
Defines functions matchCatToFeat scoreCatToFeat availableGeodataFeatures availableGeodata is.Geodata CrunchGeoCall multiMatchHelper addGeoMetadata

Documented in addGeoMetadata availableGeodata availableGeodataFeatures is.Geodata matchCatToFeat scoreCatToFeat

#' Geography properties for crunch variables
#' Crunch stores geographic data as variable metadata. There are a number of
#' functions that help access and change this metadata.
#' `geo` retrieves the geographic information associate with a variable.
#' If there is geographic information it returns an object of class
#' `CrunchGeography` otherwise it returns `NULL`.
#' `CrunchGeography` objects store geography metadata from a variable. There are three slots:
#' * `geodatum` an object of class CrunchGeodata which stores references
#' to the Crunch-hosted (geo|topo)json to use
#' * `feature_key` a character string representing the feature inside of the
#' (geo|topo)json which is used to match `match_field` (e.g. properties.name)
#' * `match_field` a character string representing the variable metadata information which is used
#' to match `feature_key` to (e.g. name)
#' @param x a crunch variable
#' @param value value of the geography property to set
#' @param ... for `CrunchGeography`, named arguments from which to construct a
#' `CrunchGeography`: `geodatum`, `feature_key`, and `match_field`
#' @param data for `CrunchGeography`, list of named arguments from which to construct a
#' `CrunchGeography`: `geodatum`, `feature_key`, and `match_field`
#' @return geographic information of class `CrunchGeography` (`NULL` if there is none)
#' @name geo
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' geo(ds$location)
#' geo(ds$location)$feature_key <- "properties.name"
#' geo(ds$location)$match_field <- "name"
#' }
#' @aliases geo geo<- CrunchGeography

#' @rdname geo
#' @export
setMethod("geo", "CrunchVariable", function(x) {
    var_geodata <- entity(x)@body$view$geodata[[1]]
    if (is.null(var_geodata)) {
        # if there's no geodata, return null.
    geo_object <- CrunchGeography(
        geodatum = var_geodata$geodatum,
        feature_key = var_geodata$feature_key,
        match_field = var_geodata$match_field

#' @rdname geo
#' @export
    "geo<-", c("CrunchVariable", "CrunchGeography"),
    function(x, value) {
        geodata <- list(geodata = list(value))

        ent <- setEntitySlot(entity(x), "view", geodata)
#' @rdname geo
#' @export
    "geo<-", c("CrunchVariable", "NULL"),
    function(x, value) {
        frmt <- wrapEntity("view" = list("geodata" = list()))
        crPATCH(self(x), body = toJSON(frmt))

#' Add geodata metadata to a crunch variable
#' If the variable matches a single geographic shapefile hosted by crunch,
#' `addGeoMetadata` will make the appropriate [`CrunchGeography`] to add to a
#' variable's [`geo()`] metadata. It matches based on how well the contents of the
#' variable match the feature properties that are in each shapefile.
#' If more than one property of the same geographic shapefile has the same
#' highest matching score, the first one will be used.
#' If more than one geographic shapefile has the same highest matching score, an
#' error will be printed listing the geographic shapefiles that matched.
#' Information from this error can be used to setup an appropriate
#' [`CrunchGeography`] by hand to connect a variable with the metadata needed.
#' @param variable a Crunch variable to use for matching. This must be either
#' a text or a categorical variable.
#' @param ... arguments passed on to [`matchCatToFeat()`] for example a set of
#' available geographic features as `all_features` if you want to limit the
#' number of features to be considered.
#' @return a [`CrunchGeography`] object that can be assigned into `geo(variable)`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' geo(ds$state) <- addGeoMetadata(ds$state)
#' }
#' @export
addGeoMetadata <- function(variable, ...) {
    match_field <- "name" ## TODO: should this be a param?
    # Validate
    if (!is.variable(variable)) {
        halt(dQuote(deparse(substitute(variable))), " must be a Crunch Variable.")
    if (has.categories(variable)) {
        cats <- names(categories(variable))
    } else if (is.Text(variable)) {
        cats <- as.vector(variable)
    } else {
        # TODO: find a better way to substitute on a varaible.
        # this returns the strings out of order if using `$`
            "The variable ", dQuote(deparse(substitute(variable))),
            " is neither a categorical or text variable."

    match_scores <- matchCatToFeat(cats, ...)

    if (max(match_scores$value, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
            "None of the geographies match at all. Either the variable is",
            " wrong, or Crunch doesn't yet have geodata for this variable."
    if (nrow(match_scores) > 1) {
        # if there is a single geodatum where multiple properties match equally
        # well then grab the first property and use that since they are likely
        # duplications of the same feature.
        if (length(unique(match_scores$geodatum_name)) == 1 &
            length(unique(match_scores$geodatum)) == 1) {
                "The geodatum ", dQuote(unique(match_scores$geodatum_name)),
                " has multiple properties that match the variable (",
                "). Using ", dQuote(match_scores$property[1]), "."
            match_scores <- match_scores[1, ]
        } else {
                match_scores, match_field, deparse(substitute(variable))

    match_geo <- CrunchGeography(
        geodatum = match_scores$geodatum,
        feature_key = paste0("properties.", match_scores$property),
        match_field = match_field

# format the error message when there are multiple matches
multiMatchHelper <- function(match_scores, match_field, quoted_var) {
    msg <- c(
        "There is more than one possible match. You will need to specify ",
        "the geography manually using one of the following ",

    calls <- apply(match_scores, 1, function(match_row) {
        # TODO: add coloring to this message when crayon is available
        header <- c(
                "To add the geography: %s\nmatched to the property: %s\n",
                match_row["geodatum_name"], match_row["property"]
            "set the variable's geographic mapping with following:\n"
        geo_call <- paste0("geo(", quoted_var, ") <- ", CrunchGeoCall(
        return(c(header, geo_call, "\n\n"))
    return(c(msg, calls))

CrunchGeoCall <- function(geodatum, feature_key, match_field) {
    return(sprintf("CrunchGeography(geodatum='%s', feature_key='properties.%s',
                   match_field='%s')", geodatum, feature_key, match_field))

#' @rdname crunch-is
#' @export
is.Geodata <- function(x) inherits(x, "Geodata")

#' @rdname geo
#' @export
availableGeodata <- function(x = getAPIRoot()) {
    return(GeoCatalog(crGET(shojiURL(x, "catalogs", "geodata"))))

#' Get the property features for available geographies
#' @param x an API root address (default: the R-session default)
#' @param geodatum_fields character, what pieces of information about each
#' geodatum should be retained? (default: `c("name", "description", "location")``)
#' @return a dataframe with all of the available features and
#' geographies for matching
#' @export
availableGeodataFeatures <- function(x = getAPIRoot(),
                                     geodatum_fields = c(
                                     )) {
    geo_cat <- availableGeodata(x)

    # grab each geodatum in order to get metadata
    # TODO: this should probably not be done through a series of GETs,
    # but the current API requires it.
    geo_metadatas <- lapply(urls(geo_cat), function(x) Geodata(crGET(x)))
    names(geo_metadatas) <- urls(geo_cat)

    out <- lapply(geo_metadatas, function(geography) {
        meta <- geography$metadata$properties
        lapply(names(meta), function(x) {
            # remove nulls
            values <- unlist(meta[[x]])
            values[is.null(values)] <- NA_character_
            data.frame(property = x, value = values)

    # remove any elements that didn't have any metadata
    out <- out[vapply(out, length, numeric(1)) > 0]

    out <- lapply(names(out), function(x) {
        dfs <- do.call("rbind", out[[x]])
        dfs$geodatum <- x
        dfs[paste0("geodatum_", geodatum_fields)] <- geo_cat[[x]][geodatum_fields]
    return(do.call("rbind", out))

#' Score similarity between a feature dataframe and categories
#' Implemented using the Jaccard index, where a number closer to 1 is
#' more similar.
#' @param features a vector of features to match (usually from a subset of the
#' output `[availableGeodataFeatures]`) with a single property for a single geodatum.
#' @param categories a vector of categories to match
#' @return the Jaccard index for the values of the property given in
#' feat_df and the vector of categories
#' @export
scoreCatToFeat <- function(features, categories) {
    feats <- unique(features)
    cats <- unique(categories)

    intersection <- length(cats[cats %in% feats])
    union <- length(union(cats, feats))

    return(intersection / union)

#' Match categories with features from geodata
#' @param categories a vector of categories to match
#' @param all_features a dataframe of all available geodata features. (default:
#' downloaded from Crunch servers)
#' @return geodatum to associate with the variable that produced categories
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
matchCatToFeat <- function(categories, all_features = availableGeodataFeatures()) {
    scores <- aggregate(value ~ .,
        data = all_features,
        scoreCatToFeat, categories = categories
    return(scores[scores$value %in% max(scores$value, na.rm = TRUE), ])

#' @rdname describe-entity
#' @export
setMethod("description", "Geodata", function(x) x@body$description)

# TODO: make feature_key()<- match_field()<- geodatum()<- methods with more
#       input checking
# TODO: make sure the full resolution jsons are available
# TODO: GIS opertaions (contains, union, etc.)
Crunch-io/rcrunch documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 11:13 p.m.