
Defines functions compute_model_estimates nc_estimate_outcome_links nc_estimate_exposure_links

Documented in nc_estimate_exposure_links nc_estimate_outcome_links

#' @title
#' Compute model estimates between an external (exposure or outcome) variable
#' and a network.
#' @name nc_estimate_links
#' @param data The data.frame or tibble that contains the variables of interest,
#'   including the variables used to make the network.
#' @param edge_tbl Output graph object from `nc_estimate_network()`, converted
#'   to an edge table using `as_edge_tbl()`.
#' @param exposure,outcome Character. The exposure or outcome variable of interest.
#' @param adjustment_vars Optional. Variables to adjust for in the models.
#' @param model_function A function for the model to use (e.g. [stats::lm()],
#'   [stats::glm()], survival::coxph()). Can be any model as long as the
#'   function has the arguments `formula` and `data`. Type in the model function
#'   as a bare object (without `()`, for instance as `lm`).
#' @param model_arg_list Optional. A list containing the named arguments that
#'   will be passed to the model function. A simple example would be
#'   `list(family = binomial(link = "logit"))` to specify that the `glm` model
#'   is a logistic model and not a linear one. See the examples for more on the
#'   usage.
#' @param exponentiate Logical. Whether to exponentiate the log estimates, as
#'   computed with e.g. logistic regression models.
#' @param classify_option_list A list with classification options for direct, ambigious, or no
#'   effects. Used with the `classify_options()` function with the arguments:
#'   - `single_metabolite_threshold`: Default of 0.05. P-values from models with
#'   only the index metabolite (no neighbour adjustment) are classified as effects if
#'   below this threshold. For larger sample sizes and networks, we recommend lowering
#'   the threshold to reduce risk of false positives.
#'   - `network_threshold`: Default of 0.1. P-values from any models that have
#'   direct neighbour adjustments are classified as effects if below this threshold.
#'   This is assumed as a one-sided p-value threshold. Like the threshold above,
#'   a lower value should be used for larger sample sizes and networks.
#'   - `direct_effect_adjustment`: Default is NA. After running the algorithm once,
#'   sometimes it's useful to adjust for the direct effects identified to confirm
#'   whether other links exist.
#' @description
#' \lifecycle{experimental}
#' This is the main function that identifies potential links between external factors
#' and the network. There are two functions to estimate and classify links:
#' - `nc_estimate_exposure_links()`: Computes the model estimates for the exposure side.
#' - `nc_estimate_outcome_links()`: Computes the model estimates for the exposure side.
#' @return Outputs a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] that contains the model
#'   estimates from either the exposure or outcome side of the network as well
#'   as the effect classification. Each row represents the "no neighbour node
#'   adjusted" model and has the results for the outcome/exposure to index node
#'   pathway.
#'   Columns for the outcome are:
#'   - `outcome` or `exposure`: The name of the variable used as the external variable.
#'   - `index_node`: The name of the metabolite used as the index node from the network.
#'   In combination with the outcome/exposure variable, they represent the individual
#'   model used for the classification.
#'   - `estimate`: The estimate from the outcome/exposure and index node model.
#'   - `std_error`: The standard error from the outcome/exposure and index node model.
#'   - `fdr_p_value`: The False Discovery Rate-adjusted p-value from the
#'   outcome/exposure and index node model.
#'   - `effect`: The NetCoupler classified effect between the index node and the
#'   outcome/exposure. Effects are classified as "direct" (there is a probable link
#'   based on the given thresholds), "ambigious" (there is a potential link but
#'   not all thresholds were passed), and "none" (no potential link seen).
#'   The tibble output also has an attribute that contains all the models
#'   generated *before* classification. Access it with `attr(output,
#'   "all_models_df")`.
#' @seealso `vignette("examples")` article has more
#'   details on how to use NetCoupler with different models.
#' @examples
#' standardized_data <- simulated_data %>%
#'     nc_standardize(starts_with("metabolite"))
#' metabolite_network <- simulated_data %>%
#'     nc_standardize(starts_with("metabolite"),
#'                    regressed_on = "age") %>%
#'     nc_estimate_network(starts_with("metabolite"))
#' edge_table <- as_edge_tbl(metabolite_network)
#' results <- standardized_data %>%
#'   nc_estimate_exposure_links(
#'     edge_tbl = edge_table,
#'     exposure = "exposure",
#'     model_function = lm
#'    )
#' results
#' # Get results of all models used prior to classification
#  # attr(results, "all_models_df")

#' @rdname nc_estimate_links
#' @export
nc_estimate_exposure_links <-
             adjustment_vars = NA,
             model_arg_list = NULL,
             exponentiate = FALSE,
             classify_option_list = classify_options()) {
        multiple_models <- compute_model_estimates(
            data = data,
            edge_tbl = edge_tbl,
            external_var = exposure,
            adjustment_vars = adjustment_vars,
            model_function = model_function,
            model_arg_list = model_arg_list,
            exponentiate = exponentiate,
            external_side = "exposure",
            direct_effect_adjustment = classify_option_list$direct_effect_adjustment
        ) %>%
            dplyr::rename("exposure" = "external_var")

            classify_effects(multiple_models, classify_option_list),
            all_models_df = multiple_models

#' @rdname nc_estimate_links
#' @export
nc_estimate_outcome_links <-
             adjustment_vars = NA,
             model_arg_list = NULL,
             exponentiate = FALSE,
             classify_option_list = classify_options()) {
        multiple_models <- compute_model_estimates(
            data = data,
            edge_tbl = edge_tbl,
            external_var = outcome,
            adjustment_vars = adjustment_vars,
            model_function = model_function,
            model_arg_list = model_arg_list,
            exponentiate = exponentiate,
            external_side = "outcome",
            direct_effect_adjustment = classify_option_list$direct_effect_adjustment
        ) %>%
            dplyr::rename("outcome" = "external_var")

            classify_effects(multiple_models, classify_option_list),
            all_models_df = multiple_models

#' @title
#' Main function to compute all the models between network and external variables.
#' @inheritParams nc_estimate_links
#' @param direct_effect_adjustment Argument for internal function. Character vector.
#'   Direct effect variables identified from a previous iteration of NetCoupler
#'   to confirm that no other links exist.
#' @param external_var Argument for internal function, use `outcome` or
#'   `exposure` arguments instead. The variable that links to the network
#'   variables ("external" to the network).
#' @param external_side Argument for internal function. Character vector.
#'   Either "exposure" or "outcome", to indicate which side the external
#'   variable is on relative to the network.
#'   - Exposure indicating the implied directionality is from the external
#'   variable to the network variable.
#'   - Outcome indicating the implied directionality is from the network variable
#'   to the external variable.
#' @seealso [nc_estimate_links]
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
compute_model_estimates <-
             adjustment_vars = NA,
             model_arg_list = NULL,
             exponentiate = FALSE,
             external_side = c("exposure", "outcome"),
             direct_effect_adjustment = NA) {

    # TODO: Use tidy eval style input for variables.
    # TODO: This check needs to be better constructed
    if (!any(is.na(adjustment_vars)))
    if (!any(is.na(direct_effect_adjustment))) {
        adjustment_vars <- stats::na.omit(c(adjustment_vars, direct_effect_adjustment))
    if (!is.null(model_arg_list))

    network_combinations <- generate_all_network_combinations(edge_tbl) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!.data$index_node %in% direct_effect_adjustment)

    external_side <- rlang::arg_match(external_side)
    formula_df <- generate_formula_df(
        network_object_tbl = network_combinations,
        ext_var = external_var,
        ext_side = external_side,
        adj_vars = adjustment_vars

    other_args <- list(data = data)
    if (!is.null(model_arg_list))
        other_args <- c(other_args, model_arg_list)

    pmap_dfr <- purrr::pmap_dfr
    if (!requireNamespace("furrr", quietly = TRUE)) {
        pmap_dfr <- furrr::future_pmap_dfr

    model_tbl <- formula_df %>%
            model_function = model_function,
            model_args = other_args,
            exponentiate = exponentiate

    tidied_models <- model_tbl %>%
            external_var = external_var,
            adjusted_vars = dplyr::if_else(
                paste(adjustment_vars, collapse = ", "),
        ) %>%
        dplyr::relocate(c("external_var", "index_node", "model_id")) %>%
        dplyr::rename_with(~ gsub("\\.", "_", .))


#' Classification options for direct, ambigious, and no effect.
#' @param single_metabolite_threshold,network_threshold,direct_effect_adjustment
#'   See the `classify_option_list` argument in [nc_estimate_links] for details.
#' @return List with options for the classification.
#' @export
classify_options <- function(single_metabolite_threshold = 0.05,
                             network_threshold = 0.1,
                             direct_effect_adjustment = NA) {
        single_metabolite_threshold = single_metabolite_threshold,
        network_threshold = network_threshold,
        direct_effect_adjustment = direct_effect_adjustment

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

run_model_and_tidy <- function(x, y, index_node, network_neighbours, model_function, model_args, exponentiate) {
    formula <- stats::reformulate(termlabels = x, response = y)
    function_with_args_as_list <- purrr::lift_dl(model_function)
    model_args <- c(list(formula = formula),
    function_with_args_as_list(model_args) %>%
        tidy_models(index_node = index_node, exponentiate = exponentiate,
                    network_neighbours = network_neighbours)

all_neighbour_combinations <- function(edge_tbl) {
    neighbours <- edge_tbl$target_node
    all_combinations <- lapply(seq_along(neighbours),
                               x = neighbours,
                               simplify = FALSE)
    unlist(all_combinations, recursive = FALSE)

tidy_models <- function(model_object, index_node, exponentiate, network_neighbours) {
    model_id <- ids::random_id(1, bytes = 8)
    model_estimates <- model_object %>%
        broom::tidy(exponentiate = exponentiate, conf.int = FALSE) %>%
        # Give a unique id for the model.
        mutate(model_id = model_id,
               index_node = index_node,
               network_neighbours = list(network_neighbours))

    # For now, this code increases computing time for not much benefit (that I see)
    # model_estimates %>%
    #     conditionally_add_model_summary(model_object)

conditionally_add_model_summary <- function(data, model_object) {
    if (!any(class(model_object) %in% c("lm", "glm"))) {

    if (requireNamespace("broom", quietly = TRUE)) {
        model_id <- unique(data$model_id)

        model_summary <- model_object %>%
            broom::glance() %>%
            mutate(model_id = model_id,
                   sample_size = stats::nobs(model_object)) %>%
            select(any_of(c("model_id", "r_squared", "adj_r_squared",
                            "df", "logLik", "AIC", "BIC", "sample_size")))

        summary_with_estimates <- data %>%
            dplyr::left_join(model_summary, by = "model_id")
    } else {
        rlang::inform("If you'd like model summary statistics like AIC added to the results, please install the broom package.")

generate_all_network_combinations <- function(edge_tbl) {
    split(edge_tbl, edge_tbl$source_node) %>%
        map(all_neighbour_combinations) %>%
            ~ tibble(index_node = .y, neighbours = .x) %>%
                dplyr::add_row(index_node = .y, neighbours = NULL)

generate_formula_df <-
    function(network_object_tbl, ext_var, ext_side, adj_vars) {
        xvars_prep <-
            list(network_object_tbl$neighbours) %>%
            purrr::pmap(c, adj_vars) %>%

        external_input <- switch(
            exposure = list(y = network_object_tbl$index_node,
                            x = ext_var),
            outcome = list(x = network_object_tbl$index_node,
                           y = ext_var)

        xvar_input <- list(external_input$x, xvars_prep) %>%
            purrr::pmap(c) %>%
            map(unique) %>%
            map2(external_input$y, ~.x[!.x %in% .y]) %>%
            # TODO: Is this fine?

        # Drop cases where neighbour variable is also adjusted for via direct effect adjustment.
        filter_pattern <- paste0(adj_vars, collapse = "|")
        filter_pattern <- paste0("^(", filter_pattern, ")$")

            y = external_input$y,
            x = xvar_input,
            index_node = network_object_tbl$index_node,
            network_neighbours = network_object_tbl$neighbours
        ) %>%
            dplyr::filter(!grepl(filter_pattern, .data$network_neighbours)) %>%
            dplyr::distinct(.data$x, .data$y, .keep_all = TRUE)
ClemensWittenbecher/NetCoupler documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 2:41 a.m.