k == kk &  abs(c - cc) < 1e-8 & abs(alpha - aa) < 1e-8, n := min_n]

# checkout results:

# %in% with tolerance that takes vectors test and reference and returns a logical vector of length test:

intol = function(test,reference,tol = 1e-8)
  temp = function(x){sum(abs(x - reference) < tol) > 0}
  return(unlist(lapply(test,FUN = temp)))

min_n_dt[!][intol(c,c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4))][ intol(alpha,0.05)]

###  plot n_min as function of k ###

c_sel = c(0.2,0.3,0.4)

for(aa in  alpha_vec)
  pp = ggplot(data = min_n_dt[! & alpha == aa & intol(c,c_sel)],aes(y = n,x = k,color = factor(c),linetype = factor(c),shape = factor(c))) + geom_line() + geom_point(size = 1)

  pp = pp +ggtitle(paste0('alpha = ',aa))



selected_k = c(2:6,8,10,12)

aa = 0.05

min_n_dt[! & k %in% selected_k & intol(c,  c(0.2,0.3,0.4)) & alpha  == aa]

# The following plots show why we're jumping back down every now and then: The cdfs are discontinuous and since the support varies of Dist(H_k) varies in n and k they jump at different times.

plot(results[nn %in% 12 & kk %in% 2,.(dist,cdf)],type = 'l')
lines(results[nn %in% 13 & kk %in% 2,.(dist,cdf)],lty = 2)

### check whether for fixed n, the power is increasing in k ###

c_dt = k = k_vec, n = n_vec[n_vec >= 50], c = c_vec, alpha = alpha_vec))

for(cc in c_vec)
  print(paste0('c = ',cc,', alpha = ',aa))
  for(nnn in  n_vec[n_vec >= 50])
    for(kkk in k_vec)
      prob_dist_above_c = 1 - results[kk == kkk & nn == nnn][min(which(dist >= cc)),cdf]
      c_dt[k == kkk & n == nnn & c == cc , power := prob_dist_above_c]

for(cc in c_vec)
pp = ggplot(data = c_dt[n %in%  n_vec[n_vec >= 50] & c == cc],
            aes(x = k,y = power,color = factor(n),linetype = factor(n),shape = factor(n),alpha = 0.75)) +
  geom_line() + geom_point(size = 2)

pp = pp +ggtitle(paste0('c = ',cc))

ClaudioHeinrich/RankHistBins documentation built on March 11, 2020, 12:53 a.m.