
# importing the SST forecasts 1981:2019 and saving them

rm(list = ls())


# get the first ensemble member for the forecast:

mnum = 1

if(mnum < 10)
  mnumstr = paste0("0",mnum)
  mnumstr = mnum

ncname = paste0("./FCAST_082018/Mem",mnumstr,"")

#load the data:

nc = nc_open(ncname)

Lons = ncvar_get(nc,"lon")
Lats = ncvar_get(nc,"lat")
t = ncvar_get(nc,"time")
sst = ncvar_get(nc,"sst")

# convert time and get years and months:

t_new = as.POSIXlt(3600*t,origin = "2016-7-31 22:48:00",tz = "CEST")
months = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%m"))
years = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%Y"))

#pool everything into a data table

DT = list()
for(i in 1: length(t_new))
  timeslize = data.table(as.vector(Lons),as.vector(Lats), as.vector(sst[,,i])-273.15)
  setnames(timeslize,c("Lon","Lat",paste0("Ens",mnum) ))
  timeslize[,"year" := years[i]]
  timeslize[,"month" := months[i]]
  DT = rbindlist(list(DT,timeslize))


# for some reason there are location duplicates? Perhaps this has to do with measurements at different depths?

DT = unique(DT)

### do the same for the remaining ensemble members: ###

for(mnum in 2:15)

  if(mnum < 10)
    mnumstr = paste0("0",mnum)
    mnumstr = mnum
  ncname = paste0("./FCAST_082018/Mem",mnumstr,"")
  #load the data:
  nc = nc_open(ncname)
  Lons = ncvar_get(nc,"lon")
  Lats = ncvar_get(nc,"lat")
  t = ncvar_get(nc,"time")
  sst = ncvar_get(nc,"sst")
  # convert time and get years and months:
  t_new = as.POSIXlt(3600*t,origin = "2016-7-31 22:48:00",tz = "CEST")
  months = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%m"))
  years = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%Y"))
  #pool everything into a data table
  DT_temp = list()
  for(i in 1: length(t_new))
    timeslize = data.table(as.vector(Lons),as.vector(Lats), as.vector(sst[,,i])-273.15)
    setnames(timeslize,c("Lon","Lat",paste0("Ens",mnum) ))
    timeslize[,"year" := years[i]]
    timeslize[,"month" := months[i]]
    DT_temp = rbindlist(list(DT_temp,timeslize))
  DT_temp = unique(DT_temp)
  DT = merge(DT,DT_temp,by = c("Lon","Lat","year","month"))
  DT = DT[order(year,month,Lon,Lat)]

DT_fc = copy(DT)

########### forecasts done, move to hindcasts ############

# get the first ensemble member for the hindcast:

mnum = 1

if(mnum < 10)
  mnumstr = paste0("0",mnum)
  mnumstr = mnum

ncname = paste0("./HCAST_082018/Mem",mnumstr,"")

#load the data:

nc = nc_open(ncname)

Lons = ncvar_get(nc,"lon")
Lats = ncvar_get(nc,"lat")
t = ncvar_get(nc,"time")
sst = ncvar_get(nc,"sst")

# convert time and get years and months:

t_new = as.POSIXlt(3600*t,origin = "1981-7-31 22:48:00",tz = "CEST")
months = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%m"))
years = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%Y"))

#pool everything into a data table

ts = function(i){
  timeslize = data.table(as.vector(Lons),as.vector(Lats), as.vector(sst[,,i])-273.15)
  setnames(timeslize,c("Lon","Lat",paste0("Ens",mnum) ))
  timeslize[,"year" := years[i]]
  timeslize[,"month" := months[i]]

DT = parallel::mclapply(X = 1:length(t_new),FUN = ts,mc.cores = 15)

DT = rbindlist(DT)


# for some reason there are location duplicates? Perhaps this has to do with measurements at different depths?

DT = unique(DT)

### do the same for the remaining ensemble members: ###

for(mnum in 2:15)
  if(mnum < 10)
    mnumstr = paste0("0",mnum)
    mnumstr = mnum
  ncname = paste0("./HCAST_082018/Mem",mnumstr,"")
  #load the data:
  nc = nc_open(ncname)
  Lons = ncvar_get(nc,"lon")
  Lats = ncvar_get(nc,"lat")
  t = ncvar_get(nc,"time")
  sst = ncvar_get(nc,"sst")
  # convert time and get years and months:
  t_new = as.POSIXlt(3600*t,origin = "1981-7-31 22:48:00",tz = "CEST")
  months = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%m"))
  years = as.integer(format(t_new, format = "%Y"))
  #pool everything into a data table
  ts = function(i){
    timeslize = data.table(as.vector(Lons),as.vector(Lats), as.vector(sst[,,i])-273.15)
    setnames(timeslize,c("Lon","Lat",paste0("Ens",mnum) ))
    timeslize[,"year" := years[i]]
    timeslize[,"month" := months[i]]
  DT_temp = parallel::mclapply(X = 1:length(t_new),FUN = ts,mc.cores = 15)
  DT_temp = rbindlist(DT_temp)
  DT_temp = unique(DT_temp)
  DT = merge(DT,DT_temp,by = c("Lon","Lat","year","month"))

DT = DT[order(year,month,Lon,Lat)]

DT = rbindlist(list(DT,DT_fc))


# get grid map

grid_GCFS1 = DT[year == 2017 & month == 7,.(Lon,Lat)]

load(file = "../Derived/dt_combine_mr_wide.RData")

grid_NorCPM = dt[year == 1985 & month == 7,.(Lon,Lat)]

gm = contruct_grid_map(dt_ens = grid_GCFS1,dt_obs = grid_NorCPM)


save(gm, file = "./grid_mapping.RData")

### project on new grid

# easiest and fastest way is merging data tables:

# get all years in DT
ym = DT[Lon == Lon[1] & Lat == Lat[1],.(year,month)]
years = ym[,year]
months = ym[,month]


ym_ts = function(i)
  y = years[i]
  m = months[i]
  timeslize = merge(gm,DT[year == y & month == m,])

DT_new = parallel::mclapply(X = 1:ym[,.N], FUN = ym_ts, mc.cores = 15)
DT_new = rbindlist(DT_new)

#correct names and order

DT_new[,Lon:= NULL]
DT_new[,Lat:= NULL]
setnames(DT_new,c("Lon2","Lat2"), c("Lon","Lat"))

DT_new = DT_new[order(year,month,Lon,Lat)]

DT = DT_new

DT[, Ens_bar := rowMeans(.SD),.SDcols = paste0("Ens",1:15)]
DT[, Ens_sd := rowMeans(.SD^2 - Ens_bar),.SDcols = paste0("Ens",1:15)]

save(DT,file = "./DT_SST.RData")

for( i in 1:15)

save(DT,file = "./DT_SST_mean.RData")
ClaudioHeinrich/pp.sst documentation built on March 12, 2020, 3:15 a.m.